Prison Architect

Agreed, I fancy playing it, but it's not worth $30 it's not even worth $20
$10 max, when it falls substantially i'll picket up.
With the sheer quality of a lot of indie games released these days at the $10-$15 price mark there is no way I would pay $30. If they come to their senses and price it reasonably I would like to give it a go.
Just been playing it round my bro's. Its a addictive game thats for sure, plenty to do in it and im sure they will keep adding making it better.

Just the $30 tag again . hmm shall I do it .
Had a play on a mates version today. Will be interested in the final product but it has a way to go yet with bugs. Would prefer to play it when polished.

One thing I found annoying was the fact yoy get charged when building stuff even if you cancel the building before it even starts. I laid out a large design whilst the game was paused and decided to change part but didn't get refunded the cash. Very annoying for a building game if you can't lay building fortifications with the chance to cancel and get the money back before the building starts
$30 for an alpha guess introversion got greedy, hope its cheaper on release

the point of the $30 alpha was so that only dedicated testers would get it so that they would actually give feedback. so to put off people who would just grab a free beta and play it without giving the feedback the company needed.

pretty sure i saw interviews saying the actual release price will be cheaper.

Very annoying for a building game if you can't lay building fortifications with the chance to cancel and get the money back before the building starts
its in alpha?
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Alpha 6 released today.

= Prisoner Categories
All prisoners are now classified based on their risk level - Min, Normal, or Max.
Prisoner uniforms are coloured to reflect this: Grey, Orange and Red respectively.
Note: The Category of a prisoner is an ESTIMATE of their risk level,
based on their convictions. However their true risk is determined by their TRAITS

= Prisoner Traits, 'Rap Sheet' & Criminal History
All prisoners now have Bios that detail their criminal history, length of time in jail etc
Click on any prisoner to review his Rap Sheet.
Prisoners have (internal) traits which determine if they are violent, destructive etc
These traits determine the Prisoner's likely response to their needs not being met

= New Sector Categories
You can now set sectors to be used for MinSec or MaxSec prisoners in the deployment screen.
Note: This only affects prisoners cell assignment. They currently share all other rooms.
MaxSec or MinSec prisoners without cell space will overflow into the shared (White) sectors.
A Holding Cell is required as temporary housing to facilitate cell changes

= Intake Control
You can now control the intake of new inmates from the 'Prisoners Report' screen.
You can choose which categories you are open to, or stop receiving any new prisoners.
Note: Unavailable if 'Continuous Intake' is enabled; You will receive a random mixture

= The hunt for Stuck Prisoners
Several subtle bugs have been fixed which resulted in prisoners becoming stuck, shackled,
pushed into the wall, forgotten, or trapped in hospital beds. (Guards sometimes as well)
Prisoners who are trapped will now be escorted back to their cells by a guard.
Note: All entities need to be healed before they will be let out the medical ward, and
Prisoners need to have a cell to be taken back to.

- There is now some variation in the physical size of prisoners. Higher Risk prisoners tend to be larger

- Doctors will now heal injured people around them more reliably (within range 10 sq)

- The tape measure dragging sounds will no longer play unless you are laying out construction orders

- Building frameworks now look more 3d and cast shadows when under construction

- Links have been added to the Main Menu to access the latest version, legal terms & conditions and buy page

- Fixed a bug which allowed prisoners to glitch through doors when they were trying to escape,
making it quite a bit easier for them to succeed

- Fixed: The game would crash on loading or selecting a saved prison, if that prison had a
thumbnail image of width or height > 2048 pixels. (Happens if you are running at higher res, eg Retina)

- Fixed: You can no longer callout unlimited numbers of firemen

- Fixed: A dead or unconscious firemen will no longer drop/spawn his firehose continuously

Development blog

e: damn clicked on the wrong prison architect thread. self-reported
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I bought access to the alpha for this but never got around to playing it, got the email this morning about the new version. Is it worth playing or should I just wait until I get the full release, it seems like they are squashing some major bugs each time.
Alpha 9 released! I'm liking the look of the new features.

Central to the new version is the concept of Prisoner Employment, and we've been planning this feature for a long time. Prisoners can now perform a variety of jobs around the prison, saving you money on staff and raising money for you by selling goods manufactured by your work force. Prisoners can work in the kitchen, they can clean the prison, and they can work in the laundry and the workshop, both of which are new in Alpha9. They can also take visits from family members in the new visitation rooms.
I know it's still early but it just seems like it will never be much fun and even on the fastest speed setting a day takes forever
Game is fascinatingly addictive! Laundry room needs to be fixed before I sink more time into it though!
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