Prison Architect

Needs the bugs ironing out. You get money for prisoners even if they get no further than the prison gate to get in. Plus the building bugs are usually what mess my prison up.
Yeah I was going to buy it but then never got time, seems to have gone up a lot in price since then if I remember correctly.

Won't bother now until it's cheaper!
It gets a bit boring after you've done everything and money just takes too long to build up and you can't really go afk with it fast forwarded because you'll come back to a riot xD
Its a good game, ive ploughed about 40 hours into it since it went live on steam (hate to think how much before that). Each time an alpha comes out it is worth restarting your prison in order to see how the game has changed.

As for the twenty pound question; is it worth it in the current alpha state with strong rumblings from Chris Delay that the final release will be cheaper? I would say so, although be warned that there can be some show stopping bugs which come out in each alpha and you have to work around them. The idea behind making the game more expensive in beta was so they would only get people willing to actually test the game and help them make it better.
Got up to 50 prisoners now and no incidences after 40 odd days :) Only 5 guards used. I just make sure they're all happy as larry in their cell blocks and a bit of free time to do as they please. Plus several metal detectors..
I bought this before it hit Steam and my advice would be to hold fire as there are a heap of bugs still present and I expect the price will actually come down pretty fast once it's released as it's not really a $30 game ($15 would be about right). It's good fun at times but unless it really appeals to you then the quirks/issues will probably frustrate a bit too much right now.
Bought i9t int he recent steam sale as I thought it looked pretty good.
My god its still buggy as hell.

I have a load of prisoners that have RELEASED flashing under them, will they leave the prison? Not a chance, I've permanently opened doors, left them for ages and they still bum around the prison.

The speed of the game, needs a higher "fast forwards" feature.

The jobs Q is rubbish, they just seem to do what they feel like when they feel like it!

Was really unclear as to how to turn off prisoner intake too.
Sometimes prisoners won't do anything because they need to do something else first, I couldn't figure out how to get the prisoners to move after my first riot, then I noticed that thing in the corner saying 15 prisoners waiting for solitary that I hadn't built yet. :p

But yeah, it is quite buggy, but even so I still find it pretty damn fun. Once it gets to release version this game is going to be awesome. Don't regret supporting it early doors.
oops, so they need to spend their time in solitary before Im allowed to let them leave? lol
One dude is currently like 5 years over what he's meant to be ! :eek:
Won't playing early mean you wool have had your fill of it by the time it's released?

I'm not sure about that - I still play Theme Hospital on and off and I first played that back in '97, and this game is very much in the same vein. All it needs is a bit more polish and I can see myself coming back to this game again and again for many years.
Got this in the steam sale and am really enjoying it so far.
Started with a small prison just to get used to the different building requirements and rough sizes and am now working on a large plot of land with a view to build a huuuuge jail.

I loved Theme hospital back in the day and if they add some kind of career mode to this I can see me playing it for a very long time.
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