Pro Evo 6 - Xbox 360 League.

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Following on from the PES6 OCUK Cup Competition I organised last year comes the OCUK PES6 League! Unfortunately the cup competition came to an abrupt end at the quarter finals due to having abysimal support. I don't think a league can really get cocked up this time around.

Problem last time also was the amount of players who said they'd play and then couldn't be bothered to organise a match with their fellow players.

Please only put your name down this time around if your 100% bothered about playing. I know dannyjo, wedgie, mcdan1el are interested already.

The league will consist of how many players show interest here, it will just be like real life, you will play one game at home, the next away, you can play your games whenever, there are no fixture dates.

I will add more info as I get a rough figure of how many will play. In the mean time please register on and if want to participate add your gamertag and your pesrankings name below.


Its hard to please everyone, I could change it to nation if everyone is in favour. Pesrankings is the only suitable site to use unless there is others? I'm free to go along with anything but I won't bother organising anything if people aren't going to be happy.
thor said:
I'm not really sure why it has to be done through PESRankings and can't be managed directly on the forum, but I've signed up anyway.

Guys, if you feel like you can manage it yourself by all means give it a go, I am volunteering myself to organise this, I certainly don't have time to be chasing up everyone for results then inputting all the data on some program and then publishing it on the web.
Pesrankings makes everything a lot more straight forward, the relevant players can log onto the site, input their results, view league tables, upcoming fixtures etc. I know the site isn't the best but its a hell of a lot easier than us trying to manage the league.

But like I have said, if you feel you can do it, do it. :)

dannyjo22 said:
Does it matter if two people have the same team?

Nah, I'm not sure really why I asked people to tell me there team, you can choose whatever club team you want throughout the season.

I'll await a few more replies today and if everyone is happy I'll create the even on pesrankings for you all to join.
Pesrankings does all the that for you. Basically when you've played your game, you log onto pesrankings, go to events then the league your in, you will see "my results" you then enter the scores here, if you make a mistake the other player can dispute the score etc. Its all quite simple.

Once this is done the leagues are updated with goals for and against.

Simple :)
Right, head count! It scares me how many players there are (21) as I worry for peoples commitment after last time.

PLEASE opt out if you think your not going to be reliable ie to play games, communication etc.

Final list on 2nd page.
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ScarySquirrel said:
Sounds good to me. Can we just have it so you play your games as and when you can? We could prob get a lot done in one night if everyone is on.

How many players have we got so far? How many we going for?

Not hoping for a specific number, I'm suprised how many we've got, would have been nice to have 20 maybe. I will give it till tonight then create the leage for you all to join on pesrankings.

People have other commitments so the league will take some time, I just hope people don't lose interest and have decent comms with fellow players.

You can play your games whever, hell you could do them all in one night if you want! The best bet and I imagine what everyone will do is check the fixtures which will automatically be generated and contact them first, play your home and away game against them and move onto the next opposition.
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ScarySquirrel said:
Can you set a password to limit who joins the league?

I certainly can, will be a private league. I will post the password on here later on.

Any questions please ask now in regards to the league, aimed at everyone here.

Best ways to contact each other is email in trust, MSN or best Xbox live message, you will need to add your next opposition to your friends list to play them but they can be deleted once you've played the games. I don't have much friend space left!
Anders0n said:
Im in. :cool:

PES Rankings: Anders0n
XBL: Ander50n
Team: England

Was waiting for you to join. Nice one.

McDaniel said:
i am commited however i wnt be online till about 24th Feb or tehre abouts

Shouldn't be a problem, but I dare say there will be a lot of games played in the 10 days your not online so you'll have a busy schedule when back on live, you sure you can manage it / be arsed with it? You don't get achievments for playing ya know :p
Right, league entrants is closed :cool:

20 players, 38 games for you all to play.

Anyone want to pull out now before its too late?

Going to create the league on pesrankings shortly and post the password up for you all to join. I will send an invite to your pesrankings message inbox.
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