Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2016 Thread

28 Mar 2004
Newcastle upon Tyne
That time of the year again for the underdog to get a shot at the title it had for years:

£19.99 @

Link 1

Link 2

At least we'll get a better soundtrack than Fifa, and I for one will go for this instead of Fifa and its Ultimate Team nonsense, that has made teenager boys squeal like girls when they get Ronaldo in their pack.

Love the Master league still :)

Oh, it uses the same engine as Metal Gear Solid V!
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We shall wait and see, I'm going to investigate this "port" to PC business.

The PC version will have all the new features as even the PS3 version has, so up the resolution and other graphical settings and surely this will look as good as the PS4 @ 1080P, and better @ 4k.

I'm going to cancel my preorder, because of your constructive criticism, and wait for a demo or a review.

Good feedback, I just hope they do the PC version proud, they are using an engine that is so capable on the PC I just don't see why giving us a potentially higher quality(graphics) product then any of the consoles is a problem, surely it isn't hard!
Konami said themselves it's using a hybrid of the old engine and new engine or something along those lines. Where as the XB1 and PS4 both use the new engine.

Basically we lose out on some graphical effects etc... This reason alone is why I wont buy it sadly.

I used to love PES.

Have you got a link? Meantime I'll look at this myself, these games get developed on PCs for **** sake!

This explains that the PC is alongside the XBOX One and PS4 versions, and I reckon it will be. It's silly rumours and pirates that ruin sales of this classic footie game.
They all use the same Fox engine, they have done since pes 14. 16 will be just the same as 15 was, under the hood they'll be the same games but PS4 and XBONE will get the graphical bells and whistles while they don't bother for PC. It wouldn't surprise me if they remove a bunch of cut scenes like they did last year too, you had to re-enable them with mods.

Unless I see evidence I'm giving the benefit of the doubt to Konami. This means, cancelling my pre-order IF I can't find proof, either by demo,review or official statement. I can't believe they removed cut scenes, that's ridiculous, like I said this is developed on a PC. You sure it's not the millions of Fifa fanboys spreading rumours? Because these kids do stupid things like that.
It's not a rumour, here's the quote from Adam Bhatti himself

Which is essentially saying that the PC version lies somewhere in between PS3 and PS4. Notice there's still no sign of a PC demo and the game releases in a few days? I wonder why...

Oh and to the pirate comment... PS3 version has been available to pirates for days already, the piracy angle is just an excuse.

Have you got a link to the article with that quote please?
Cutting off your own nose there mate, just as I did last year.

I refused 'gimped PES 2015' and went for the full on next gen FIFA 15, £50 quid btw!

However despite the glitzy graphics I soon discovered that the game was utter horse Scheiße and went for PES 2015 on PC after all, which has proven itself to be a bloody tremendous game. I still play single player today...was playing it last night, and enjoying it a lot.

PES 2015 won its crown back last year according to many pundits, hopefully it will blow Fifa away this year because that is turning so many kids into idiots who use their parents credit cards in a frenzy to get "Messi" or "Ronaldo" for their ultimate team, a mode which I find boring in anyway.
Yep The video interview the quote is from is on the same page

Here he is on twitter saying essentially the same thing too and spinning it as giving the PC 'accessibility'. Read his replies to the comments where he gets snarky with people and also says that things like the lighting and textures are different from the PS4/XBONE versions.


The twitter thing was for last years version.

The quote from one of your links is what I was looking for.

"It is more like the PS4 version, it has a lot of the features from that" "It has a lot of the features from the xbox one version" "it will have all the Master League changes" The Master League is what I'm interested in.

I want dynamic weather, wet grass, free kick takers having their own style and % of success. Better GKs for penalties. A few other things that have not been mentioned.

The quotes suggest that it could be just the same or better then the next gen consoles if you look at it from one angle. I'm waiting for demo now, hopefully that will answer the gameplay questions I have. I've got the answer I want for the ML upgrade.

Thanks for the intel mate.
Obviously it cannot be the same as the PS4 or Xbox One versions as they have their own architecture, but missing out cutscenes last year has me slightly baffled.

I'm staying positive, but am in the process of cancelling my preorder as the PC Demo is coming out early, that tells me they are confident.

EDIT: I see the console versions already have their demo which is annoying.
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when is the pc demo arriving as i cant find any news on it yet?

Me neither, they said or he said(bhati) that the PC demo would come out earlier this year, well that's a load of ********. I have an xbox one so will try it out as to compare with PC when the demo eventually arrives.
The game releases in a few days in the US so I highly doubt we'll see a PC demo now. The console demo came out a month ago and at this point I can't help thinking that they have something to hide with the PC version.

Not a chance i'm pre-ordering it but i will keep an eye on reviews once it releases to see how it eventually turns out.

Yeah, a demo should be out it is not good PR. Cancelled preorder (well waiting to hear from cdkeys). Don't worry, I'll tell you how it compares playability and effect wise as I have an xbox one. He (bhati) confirmed that the ML has been fully implemented into the PC version, he better not be pulling my leg.

I've tweeted him, but don't expect a reply as he hasn't talked about the PC Demo on his twitter.
Strange, played the XB1 demo and it advertises the Havoc engine? At the very least it is using aspects of Havoc that either the Frostbite engine cannot do, or, well oh I don't have a clue.

I selected rain night match and it has great gameplay as usual. Won't get it on XB1, if PC version is watered down at all, which it doesn't sound like it will be, I won't be playing a footie game in the next year, except for Football Manager.
The recommended specs of a Radeon 4850, 2GB ram, 9GB HDD sounds a little last generation to me. Maybe that tells it all. Will see demo. CDKeys have still not issued a refund, they replied by giving me a link to the preorder page on my account. Hope their support is as good as what I've heard.
Best footie game I've played since World soccer Eleven on the Gamecube. Playing in 2k on the PC is pretty awesome. No idea why people would buy Fifa over this.
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