
Yesterday was:

Squat 5x5 42.5kg

Overhead Press 5x5 30kg

Deadlifts 3x5 55kg

I actually recorded the workout yesterday too! Unfortunately I did do it portrait because it fitted in the plates that way so helped aim it at me. I shall post the videos here and in the form thread. As you'll see if you watch the Overhead Press video, it kills me! Not sure if there was somebody there shouting at me if I'd do any better.

So, let's see how bad I'm doing.

/should be up in 5

Would it be worth recording tomorrows? (Squat, Bench Press and Barbell Rows)
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Can't view video properly because limited amount of data here, but the preview frame of the deadlift video looks like you are pointing your toes out and taking your grip on the bar way too wide.

Toes should be straight forward, definitely not out like you are standing, and you should grip the bar as narrow as you can without it getting in the way of your knees, so really just outside your knees - just make sure they have enough room between your arms to push out as the bar ascends. It also looks like you're bending your arms a little, they should be straight. This will probably happen when you take a normal deadlift grip.
Okay so I'm going to try and go to the gym in the morning tomorrow because I have to start getting ready for a wedding at about 10. If I manage to get myself down I will be taking advantage of the advice I've been given (will take brief notes).

If I don't manage to get down in the morning would you suggest dropping back a day with stronglifts? Don't really want to miss training but I've only got limited time and I presume there is a party or something following the wedding (it's my first ;))?
Missing the odd workout won't destroy your gains. Obviously try not to, but if you're otherwise consistently getting your 3 workouts in each week, then it's not a problem. You could either drop back a day, or count it as a missed day and continue on. Whichever is more appropriate for your schedule.

I presume I'd carry on as if I'd gone? Say I was supposed to do Squats, Overhead Press and Deads tomorrow and I missed it, I'd still be doing Squats, Bench Press and Barbell Row on Monday?

That's another point, is it worth me recording Bench Press or BoRs for evaluation?
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Right now I'm thinking of switching gym. The gym I'm going to I was getting for free but the dude running the place keeps changing his mind whether I have to pay or not and last Wednesday he said one of his friends (co-running it) says I have to. I spoke to the owner afterwards who says I can still train for free and if I have any issue go and get him.

The new gym has all everything I need; freeweights, machines *cough* and cardio machines as well as lockers and showers according to my friend. Plus there's that, I'd have a training partner! Something my friend said : "What will happen is, when you get your membership you will have an induction and all people have to have one to use the gym, and then you get your gym trainer! And they ask what your aiming for then they set you on a programme, and a book which you fill in everytime u go to show what youve done, and once youve filled your book up you can do what ever you want, and everynow and again you just talk to your trainer to check everything", I asked and he said you don't have to follow the plans or anything and with me currently doing Stronglifts I'm not sure what I'd want to do...I've always got you lot for help!

I sent off for the 'Free 5 Day Pass' tonight and I'm not sure how long that will take to go through/for them to contact me so I'm not sure if it's worth me going to my current gym tomorrow or not, worst case scenario is I'll have to pay for the week. What would you do? :S
Been invited in to the new gym tomorrow for a look around and presumably to begin my trial. Hopefully it'll have everything needed. From what I've seen it's a heavily cardio and machined based place, but I should hope they have racks and benches atleast...
Unless the gym I've been training at the past few months continues to let me train I don't think I'm going to be able to continue to use a gym. I do have the basic dumbells and a rather rubbish multi-gym in the garage but I wanted to ask for your advice.

I am willing to train calisthenics, go out running, that type of thing. I'd just like to know if it'd be worthwhile and if it would, what type of thing should I be doing? I don't have much hope regarding the gym but I don't want to stop training now. Main goal at the moment would be to get leaner and that bit stronger for Uni (if I get in). Will hopefully be able to get back to a gym in January if it doesn't work out, if not it will probably at the start of Uni. :(
Why can't you get to a gym? The gym is like a lab for the body, a controlled environment where you can train safely and use known values to test and make measurable progress.

You would still see limited progress with bodyweight exercises. Think pressups, pullups, squats (different kinds eg split, single leg, pistol etc), inverted row, dips. You won't make the same progress, but you can still definitely make gains if you know what you're doing and really want to.
Why can't you get to a gym? The gym is like a lab for the body, a controlled environment where you can train safely and use known values to test and make measurable progress.

You would still see limited progress with bodyweight exercises. Think pressups, pullups, squats (different kinds eg split, single leg, pistol etc), inverted row, dips. You won't make the same progress, but you can still definitely make gains if you know what you're doing and really want to.
I've done the calculations and I don't think I'd be able to afford it. I'm going to a Uni Open Day in October which will be a £100 trip, I've then got a birthday to buy for in October and December then there's obviously Christmas and college costs/supplies. After December I shouldn't have much to worry about other than a birthday in February and college stuff.

If I had a job it'd be a different story, but there's little chance of me getting a job back there.
Back to business!

Let's get started with a few statistics:
Gender - Male
Age - 17 (18 on 4th Mar)
Height - 5ft 5" approx (have to measure myself with a measure and wall)
Weight - 71kg approx
Body Fat - 18% (I use calipers)

So yes, I am a pretty short guy but maybe I have another growth spurt left in me, who knows.


My short term goal is to be stronger and leaner by Summer.

My long term goal is to be strong, lean and have a good conditioning as well as being able to perform well in marathons (maybe even things like triathlons). Being able to do above average (or better!) in events like TOTAL WARRIOR and SPARTAN RACE is very appealing to me. Joining the military also appeals to me but I'm not quite sure that's feasible. I understand this may take me a while.

I was hoping you guys would be able to help me out along the way by giving me advice, motivating me when necessary and helping me set goals (I don't always know what would be realistic).

Right Now?

Right now I 'm doing StrongLifts 5x5 which I'm sure most of you are familiar with. I've been back training since the 16th of December, 2013. The program alternates the workout, one session I do workout A and the next I'd do workout B.

Workout A:
Squats 5x5
Flat Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5

Workout B:
Squats 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5

So: Mon - A, Wed - B, Fri - A / Mon - B, Wed - A, Fri - B

Currents weight:
Squat - 80kg 5x5
Bench Press - 52.5kg 5x5
Barbell Row - 35kg 5x5
Overhead Press - 32.5kg 5x5
Deadlift - 60kg 5x5

On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I also do a 3 mile run which I'm hoping to extend or mix up over time.


The plan is to eat 5 meals per day, I'm currently trying to work up a two week meal plan so that I wont get as bored as easy. I would appreciate help writing the plan, I've also got to take into account I'm at college 3 days a week.

If I worked out my macros correctly, they should look like this:

Per Day:-
Calories: 2900
Protein: 145 grams
Carbs: 435 grams
Fat: 60 grams



Where Do I Need Your Help?

  • Food Plan

I'm hoping to post some videos for form check next week, my worst 2 will be deadlift and bent over rows I think, though when I squat I think my toes point up sometimes? I dont' think I've missed anything... only other thing I'd ask is acne and spot advice (face, back, neck, chest...), but that's not really relevant!
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As a reference, this is the type of meal plan I'm looking at, I'm thinking about starting out with 3 cheat meals a week?

First off, don't worry about fitness for the military: they are a bunch of overweight, fat slobs that sue the MoD if they are asked to do anything strenuous! ;)

Just kidding. :D

Regarding routine, Stronglifts is good.

Regarding diet, it doesn't look great as a starting point (really? Sandwiches? Jacket potatoes?), and three cheat meals a week is just saying that you are going to eat whatever you want, anyway. :) Which is fine, given certain criteria, but kind of defeats the object of what you're trying to achieve...

Secondly, your calorie total is (I am guesstimating) HUGE for somebody that wants to be leaner: if you are bulking for a couple of months, ok, but take it slowly. Given your age and quantity of circulating test, this has the potential to be awesome, but just keep monitoring your weight and how you look in the mirror.

Take a look at the diet thread for what you should be doing with your food, as it is great.

Finally, good luck: with your age, training plan, good coaching and a better (;)) diet, you could achieve some fantastic results, so good luck! :)
Haha! I don't actually think the fitness side of things will be the problem; right now I'm not 100% sure if I'm epileptic or what! It's a right pain in the bum. Right now, it doesn't look like I'll be able to join the military. :O

Haha, I knew the sandwiches wouldn't go down well, whenever I go to my Nans she doesn't bother asking and just makes me two! As for Jacket Potatoes, I thought they were good! Will definitely take a look at the diet thread. The cheat meals is something I've read in a lot of places, they seem to recommend starting with 3 and reducing it, but I've no issue going without if that'd work!

Yea, I was hoping to put on a bit of size but I didn't want to go on a proper bulking regime, I'm not sure if it's possible but ideally I want to be on a diet that enables me to maintain/reach a low-ish body fat yet still add muscle all year round? Bulking and cutting sounds rather grim to me! If it's any help, I used to calculate it, I believe I set it as clean bulk.

Thanks a lot!
If you're looking to gain muscle without 'bulking' you're in for a rollercoaster ride because it's a pretty hard thing to do.

If you're aiming for a 'lean bulk', as such, then you can generally forget about cutting down on your body fat, as - for most people - cutting body fat means calorie deficit... which generally means no mass is going to be gained.

Anyway, if you're looking at managing your diet, definitely check out the diet thread as Steedie is much better at this than I am. :D
Why does nutrition have to be a pain!

I mean ideally I'd like to look well all year round while being able to make decent progress at the gym, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to pull that off. If I could bulk in winter while looking then cut for summer I could probably work with that. I'd mostly be worried about gaining too much fat?

Focussing on my short term goal I think I'd like to be cut for the end of June, do you think bulking until the start of April and then cutting would work? Or is that too much cutting/bulking time? :S I would like to have a meal plan of sorts sorted by Saturday because that's when we do the shop, but I'm not entirely sure what the best approach would be right now! I think I need some help getting sorted foodwise, would posting in the diet thread or emailing Steedie be worth a go?

edit: I know people hate the term, but is 'clean bulking' a possibility or is that a load of tish tosh?
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Hehehehe... it is entirely possible to bulk slowly and - depending on your training history - you may be able to put a fair amount of muscle on for not much fat gain. However, this depends on a lot of different factors, including (but not limited to):

- macronutrient content (i.e. just eating Mars bars to achieve a calorific excess isn't going to work);
- hormone sensitivity (i.e. how efficiently does your body deal with sugar);
- exercises performed (strength training will only give you so much mass, whilst hypertrophy training is where you want to be);
- rest periods (sleep is actually quite important!).

Training history is important because noob gains play a huge role in initial swolification, i.e. where your body adapts to that initial hammering with both perfusion, vascular and glycogen storage gains for not too much fat. If you're an experienced lifter, then these gains are harder to come by. At the upper end of the spectrum, gaining lean mass without fat becomes more a challenge, and so you'll notice strongmen are quite 'fat' as a result (or one of the results, anyway).

These are only a few of the variables. However, you are young and full of raging test, so you will probably be more in line for noob-style gains than the rest of us.

So in other words, train hard and consistently, sleep well and keep your calories at a mild excess and see how you do. No gains? Eat more. Too much fat? Eat less. :) Whatever you do, keep your protein intake above 1.2g/kgbw to make sure your body has enough to play with.
Good luck with this :)

You're not too far off myself in terms of height and bodyweight (I'm'm a touch shorter and a few kilos lighter right now).
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