Back to business!
Let's get started with a few statistics:
Gender - Male
Age - 17 (18 on 4th Mar)
Height - 5ft 5" approx (have to measure myself with a measure and wall)
Weight - 71kg approx
Body Fat - 18% (I use calipers)
So yes, I am a pretty short guy but maybe I have another growth spurt left in me, who knows.
My short term goal is to be stronger and leaner by Summer.
My long term goal is to be strong, lean and have a good conditioning as well as being able to perform well in marathons (maybe even things like triathlons). Being able to do above average (or better!) in events like
SPARTAN RACE is very appealing to me. Joining the military also appeals to me but I'm not quite sure that's feasible. I understand this may take me a while.
I was hoping you guys would be able to help me out along the way by giving me advice, motivating me when necessary and helping me set goals (I don't always know what would be realistic).
Right Now?
Right now I 'm doing StrongLifts 5x5 which I'm sure most of you are familiar with. I've been back training since the 16th of December, 2013. The program alternates the workout, one session I do workout A and the next I'd do workout B.
Workout A:
Squats 5x5
Flat Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Row 5x5
Workout B:
Squats 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
So: Mon - A, Wed - B, Fri - A / Mon - B, Wed - A, Fri - B
Currents weight:
Squat - 80kg 5x5
Bench Press - 52.5kg 5x5
Barbell Row - 35kg 5x5
Overhead Press - 32.5kg 5x5
Deadlift - 60kg 5x5
On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I also do a 3 mile run which I'm hoping to extend or mix up over time.
The plan is to eat 5 meals per day, I'm currently trying to work up a two week meal plan so that I wont get as bored as easy. I would appreciate help writing the plan, I've also got to take into account I'm at college 3 days a week.
If I worked out my macros correctly, they should look like this:
Per Day:-
Calories: 2900
Protein: 145 grams
Carbs: 435 grams
Fat: 60 grams
Where Do I Need Your Help?
I'm hoping to post some videos for form check next week, my worst 2 will be deadlift and bent over rows I think, though when I squat I think my toes point up sometimes? I dont' think I've missed anything... only other thing I'd ask is acne and spot advice (face, back, neck, chest...), but that's not really relevant!