Project: 800Dizzle

looks good, is it cheating to use these ?

or do you have cables that you can buy already done ?
Ive got pre braided 24 pins and 2x6 pins on GPU
did all the others myself but its so time consuming id get them pre done if there available .
Just wish OcUK did them in red :(
It's cheaper to braid your own but sometimes you just wish you'd bought pre-braided. Mainly times where you run out of braid/heat shrink or its too small/big.

Also major message now in 1 hours time I'm starting the mod. Going to beast through it in a day most likely be finished around 9 (hopefully) so check back for the pictures. :)
Well it's finally complete, and it's taken me about 2 days to put it all together. Mainly due to a late start both days on the mod.

I'm loving the temps I'm seeing so far. I was idling at 36-40 36 being on a cool day and just under 40 on a standard day. Now my room is quite hot and it's idling at 34. Loving it.

What I must point out before I spam you with pictures is this...The XPS res Drive bays are a horrible fit. These things are terrible to fit in the case and trust me once their in they are damn hard to pull out. Now since they are so stiff to remove I couldn't easily fill my res so I had to separate them.

The second problem I ran into was my Pump tops. I originally found some information on a forum stating it would fit two standard (flat) Compression fittings. This was obviously a lie and now I need to invest in some (L) shaped fittings. Because of this I had to move one of the pumps and have my Optical Drive sticking out a little. Although given a week this will all be corrected.

Anyway I'm still pretty happy with this and how the cut turned out since no dremel was used, Just snips which are used for car body work. xD

Never the less I panel beat it flat filed it down and its very nice and smooth. Also It looks like I didnt get the last dye out 100% as its stained my water slight teal colour. Which I quite enjoy I can now read the levels on the front of my case. :)

Enjoy the picture. :)

























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Very neat work indeed, loving the white tubing. Why is the optical drive not put in properly?

Like I said above its because my pump tops wont fit 2 flat fittings on the front so I'm having to use the top part of the pump rather than the fronts this means the tubes get in the way of where I wanted the optical drive. It also means I had to move one of the pumps to the bottom of the case.

I'll have all this fixed next week when I get some more fittings. :)
looks great, shame to have a few niggles but its worth it
I found my dual bay is a great fit, no need to fix it, just stays in place which is just as well as the quick mounts dont work very well.

just drilled out my bottom for a triple rad ;


waiting on the fittings for the second pump

i had a dog to help me , but the cat looks happy!

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looks great, shame to have a few niggles but its worth it
I found my dual bay is a great fit, no need to fix it, just stays in place which is just as well as the quick mounts dont work very well.

just drilled out my bottom for a triple rad ;


waiting on the fittings for the second pump

i had a dog to help me , but the cat looks happy!

Looks great my dual rad dropped both my GPU's by 10 degrees so I'm sure your triple rad will Beast. Just a quick tip I'd measure up for some wood and spray it black just a small piece to prop up the bottom "shelf" that separate's the zones (mobo and psu). After about a day mine seems to have drooped a little. :)
my last 2 fittings didnt turn up yesterday, so still waiting
I left one side of the hdd in place and put the other side back once the rad was in place to avoid the droop ;)

my last 2 fittings didnt turn up yesterday, so still waiting
I left one side of the hdd in place and put the other side back once the rad was in place to avoid the droop ;)


Nice can you post a picture of the Gap between the PSU and Radiator. (Interested if its worth me getting another triple for the future.
Well here's a few readings now this is my room at standard cool temp during the day.

This is my idle temp pretty much just me using Itunes and browsing the internet.

And this is me at standard load. I am listening to music using photoshop and playing Counter Strike Source.

My CPU never really tends to go over 30% so this is a pretty accurate reading. What I can say is this when my room is really hot it idles at 34 Degrees and at load (30%) it's 48 degrees. So I'm pretty happy with these temps.
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@ Skeng could you post a pic of temps on 100% load say from Prime use please would be interesting to see what temps you get seems like you got a good clocker there..
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