[PROJECT] Airbrushed 'Bioshock' TJ-07

Top work Rick!

Sorry about the masking tape/balance/airbrush/needle bending incidents! Reminds me of my own frequently top notch luck. :( ;)

Looking just as awesome as expected though. :cool:

Awsome work on the Photo, i love the curled up edges, and just the sharpness of the text.

its really nice to see this project progress :)

keep up the good work.
Oh man, i feel terrible!

I was painting an Acrylic desk surface about 4 weeks ago. I'd rubbed it down with that primer you use to give the paint a surface to grip, and masked it off in a pretty simple pattern using B+Q Mask, painted it all... and when i pulled the mask off, it lifted tonnes of paint with it. I was so mad i just took a sander to the thing and now it looks like a white desk covered in brown dust.

I didn't even think to tell you. Balls.

I hope i'm wrong that you've lost that whole big daddy picture right? that's not the case is it...
Oh man, i feel terrible!

I was painting an Acrylic desk surface about 4 weeks ago. I'd rubbed it down with that primer you use to give the paint a surface to grip, and masked it off in a pretty simple pattern using B+Q Mask, painted it all... and when i pulled the mask off, it lifted tonnes of paint with it. I was so mad i just took a sander to the thing and now it looks like a white desk covered in brown dust.

I didn't even think to tell you. Balls.

I hope i'm wrong that you've lost that whole big daddy picture right? that's not the case is it...

Yea, i dont know why i usedit to be honest, I only normaly use if for general purpose stuff, or nothing to to with masking ( come on... who uses maskign tap 100% for masking? we all use it to make lables and pack parcels... dont ...we ? lol)

I Normaly use 'transfer' paper, which is just low tack masking tape that somes in widths of feet, not inces lol.

I havnt lost the big daddy image though ! christ i would be gutted if that happened !

see the yellow tape in this image... This is where the B and Q tape was. High tack maskign tape is okay, but that stuff is a different type of tacky... its more like gaffer tape!

It pulled the paint so i had to nitro mors that part of the case, back to metal ( even a small amount of pulled paint ruins is, so you have to start from scratch) Re primed, re sanded, re basecoated, and re painted. :(

if 3M products were a little easier to get hold of ... :(
if 3M products were a little easier to get hold of ... :(

Hah yeah! I found my sister's cache of 3m left over from her Graphic Design course, it was awesome to work with. Not just tape either, but spray mount and all sorts. Bloody expensive though. I guess, like anything, you get what you pay for.

Ah well. In a way i'm glad you made this mistake now, and not previously or later on, when it could have been a lot worse.

Awesome work in the update aswell, i forgot to mention. You know sometimes I log on just to see if you've done any more :P
I didn't think masking tape would pull paint that easily, is it because it hadn't hardened fully?. Ive just got some blue 3m masking tape from ebay for my car, seems like good stuff but dear as chips :(.
haha thats pretty funky, im sure if i made that it would get stuck in my pocket and if never be able to get it out again!
Look, i know it's off topic but why do people type their aliases by hand in each of their posts to finish it? Your alias is to the left of every post, you also have a signature for this.

It really confuses me :/
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