[PROJECT] Airbrushed 'Bioshock' TJ-07

My only comment would be I think the RB customs logo inside is too in your face and ruins some of the lovely rust effect you did ...I think smaller or more subtle would be better .

god if i was him i'd have my name all over it, you don't want it to be subtle....that's something to be proud of!!
Looks great:cool: I really like what you,ve done...Look forward to seeing it cleared :)

My only comment would be I think the RB customs logo inside is too in your face and ruins some of the lovely rust effect you did ...I think smaller or more subtle would be better .

It was the only chance i got to have it 'in yer face'

This way photo's of the case with no system in it will carry my name and will be hard to miss.

don't forget that theres a motherboard that sits right over that logo. . . once the case is used you wont be able to see it ;)

case is all wrapped up and going fro clear TOMORROW ! ! !
Have you considered approaching gaming events/LANs and selling off some of your work and becoming known? You have real talent, and should seriously be allowed to make the most of it. Not sure if its what you want to do forever, but I would seriously try to get employment or startup your own business in custom airbrushing or something. Those skills are one of a kind. A lot of people I know would say that work was well geeky (non computer enthusiasts I mean) - I say its amazing work.
Awesome stuff as always RB :)

To all the people asking about price, I got a hint of a reply in a past RB thread, if your having to ask, you can't afford it.

Can't wait to see the finished case, and looking forward to you Crysis project :D
that's dam good dude i thought you did that with a MOJO pen at first but i see your using a IWATA

what paint did you use Auto-air or uro's

Uro's :)

PinkFloyd said:
Awesome stuff as always RB

To all the people asking about price, I got a hint of a reply in a past RB thread, if your having to ask, you can't afford it.

Can't wait to see the finished case, and looking forward to you Crysis project

:) This guy speaketh the truth. I cannot answer any questions on here guys, Please don't ask.

Everythign is being clearcoated now, should be ready by wednesday / thursday :D
I'm excited
philstanbridge and you would have made an interesting team ;)...

Shame about EP...

Better have a project log on Custom PCs webby too :)

@ RB - what is your main job? Is this your hobby or just a trade skill you use day in day out - like to know how youve gotten so good...

ps3ud0 :cool:
One of those moments when you realise that some people really are amazing, and the rest of us follow mouths wide open.
absolutely stunning! jed shields' sig lady that is... who is she?

Is it wrong that i read this as 'Absolutely stunning Jedi Sheild Lady that is... who is she'

Sound like a Yoda quote.....

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