[PROJECT] Airbrushed 'Bioshock' TJ-07

Wonderful work Rick!

Not cheating at all... i used my data projector to project an image of some anime characters on my GF's PC and it worked very well. As you say, there's limited detail which means you have to work pretty hard to fill the remaining space in freehand! That alone takes a lot of time and skill! ;)

Love your work fella... inspiring! :)


Yea, its great for giving a 'general idea' I had to make all the dark areas up by just looking at a reference picture and filling in the spaces... obviously projecting a mainly black image onto a black case isn't the easiest thing to do in the world!

Tonight was interrupted by a few things so tomorrow i should be cooking with gas and get a real move on

Once again, fantastic work, and only with 2 colours :eek:

If you want to call em colours he he

The airbrush does all the work :) the paint is mixed 'dangerously' thin - as in so thin that if you **** up for a moment, you get a nice splat of paint that looks like a polo mint! Painting like this is not big, and its not clever lol.

Because of this, the paint forms its own grades of colour. If i were to spray that same 50-50 grey onto white paper it would look dark. Spray it onto black and it looks white.. so just wait til i get the the actual highlighting with white stage!

The black is used, as i said to kill the over spray and define the edges a little. very little has been used so far.

I'm off to bed now guys, see yal tomorrow!


p.s viper... who is that in your sig?
Wow, just wow!

Absolutely stunning, after looking through this thread i had to spend the next 30 mins looking at all your other threads and projects!

100% talent, amazing stuff, glad to see your using it and putting it to good use :D

Is this what you do for a job?

Gl with completing the project, cant wait for the updater!

I do this on the side, as i already have a full time job. So when i have a project on the go, i pretty much paint from 6pm onwards.

Glad your enjoying it!

First update of the night, after this I'm going back to work and do some more.


There are some parts of these images which look like mistakes, and look completely wrong. Don't worry, they are not wrong as such, just not finished!

I am still onto the first 50/50 grey layer of paint, and because of this, some parts ( eye socket) look terrible at the moment, I can see how to some it looks kinda finished, but it is no where near!

Starting to define the eye socket a little more with black, this are is going to receive a lot of attention later on, so looks bad at the moment.
I have also started the refine the hairline / face a little too

#2 Starting to fill some areas of the glove hands, these will receive more attention later too, make them look really old and work, with the stitching showing - this if you like is just the under painting of it all.

more work on the glove, and starting to suggest some hair

A little work on the lace parts of the dress, more work ont he glove and more added hair. Also i have starting to suggest where the folds in the dress will be.

Lastly i can share a little bit of technique, This is the shade of grey that i a using, its quite dark - although it shows up almost white on the black panel. from this i will go 75/25 white/black, then 100% white
and also 25/75 white/black, then 100% black

Heres is the same colour on a white support.
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Last one for tonight, i need sleep :|

Ive started to put some shape into the legs and the rest of the dress as i didn't want to do too much at one end of that section, in case it all got thrown off balance.

Ive went back in with a little more black to pick out parts of the gloves and push parts of the face back also.


good night!

Wow that looks supremely good!

you going to use any other colors for this mod?

i would have thought using the same gray color all the way through but putting some musty yellow coming out big daddy's visor, but your the creative one so put me in awe! :D

yes yes,

This black and white painting i just the start. Colour gets added over this later on. Its a bit like re-touching a photograph :)

the colours wont be that strong though, mainly dark blues and greens.
do you sell your cases?

If i told you, I would have to kill you

Update anyone?

SO tonight I have been working on the little angel again, and the gloves. This time concentration on the left glove ( our right ) And on reviewing the pics ive spotted a mistake I've made already lol

I have also added more to the dress, and the legs are almost finished too.

The first stage of the lace trim around the bottom of the dress has been started too ( those weird looking bright dots)

I'm working on this til late tonight so may have another update later on. don't think i can do any tomorrow night as im working late and have a girlfriend that is due some attention!

Started to rough in the glove


Stronger highlights on the face have been added, and a little more detail to the hair

start of the lace, and more detail in the glove

Legs almost done!

Now, i know this was meant to be freehand , but within freehand airbrushing comes occasions when a little bit of masking must be used! this is one of them, and there will be more.
It is a leather belt / strap on the Big Daddies arm that i really want to look good. If must be masked so i don't screw the legs up with over spray.
4Qman, fully star your swearies mate... or you'll end up with a holiday!

And guys, please Don't ask me about 'business' related things on these forums please. Its very awkward, and not polite. They're OCUK forums at the end of the day, these project logs are just for showing people something a little different. Not for personal gain.

And Mitch, My day job is just as exciting as this :D but I cant tell you that either! he he
small update before i hit the sack

***edit*** Excuse the crappy photo's, there was a load of paint int he air and the flash just loves to pick it up!

Just some detail of airbrushing one of the shoulder plates. What you see here is just the basics of it, only one colour here so far. so again - i aint quite there yet... only posting it to show a bit of masking technique.






and as it is now:

Cookin' on gas now fellas!
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I was just looking through old copies of magazines and I found a build that you made shown on custompc.

And you really don't have luck with printers, this time your printer cable goes walkabout, that time your printer was broken.

You have a talent both for air brushing and writing in forums, you give us just enough for us to be begging for more.

Keep up the good work on both counts.

ha ha, cheers mate!

I should have have been a bit more on the ball when i realised every shop i walked into had a pile of epson RX425's the size of gibraltar, all telling me they were the best printers ever and wanting to sell me one! . . so i bought one. It is the bane of my life that thing is!

might not be another update until around the weekend. My dad asked 'are you at work on saturday' this morning so i guess that means he has jobs for me :( lots to do! so little time.

long storys always the best :)


Okay then.

Well, Ive been grinding away again this weekend and I'm pleased to say that the side panel is pretty much finished :)

I'M not going to add the colour until the res of the case is ready for colour though. SO only black and white for now.

So I learned one thing last night - Don't paint at 2AM, or was it 1AM ? I'm not entirely sure as the clocks went back.

I'm leaving the little angel and the big daddies arms alone this time, and concentrating on the helmet.
the thick end of yesterday was spent finding a decent way to do the tubes that attach to the helmet. A little bit of artistic license ( that is the posh way of saying making it up ) had to come into play as the reference picture is a little lacking in information for the round part where the tube goes into. So I have just painted it to give the effect. Its not a 100% match to the original, but sometimes with pieces like this. it looks better if its a little different.


It all looks a little rough here, the round parts are defined later.

A little bit of fine line tape helps me create the shape of the helmet and provide a hard edge to spray against. Again It's just basic shapes we're after here.

Now this is when disaster struck.

In case you missed it

Now believe it or not. This is not such a bad thing. It could have been worse though !
The best thing to do in a situation like this is to just leave it to dry. If i was to follow my instinct and wipe it it would have been well and truly ruined! SO i just carry on painting and come back to it the next day and simply sand it off.


working on the right hand side of the helmet now and adding some texture to the helmet too. You will notice the rough shape of the pressure gauge on the tank. I was never sure if i wanted to put it in or not so i only ever roughed it in... Now you see it...


Now you don't. :) Much better Don't you think? - that whole artistic license thing again :)

I need to sort that bit ont he top of the helmet out too :)

I have also decided not to include any of the windows and architecture in the scene. The reason for this is simply that when i put the panel onto the rest of the chassis, all of those window panel lines and metal bars would have to 'go somewhere' So i am just not including them.

Now what i tend to do now on a project like this is to finish off any major parts of this panel, then put it to one side and come back to it at the end.
When you have been starting at the same piece for days on end. you tend to miss mistakes... SO after a few days of not looking at it. when i go back to it any mistakes will stand out and i can correct them and put the final touches onto the artwork

Next stage..

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Well, since you mentioned it,

I have already been in contact with EA about the crysis case I'm going to be doing. which may be used by another company when it is done. and they pretty much said that they wouldn't take any action against it. because " at the end of the day its free advertising for us- unofficially we cant tell you you can do it, but unofficially just do it . Nothing will happen against you"

It is indeed free exposure for the game and you can hardly argue that I am making money from another person, or persons image ( which would be owned by the publisher rather than an individual) As i am being payed for my time and skill - not the content :) And costs don't vary for if i have sat and designed the image from scratch my self ( like the reaper case) or used a reference. Its all the same.

Now the hardest part is that the type of work I do, and this goes for a lot of airbursh artistr's all over the place is that people normally come with reference pictures that cant be ignored. You cant just say ' I'm sorry i cant do that unless you own the image' you have to give the customer what they want. I cannot re-design the image which obviosly means so much to them and represents so much.
" i want a tattoo of a rose...
Well you cant, I'm sorry... your not allowed. You can have a daisy though" :eek:

I suppose i could have made a 'aquashock' case with 'big snappies' and 'small angels' and any other things i can think of to get around it. -but it would be crap. - It wouldn't be a bioshock case!

When i started painting the bioshock case, it stared out just like the reference. But as time went on I give it my own breath of life and my own style and touch. I have took things away and added stuff that wasnt there int he first place. I have changed things around etc. So it is similar to the reference but not the same.

When we talk about copyright issues going to courts and Microsoft not taking breaches easy, we are talking on a grand scale. It is a fine line but its just not worth it for these companies to chase people. How bad would it look if game publishers suddenly started cracking down on 'fan sites' who use theh game's name, logo's, and material ! As long as it is in good fun and not for mass money spinning, and of course in some way benefits the publisher then in their eyes - its all good!

If a local Pizza shop suddenly decided to call its self domino's and use the same logo as domino's and the same packaging. and generally trying to make themselves look like domino''s then you have a case. Even then it would take years and a hell of a lot of expense for the big company to do anything about it ! One guy in his workshop with an airbrush promoting the game aint gonna have that much of a negative impact :)
so in short... there arnt really any copyright issues here.

Hope this helps :)

Hey fella, cheers for taking the time to reply, and please don't think I was trying to have a dig or be a clever arse!! :)


this kind of thing gets asked quite a lot. Its a bit of a grey area, even when you ask the publishers... you still don't get it in black and white.
Awesome work, it's looking great. I real;ly wish I could get into something like this. I'm an arty person but just don't have the influences around me to act upon it. What kind of kit would get me started with something like this?

Also, I spotted this last night:

Crysis Case

That's some tidy work!

I know I know...

I was pretty gutted when I saw that as i have an Eclipse 62 sitting waiting for that exact image lol. It couldnt be nearer to what i was planning if It tried.

Im still goign to do a Crysis one, probably use the same image but a much tighter crop and on a different back ground. the hexagonal texture looks fun to do :D

let me finish the bioshock one and then crysis will be next :)

oops looks like somebody is in trouble ...

Crysis Airbrushed Silverstone TJ09


Temporary Removed due to copyright issues, will re-post as soon as possible

wowsers hope it aint too serious.

Yea i noticed that too...
FUnny thing is I have been in contact with EA already with regards to the crysis case that i will be doing... They were pretty sure that nothing would be done against me. So i dont think that it is EA who have chased him but the forum admins?

That guy explained that it has been followed by EA but removed until they paint the trade mark's crytek logos etc etc onto it.

Funny though, after our little talk about copyright :)


My internet at home is down until nov 6th :(
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Still no internet at home... the projrct is coming alomng though, i have finaly decided on a design for the rest of the case.

It was harder than i had planned dues to the complete lack of surface area on the other 3 sides of the case!

I photochopped what i thought would look nice and i have set about creating the masks.

Updates as soon as I have my connection back :(

p.s does anyone know the font for bioshock? not the logo but like the header on the culd of rapture ?

Double edit:
found it - "Avenida"
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The week from hell:

Well the lack of updates has been for a few reasons, firstly my internet was down and then things decided to go from bad to worse…

I was painting the main section of the case, finished the photograph which you will see later… pulled the masking tape off to finish the design and… well to cut a long story short, my bin is now full of unused B and q masking tape rolls!

Then I had to use ‘the N word’ ( Nitro mors) and pretty much start from scratch on the mid section.

How could it get worse?

Shortly after this, I was putting the case back onto the bench, lost my balance and nocked my airbrush off its stand, so now I have a bare metal case, and an airbrush with a 90 degree bend in the needle, and a potentially ruined fluid nozzle to boot ( these 2 parts cost more than the average beginners airbrush to replace! ) I’ve now been waiting days for a spare needle to arrive, so in the mean time I managed to find an old needle that is a little worse for wear, but kinda works. So I have been using that.

SO on with the update?
I cant really undertake any serious work on this case until my airbrush is 100%, Its not worth it!

Ill start from where I left off.
The side panel with the mural is nearly done. All colour to the whole case will be added at the very end. Up until now its all black and white.

The rest of the case has proved a little difficult to decide on a design. The problem is that there’s just hardly and space to work on.
I quickly mocked up the case and heres what I have so far.


I decided to play bioshcok form the start again, as this is where the strongest images are. From this I took the city scape of Rapture from the pause menu, and some images from when your first in the elevator going under the ocean.


Remember this from the area where you first get the plasmids?

The ‘welcome to rapture is masked in negative, so when the mask is pulled it looked like this:

Going back to the scene in the elevator, I remembered that slide show that Ryan shows, and the photo that sticks in your head “from the desk of Ryan”

Now this is the point where I had the problems, during which time my brother decided to borrow my camera and I forgot to change the settings back to how I needed them. So some of the pics are a tad poor in places.

Again, I cant finish this bit until I get my new needle! Which is why the guys face looks a little off. But this also has a lot to do with the photo’s
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