Project AMD Skeleton

Nothing new to report! Dad is planning to bin everything out of the garage into a skip at some point. Basically, it's a wasteland at the moment so can't get in there to get anything done. :(

In the meantime, i've been looking into getting some braiding for the PSU and other cables. Any chance you can help with the braiding question in my previous post? Much appreciated.
Evening all!

This update has been long overdue. Work has continued on the case, in small amounts. Here is the current state of things:

GFX Card Cooler Replacement




Fitted a set of aftermarket coolers to my 6970's before I pulled the case apart again, working brilliantly. More than halved my running temperatures, plus you can barely hear them!

Case Stuff




Painted the front panel and the fan cowling in black so far, looking pretty good if I do say so myself. The side frames are still in primer, awaiting a coat of black. Picking up some LED's very soon to get to work on the CPU and HDD fans, and i'll be ordering some braiding to do the PSU sometime next week. Oh, and not forgetting the green Anti-Kink coils. As a friend of mine says, I think this is going to look the hound's knackers!

More updates soon, watch this space!
Glad to see this back on the front burner.

Great thing about this case is that you can mod it while you're still using it.

Mod on Matey
A quick update without pictures at the moment as I'm too lazy to upload them!

The main body of the case has now been coated in black and is awaiting lacquer. Tried some of the lacquer on the front panel piece last night, hopefully looks ok when I have a look at it tonight,

Got the Big Boy fan painted in white, need to mask up the CPU and HDD fans now and do the same.

After that, gonna wire in some LEDs to these fans courtesy of Teal'c s guide, braid everything and then back together again! Will update again soon with some pics.
Some pictures of the progress mentioned:

This has turned into my guinea pig piece, always gets painted first! Looks quite good I reckon. The light makes the sand lines look way worse than they are.

Had a bit of an accident on the cowl, noticed some crap that had appeared on it, so end up putting finger prints everywhere. :( Hopefully won't look too bad when I re-do the gash areas.

Here's the main fan, now in solid white.

Here are the other fans that still need to be masked and painted. These are both getting custom LED jobs once painted up.

More to follow as things progress.
That case is best left in pieces!! I really hate them!

I guess it just takes a certain level of patience and skill to work with them. Maybe that's why all of us in the skeleton club like it so much.

Hey B1ng I must admit that I am a wee bit jealous of that video card setup!! two 6970's with twin acceleros!! madness I hope the top fits over it! If you need some inspiration here are a few guys rigs from the "Antec Skeleton Owners Club"

Heres mine

G-Dubs has done three already!!! Couldnt find the first one that got me started though.


Theres a few different ideas here as well...dont know why I didnt post there!
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AH, the Skeleton club. :) Hopefully this will be acceptable to allow my passage into such hallowed grounds!

I have had a worry in the back of my mind since I fitted those coolers, be interesting when the thing gets put back together I reckon. I must admit i've been struggling to get the hours in on this. As my paint booth is standing out in the back garden, i've been thwarted most evenings recently by typical english rainfall. :(

Really don't get these guys that try to spread hate, particularly when it's only a PC case!
A quick question; any of you guys with a Corsair Modular PSU? You'll notice from assembled pictures the Power cables to the first card. Any of you managed to braid these or make them look better? Due to the rubber things near the top, it doesn't look like you can, unless i'm mistaken?
Is that all it is? Just a wrap holding the wires together at the business end? Presume you can then split the individual wires apart? I have plenty of the spare ones, so it won't be the end of the world if I damage one of them.
Yea it just thick heat shrink with a adhesive on the back side holding it to the wires. I cut all of them with a big knife, trick is to slide the blade in under with the sharp side facing the back of the heatshrink. It will never be the end of the world, were diy'ers if you do mess it up you will find out how to fix it.
Indeed we will fix it!! Will give this a go when my braiding turns up, will post some pictures when I do.

The weather has unfortunately hampered my painting efforts again, got the main cowl touched up from the screw ups, got nearly all the main body pieces finished. Have masked the fans shown earlier up ready to paint. More to follow.
I'm getting there! All black parts of the case are now complete, I will re-assemble and take some pictures soon. As far as painting goes, I just need to finish the 2 small fans shown earlier.

I have ordered some braiding which hopefully will arrive sooner than later, and then it's a case of cracking on with fitting it all back together!
This isn't going well at all. I'm totally bogged down in the Braiding of my PSU, and am not going to get anywhere fast. Having major trouble getting the pins out of the connectors, to the point where I can't get most of them out.

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