Project AMD Skeleton

I resorted to staples after my pin remover broke. I would take three staples and take the bend out of one side on each. Then I stuck 1down in one side and two in the other, just fiddled with it until I got the feel of it.
I have one of the tools, managed not to break it yet despite my raging heavy-handedness. Some of them just seem to pull out with very litle force required, and others just will not budge.

Might have to try the staple method and see if that works, but i'm very much open to suggestions! Really starting to want it back together now, as all the painting and fan work is done.
For the ones that won't budge, put your pin romover in there and a staple on one side, that is what I was doing before I broke it. Its a pain in the arse but it has to be done. What color sleeping are you using?
Bah, I'm not winning still. The stubborn ones still won't shift, even using a staple plus the tool. It's going to be done in white for everything PSU related, and green for everything else. Should look great if I can ever get THE PINS OUT!
A new plan, from an idea that i'd had already. Just ordered a full suite of replacement connectors in UV Green, plus more than enough replacement ATX pins. Any that won't budge are going to get the chop and a new pin. Going to replace the ones i've knackered as well when I tried forcing them with a screwdriver.

We'll get there!
I'm almost there! Got the braiding finished last night, and it's in the process of being re-assembled. More to follow very soon.
I am looking forward to seeing how you are getting along. I can't believe I forgot about the Skeleton, as I read G-dubs logs a while ago. I just read all of the related logs on teh forum and would love to get one (along with my dream i5 upgrade).

Why on earth are these cases so hard to get at a reasonable price?
The current retail price of the skelly is not that much different from its original RRP which tbh for a case thats nearly 2-3 years from release and that sold in the quantities it did is a bit of a joke.

I guess the retailers bought them and need to make their margins. that said, i'd have hoped to see some going in clearance sales etc.

HINT HINT to any retailers reading
Quick update; i'm just waiting for some additional LEDs to arrive to replace those found in the Front Panel for the Power and HDD lights.

I will also be fitting one to the Reset switch as there is a recepticle there to hold one and clear plastic on the button for it to shine through. I'll be hooking this up to the same line as the Power button with some first class soldering. :)

As far as the case stands, I just need to attach the small UV Tubes to the bottom of the big fan, arrange the wires a bit better, re-attach the buttons on the front and jobs a good 'un! Don't want to show any pictures until it's in it's final beautiful form. :D
Not sure how I managed it, but I had got an Orange and a Black wire (a 5V and an earth I seem to remember) the wrong way round. Praise be to my PSU for being good enough to not to attempt to power up in that state!
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