Project Android

I'll throw a bit of controversy in and bet he never finishes it. If he was really bothered about it he would have finished it by now. He seems too easily distracted/Bored and has moved onto other projects already!
I think you may be right although i hope not this project does look remarkable and if it was finished to such a high standard as every one expects it would be mind blowing.
Hey, i was just linked this thread by someone on irc, you've done something truly amazing! The case looks fantastic now all you need to do is hurry up and finish it :p I spent ages reading every post and got to the end and no final pics :(

5 stars!
tbz_ck said:
I'll throw a bit of controversy in and bet he never finishes it. If he was really bothered about it he would have finished it by now. He seems too easily distracted/Bored and has moved onto other projects already!

He has a name, and he can read what you type here... have some courtesy!

... MESSIAH! Quit playing with the bugs for a day!! :D
[Sings]Why are we waiting... Why are we waiting...Why are we waiting for this project update thinngy!![/sings] :D
i think ive tracked him down :) ive pm'd him to find out whats happning on this great case.
will report back when i find out.
Bejebus! Didn't realise this many people would be wanting my head on a stake for not finshing it. :o

Helium_Junkie said:
He has a name, and he can read what you type here... have some courtesy!

... MESSIAH! Quit playing with the bugs for a day!! :D

But talking to bugs is so fun. :D

damian666 said:
i think ive tracked him down :) ive pm'd him to find out whats happning on this great case.
will report back when i find out.

Hehe, no need to track me down all the way to Deviantart, I can be found here on Ocuk in the photography scetion most of the time.

Ive said it before, and i'll say it again. This project WILL get finished. Ive spent too much time and money on it so far for me not to. However my life/career/hobbies etc have taken a different turn which means im not going to spend every weekend in the garage. As the early nights draw in im sure i'll find more time for it, but im not going to be rushed. I really do appreciate the support and the following it has gained, but I am doing it for fun, and if I start doing it again simply to get it finished, that fun won't be there. So I aplogise for making you all wait, but wait you will have to do, until im ready to start again. And anyway.. good things come to those who wait. :)
cheers mate hope you dont mind me stalking you across the internet lol! just fealt like the lads needed some closure cheers my man we know were we stand and will wait with bated breath :D
mortals said:
That part where the ear would be looks like a spindle type thing from a harddrive with the platters removed.

Be cool if you get it to look like that :)

Im currently ripping hard drives apart to get the platters for some arty farty type stuff, if you want the spindles, give me a shout :)
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