Project Android

come on MK wasnt it this time last year it got put on hold cos of the weather. Ressurect this mod please!
Has anyone got his MSN? He's still active on the forums, so get him to at least stick his head in here and tell us what's what.
I just noticed this floating at the bottom of page one and thought - wow forgot about this thread.

Doesn't look I've missed much :p
What a crap thread. Hate it when that happens, you read through it all and then nothing.

Don't know about you lot but I'm not the kinda guy that screws a women then half way through gets up and walks out the room without saying a word. That's just rude.

The guy doesn't owe me **** but at least update your thread with a note saying yep I finished it, look here or no couldn't be bothered in the end.
that's a bit brutal. i'm sure hes got other priorities and things to do in his personal life.

i've not got the time to finish my project (in sig) while i'm at uni but i don't think anyone should say stuff like that.
Well in future I'd recommend you skip to the end in threads like these to see if you are about to be disappointed or not.

Also it makes me laugh how you refer to sexual intercourse as an analogy for a custom computer case project being published on a public forum :p You trying to say you nearly get an orgasm every time you see a custom case? :p
something or other

when you say you read through and nothing, did you miss all the work that has gone in to the project so far, people are quick enough to say when something hasnt been done and forget about what has been done. i thought you would see how much effort has gone in to this already shin as you yourself have shown your work and have made something unique after putting in some graft
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