Project Arcturus by PEXON

Absolutely love the idea of drilling using the cable comb as a template. It looks beautifully clean.

What does it look like on the other side of the case?
I have put all of your pictures into spoiler tags as they are to big,please make sure they are no wider than 1280 please.
inb4 it looks like a Macintosh

Funny you should say that...was just thinking the same.

Easy LAN access with those wheels!

Got enough room in the bottom for a motor?! That'd be an entrance ;)

First up, sleeving those USB 3.0 front panel headers

Much better, you should sleeve professionally ;)

Like MSI's M.2 Shield. Good to see someone doing something about M.2 heat issues. I wonder how long it'll be before there's a waterblock aimed specifically at MSI's implementation - it effectively gives it a standard mounting for any SSD.
I'd love to say yes, but unfortunately no update as of yet as its sitting in the workshop slowly gathering dust :( I hope to catch up with work and get back to it soon!
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