[Project Bawbag] A long overdue gaming rig upgrade

12 Jun 2016
Greetings OCUK community.

So, My current rig saw its inception in 2008.... I think... and is as follows

CPU: Intel i7 920
Cooler: Titan Fenrir
Motherboard: Gigabyte x58-Extreme
Memory: 12Gigs of Patriot Viper DDR3 1600MHz
Graphics: 1x Sapphire HD 5870 Vapor-X 2Gig
PSU:.... I actually cant remember....which is bad
Case: Coolermaster Cosmos S
Boot Drive: Some 256gig Samsung SSD i nicked from a dead work pc.....
Storage WD Black 500gig 7200rpm

So yeah. Great box back in its day did everything I wanted it to do. Recently replaced the 5870 with a MSI GTX 980 Ti 6G as ol' Red died on me.

However of late I've, been having an itch, and not the kind the doc will give you a cream and stern talking to for! You see I used to enjoy building rigs and between work and life ive just not been doing that of late. Well no more says I. I have a decent job. Decent income. Dammit I wanna spend some cash....
.... And now I have the wifes permission to do so!!!

I kinda wanted to do a build thread but all the communities I used to be a part of have long since died. So I hope you all done mind this Scot invading your space and asking for your feedback as I go through this! Much has changed and I havent kept as up to date as I should have.

The Core Build:

Parts list as follows:-
CPU: Intel i7 5820k - Fitted
Cooler: Custom Loop
Motherboard: MSI X99S Gaming Pro Carbon - Fitted
Memory: 16gigs of Corsair Dominator Platinum 3200Mhz (2x8) - Fitted
Graphics: 1x MSI GTX 980 Ti 6G - Fitted
PSU: Corsair RM850i - Fitted
Case: Fractal Define S - Fitted
Boot Drive: Samsung 950 PRO 256GB M.2 PCIe NVMe - Fitted
Storage: 2x 500GB Samsung 850 EVO in Raid 0 -1x Fitted

with the release of the 1080, I expect some nut jobs will ditch their 980's to pay for a new fix. I plan to take advantage of that next month on fleabay and snag me another card. I also plan to add another 16gig memory kit. I occasionally run a VM lab of my setup and more giggage is always nice!!

The Waterloop:
CPU Block: EK-Supremacy EVO X99 Nickel -Fitted
GPU Block: EK-FC980 GTX Ti TF5 - Acetal+Nickel -Fitted
Pump: EKWB EK-XTOP Black Revo D5 PWM -Fitted
Reservoir: EK-RES X3 250 -Fitted
EK Water Blocks EK-CoolStream SE 420 (Slim Quad) for up top -Fitted
EK Water Blocks EK-CoolStream SE 240 (Slim Dual) Radiator for up front -Fitted
Fans 5x Fractal Design Venturi HP-12 - Awaiting Delivery
Fittings various EK parts - Ongoing
Coolant EK-Ekoolant EVO Blood RED Premix - Bought

Last time i did a loop (2002) it was with a fish tank pump, a home made block and copper pipe! It was a abomination to look at! I find it so cool (no pun intended) that some WC stuff has come on so far! Why all the EK kit? Honestly been watching too much of Jay and Kyle on youtube..... probably a bad thing!

The "MAKE ME PRETTY" part:
Future things I'm considering next month to build on the Black and Red theme that will probably be this builds thing
Custom GPU backplates from V1Tech.... they be pretty
Custom sleeves for the power cables to match the rigs theme
Anodized dominator heatsink tops and maybe PCI backplates. Still investigating that part with some mob in englandshire.
Paint the Radiator housings. Will do this myself with the trusty airbrush and some Vellejo air paints.
RGB lighting extension off the carbon, or maybe a hue+.... donno yet

What Have I done so far?:

Ok so most of the core components came in today. Case, Board, PSU, CPU, Memory and boot drive.....


Ye gods for a grand of kit it doesn't feel like much..... buuut it all adds up....

So got all that fitted into the Define S tonight while I've been in work (working nights helps). the main thing I'm loving so far is just how damn roomy the Define S is.... with those cages out for the Rez, pump and **** its just so.... yeah.... lil 'ard now. Even if i didnt plan a loop for this id be tempted for just how clean it feels!!


The only thing that has annoyed me so far is the USB3 header for the case having a stupid blue finish.


I think I'll mark off the pin end and spray that black tomorrow


Well guys and dolls, hopefully I didnt bore you too much with the start of this. Any suggestions and criticism is more than welcome :)
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update the first

Minor update:
Some parts have arrived. Donno what happened but my OCUK delivery has been delayed a day. Knowing DPD they just didn't turn up to pick up the package!!!! Supplier Two and Supplier Three have arrived

Mass of stuff including what seems to be the increasingly rare Fractal Design Venturi fan.... god knows whats happening there but OCUK just dont stock em, and Supplier Two only had 5. So off to Supplier Three for the last 2.

Im gonna go off and work out where im gonna put the radiator and mount the res and cpu block. The pump didn't come with a mount (that's my bad) but the Define S supposedly had pre-drilled holes..... not for this one it seems.... or im being an idiot.... its probably that!

However, here's the bit that ****es me off the most



COME ON ALREADY!!!!! Enough with the molex.... why not just make that a SATA connector and be done with it? pffft.... fine off to amazon for a wee convertor. Cos im not putting in a molex cable for one device!!!
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As I dont have the radiators yet (Curse you DPD) I didnt get much done tonight,

Fitted the SSD.... didnt tidy up the cables yet cos whats the point :P I thought I had ordered two of these, and turns out I didnt. checked my build sheet and i had planned for two and somehow only budgeted for one..... oops..... so that will have to wait for next month. No massive issue as i have plenty of network storage space to move anything I put on the single drive before RAIDing up next month.


Put the water block on.... This had me worried at points as the force I had to exert to get the screws to thread freaked me out no end!!! However I think that fear is a throwback to exposed die like my old Athlon XP3200..... didnt take much to **** up that!!! Looks nice however!


Lastly i spent some time thinking about how I was gonna mount this pump. I think im going to use that leftmost vertical cutout to put in the left mount points and drill the right points as marked here:


I was tempted to do it now and mount the tank as well but I think ill wait until radiators come in tomorrow!

I have, however, been asked by the boss if I'm making a bomb.....


I'm not THAT dissatisfied with my work!!! :p
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More parts and another disaster.....

So OCUK bits arrived today! w00000 :D

except wait.... what the ****


Did.... did i order a 480..... *looks at order form* Sonnova..... yes.... yes I did..... thank god OCUK have a humane returns policy that only punishes my stupidity with postage cost!!! Went to look at 420s and realized there is no 420 SE.... ****.... Ok 360 SE it is.

Right, fine. But at least the 240 is here.... lets flush this thing out!


I was gonna take a pic showing any metallic fragments that flushed out, but honestly, after 5 flushes i could barely see 1-2 lil bits.... and the camera couldn't even see that.... nice finish manufacture there

One thing i did notice (and couldn't get my crappy phone camera to pick up on) was a white powder or some kind on the rad fins, as well as a few bashed (not badly) fins. I've got no leaks or evidence that its been punctured so not massively worried about the bent fins and I assume the white powder is probably some kinda release agent from the copper mold..

So now that I could use the 240 and some fans to give me pretty good ideas as to where I was gonna put the reservoir. But once it was in it quickly made me realize that my original idea for where to mount the pump just wasn't gonna work. so decided to mount the 240 high on the front of the case and the pump slightly below. here is a rough sketch of the planned loop layout and direction of flow for now


Last but not least. I managed to get 1.5l of Mayhem Pastel red from another enthusiast locally off of Gumtree (if your reading this, Heya!) for the grand total of a tenner. Now I've heard some stuff about the pastels color shifting, for example, and by means not the only example, Jaytwocents skunkworks build.

So it kinda put me off using the Mayhem fluids, not because of the color shift (well partly) but the attitude they took in responding to that linked vid. How not to do customer service would be a minor understatement.

HOWEVER, I couldnt help it. It was cheep and I wanted to see how it would play in a virgin loop!


I cant wait :D

The last parts (stuff every EK re-seller in the UK seemed to be out of in cluding the MSI specific waterblock!!!!) dispatched from EK this morning. DHL claim it will be with me tomorrow.... believe that when I see it!!! I mean it got to Belgium about 42 mins ago so.... you never know
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Does anything ever go right dammit!!!

Ok so moving on. Came in last night for a bit seeing as the mrs was away and got the GPU block on!! Off with the stock cooler and back plate...... well that was easy....... better clear off that thermal glue!!!!


Ahhhhh nice and clean!


Fitted the radiators in for test positions..... instantly had to re-plan front radiator orientation as with the 360 in place there is no way i can fit the 240's in/output ports up top now, even with 90 degree bends.


also the pump position again.... I swear next time im just getting a ****ing combi! If i had fitted it into my secondary position i think i would have had a close in pipe nightmare. So now its gonna come off the pump inlet for about 2" into a T split. One side into a valve\bulkhead\barb arrangement so the drain port is on the other side of the case wall. Then the other side of the T to come around and up to the base of the res.... I hope


Right ok so pumps in time to route the cables for that.... need to shave a little off the molex connector to fit it in past one of the defines wall holes


Oooops :eek: ............ gimmie some black leccy tape!!! it'll be fiiiiiine :rolleyes:

so card in and added the silverstone extensions.... only to discover they are thiner cables than the combs i have to hand..... well ****..... nop thats too messy I'll need to order more combs..... cos **** that


card looks.... I donno.... drooping at the back. I've seen this on a lot of rigs and never worked out an elegant way of leveling it out


Everything is basicly in place!!! woopiee...... yeah no.

So I measured, marked off and cut my first piece of PETG. The XSPC pipe cutter made short work of it. Smashing. Off to a space to wet the rubber (oh matron!) and get the bending rubber into the pipe. 15 mins later, lots of soapy water and silicon spray later I lost my **** complacently! this just does not fit!!! It's to big for the available space (that's what she said :cool: )

so got a ruler out.... it looks like the rubber bending hose is about 11.2mm...... well thats not much use its advertised as 10mm OD. Well ****.

So messaged the OCUK folks via webforms. Discussing that now but in the mean time came in tonight and hit it with some calipers.


yeeeep. that aint gonna fit.

I am somewhat great full to you for informing us about all you water cooling woes so far as I am about to redo my own rig with a custom loop. Thanks!

Other than that, looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

Not much going on at the moment. Im semi outta funds for the build and am waiting on Refunds for a few bits before I can buy more. Sadly My Hermes kept my packages in Aberdeen for 3 days before moving them along.... Cheers for that ya gits

Fitted the LED's to the CPU block


Not really happy with them. they are a pain to fit and keep in place. They either pop out at the slightest twist of cable or if pressed into place firmly the contacts between LED and wire snaps and needs remounted.

Once they where it it was clear that from that side position it basically looks a bit pants and lopsided. may look better if the mounting hold where top or bottom but side just doesnt work for me

Pasts still to come:
Replacement bending tube
Phobya 8x 4-Pin Splitter PWM (its a fiver and i thought id try and keep all the cooling fans on the CPU header)
PWM extenders
Thermaltake Male to Male Extender (for the bulkead to ballvalve link)
another pair of 90 degree EK bends
50mm EK M to F extender..... its that or find a 1000mm PETG in 10/12mm as one run is 526mm and I havent been able to find piping that long
Dab of Silicon sealant to hold the LEDs in place? Takes a while to dry so you'd have to tape them in until it sets but it's removable unlike the 'I don't have time for this s***' superglue that also off-gasses and clouds your acrylic.
Dab of Silicon sealant to hold the LEDs in place? Takes a while to dry so you'd have to tape them in until it sets but it's removable unlike the 'I don't have time for this s***' superglue that also off-gasses and clouds your acrylic.

Yeaaaah i am not putting cyano anywhere near an acrylic! Frosty aint what im doing for here!!!

Nah tbh even when fitted i think it looks pants. So gonna leave it off

Not much done tonight. I did do a quick POST just to make sure it DID. I had this nightmareish feeling about it and just had to look


and a quick sample of the fluids. the orange is just distilled water with some mayhem dye. Bought it as a fancy but dont think it will fit really. Might consider an orange build for the Mrs pc that I've been asked to investigate

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After my recent experience I'll be following the rest of this with enthusiasm, and probably some giggles!
Is it me or is that CPU block shining red. Coming along nicely and get that backplate on that GPU. Sagging PCBs haunt me.

it is from the installed LED's which im ditching as an idea. However here is it powered with just the onboard LED system set to defaults (red)


i think that might just do on its own!
I plan on (attempting) to do some decent shots with my DSLR at another date. Im still very new to anything other than point click photography :P
Would fitting a back plate to the GPU straighten it ? or it should at lest stop it from drooping so much..

Ive got a custom backplate being made at v1 tech right now. So we'll see when that Arrives. I did try and fit the original msi plate on but i'd need 7 longer screws
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