[Project Bawbag] A long overdue gaming rig upgrade

Hope you do some work in the office rather than just build pcs hahaha
looks good so far man.
Well the XPSC bending rubber was a no go. Still 10.5mm. I've messaged OCUK to say the product is not fit for purpose in the case of 10mm pipe. ALphacool one has been ordered. Hopefully will be here on Wednesday..... so much delay for a string of rubber!!!

Along with that my bulkhead fittings and M-M adapters for such have arrived. So planked that in. Sadly with the bulkhead in place the ball valve wont fit on the back side of the case! oh well. just a barb fit back there!



As you can see I slipped off the guide with my hole-drill. Thankfully on that side im not too fussed!

Ball valve in mounted to the bulkhead


and another accidental scratch... so ****ing careless!!!! Will hit that with a lil black from the airbrush at a later stage.

So heres the T junction off to the drain point from the pump.


The weight of so many junction points has this sagging a bit and I'm concerned. Im hoping the joint to the Res will keep it lifted level. If not Ill spray a bit of matt black onto a spare bit of PETG and hold the T junction up by that.

As i plan to replace all my PETG at a later date (cos i expect my first go to be ****) i'll probabally plan out a better arrangement late.
Hope you do some work in the office rather than just build pcs hahaha
looks good so far man.

I do when there is work to do. I work for a newspaper and my role (when there aint project work on) is to be here as an "OH ****!" resource. :cool:
I managed to scratch my case a number of times so I feel your pain. My answer is to replace the entire scratched PSU shroud with custom acrylic work - there's a solution and then there's an overkill solution :D

Your drain issue will probably be fine once you've got support from the vertical pipe bit otherwise, would it be any lighter or better supported if you put the T junction in place of the 90 fitting on the pump?

Well some progress! My bending rubber arrived. and it slipped into the tube like..... well you know ;) My Phobya fan controler and F-F connector arrived too...



First bend went in ok and yes it does add weight support to the contraption below it *phew*


and the first link in the "Long run" from CPU to 240 Radiator


It was after this that each pipe either needed two bends or I got paranoid I was running out of PETG (I had 1 500mm pipe left at the end) and started reheating pipes I had ****ed. The result? Not the clean lines I wanted. Instead I seem to have some piece of "modern art". I knew my first lines would be bad but damn.... ah well £35 of PETG ordered tonight. Thats 20 tube\10 meters of pipe..... im sure ill get it right eventually




Basicly one of my main issue war orientation when the pipe had 2 bends in different directions and planning length. So will do mroe study on how to plan better. Also gonna chat to a jack of all trades mate of mine and ask for some tips

SOMEHOW however, Each pipe passed my rigorous testing process to see if it was compromised (i put my thumb at one end and blew in the other :rolleyes: ) So with that QHSE genius in place ONWARD!

So Right, lets plan to evacuate the loop pronto and get the drain hooked up.
Catheter in place :D


So lets add some fluids...



Thank god for all that kitchen roll, it absorbed it all and let none to components.... Ok i expected a wee leak, but not a flood...... (no pic taken cos.... well yeah im sure you understand.... Ok so lets take a quick look around..... huh the bottom of the Reservoir is still dripping...



Well..... that will do it.... Ok plug that back up and fill.....

Im only using 2 fans at the moment. 2 rikety old 3 pin fans i nicked from an old case. they are being used as mount points for the top radiator. and i still cant hear it. Hopefully the Venturi fans will prove just as silent

Leak test has now been running for over 2 hours and im getting impatient.... Time to give life to this beast!!!!
system has now been running for 24 hours. NO LEAKS!!!!! 12 of that running a [email protected] overclock. Temps idle at 52 and under stress a max of 71. Stress test was ran for 4 hours so kinda happy to call that stable for now. Will run a 24h at a later date.

Those temps are with just 2 stock 120mm case fans i had kicking around. The Venturi replacements wont arrive until tomorrow. So ill wait and see on longer testing.

Havent clocked the Graphics card yet, will do this later tonight. So With the current CPU overclock and memory at 3200 (stock for the memory but XMP enabled yadda yadda) this is the first benchmarks


Unigine Valley

Firestrike ultra - (comment on if this is a decent-ish enough score to justify 4K)

And for ***** and giggles a comparison with my old system. Donno why its showing as a 950 as its a 920 in there!

Cant wait for tomorrow, once the fans are in and im all happy with it, ill be moving the system home for some live action testing :D (aka playing overwatch :cool:)
No leaks is good. No hurry to overclock it, enjoy some.gaming. Plenty of time layer to overclock to delay the upgrade itch ;)
Not much to update other than to say the fans are in!!!

They are in and CPU stress after an hour shows a 10 degree drop (down to 61) in temps at 800rpm. I can live with that!

Now... for reasons firestrike is showing my GPU clock speeds down to 500mhz..... time to investigate that
No leaks is good. No hurry to overclock it, enjoy some.gaming. Plenty of time layer to overclock to delay the upgrade itch ;)

But we wants the performancEZZZZZZ PRECIOUSssssss.....

Then again it might have to wait cos this may take a while!!!!

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So Slightly odd thing with the loop.... i saw these.... hell almost white marks against the inside of the rez.... this concerned me.... but i thought as first it was just bubbles. but then i started seeing actual air bubbles in the loop


and some of this.... ****... in a tube...


hummm. Maybe it will work itself loose.... Ill go put the case sides on... so off with the drain pipe.... clean said pipe, but wait.... whats this.....


Looks like the same residue.... So i cut that bit of pipe out and cut it in half so i could get at it cleanly. and it seemed to be that the fluid is congealing..... huh. I'll give it a few days and if it keeps this up then flush it all out and go with the EK Red.
What coolant(s) did you put in? Just so I know what to avoid :D
You didn't know it in advance, but this is why you bought a plexi top CPU block - so you can see if any gunk builds up in the fins.

Cabling: there's a reason it's known as the spaghetti side! You'll be fine. When all three disk slots are full and you've got extra thick PSU cables is when it's hard. If it comes to it, the answer there was to push harder on the case side to get it to shut :D
Found a sweet spot for my Graphics card overclocks with 1h stability last night, but no time to bench it. So just done that now

Gpu set to 1671Mhz (an increase of 140Mhz)
Memory set to 4005Mhz (an increase of 500Mhz)

So that a increase of 11.1 FPS (+12.3%) and 437 (+11.5%) in Score for Unigine Valley.


And 1218 (+7.2%) Score increase for Firestrike


and 295 (+6.4%) for Firestrike Ultra


Fairly happy with these number tbh!

Now i need to go play some Overwatch and test a CPU spiking theory one of the lads over in the games board has.
What coolant(s) did you put in? Just so I know what to avoid :D
You didn't know it in advance, but this is why you bought a plexi top CPU block - so you can see if any gunk builds up in the fins.

Cabling: there's a reason it's known as the spaghetti side! You'll be fine. When all three disk slots are full and you've got extra thick PSU cables is when it's hard. If it comes to it, the answer there was to push harder on the case side to get it to shut :D

Oh yes, but for a change i didnt wanna use a mash hammer to get the side on (i have actually done this with a cosmos S)

the fluid in there atm is the Mayhems Pastel Red. Im wondering if the fact ive drained and refilled this loop with the same fluid so many times that the air exposure has resulted in this coagulation..... donno
Maybe just me, but any reason for this pipe:

Not being a 90° and 90° bend?
I think that would look neater :)

Looks nice with sides on :D

Cos I cant bend pipes for **** and was running out of BETG i re-heated and molded a failed bend so i could get the loop running :P

more PETG has arrived but i think ill order in some barrow 90 degree adapters and do a lot of straight lines and joints untill i can get the hand of bending right
He means because he used artistic license to give it some character and differentiate it from the masses :D ;)
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