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Radiator Cleaning with Mayhems Blitz Pro Kit

Busy weekend of football and rad cleaning :D

Lots of boring pH and TDS meter pictures incoming :p

Here is my rad cleaning setup, what a lovely sight!
Using a 1 litre plastic beaker with an Eheim aquarium pump, some clean unused 1/2 ID tube and fittings with cable ties.


Here is the Mayhems kit


And these are all the bits you get


So to start off I went about calibrating the pH meter and to do this I used some RO DI 0 TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) water, I used the provided measuring cup to measure out 250ml as my glass beaker is not accurate and only goes to 200ml on the scale.
(The TDS Meter is not included with the kit and is what I use for monitoring my RO filtration systems)


On the back of the Calibration Sachet is a table of pH levels at different temperatures.


Mix in the sachet and stir until all the little bits have disolved


Let the meter adjust to the temperature and take a reading


23c would mean somewhere between 6.86 and 6.88 pH, unfortunately no matter how fine you adjust the screw on the meter it will only calibrate by 0.10 at a time. So I adjust it until it was flicking between 6.80 and 6.90 pH and left it at that.


With that done I took a reading of clean DI water straight from the bottle.
004 ppm TDS and 5.50 pH


I then flushed a few litres of DI water through the rads to clean out any solid bits of which there was a few black bits per rad, nothing major though so on the face of it pretty clean rads from the factory. After that I left fresh DI water circulating for just over 24 hours with nothing added just to see what the water could pickup if I was running them like this in my system.

That resulted in the TDS rising to 34 and the pH to 6.5 so the water has picked up things from inside the rads after only 24 hours! Imagine running them for a year!


Next I flushed that water out and mixed up the full 100ml of the Mayhems Part 1 with approx 1900ml of DI Water
I checked the pH of the solution at the start of the 2 hour cleaning period and it read 2.10 pH, so almost at the desired 2.0 pH. I couldn't get a TDS reading as my meter gave an error at this pH level.


After 2 hours of shaking every 10-15min to try and dislodge anything resulted in a reading of 2.4 pH, I am no chemist but I guess the rise means things have dissolved into the acidic solution?


This is what the Part 1 looked like after 2 hours, all the brown stains in the bucket are from washing ferric hydroxide material used to remove phosphates in my fish tank so ignore that, the colour is what surprised me. I didn't get a good picture of the Part 1 starting colour but it wasn't this blue! There are quite a lot of little black bits floating about but it was very hard to get a picture with my camera.


Next I pulled off the tubes and flushed a good 5 litres of RO DI through each rad to wash out all the Part 1 and during this period I found LOTS of very fine black bits in the water, too small to picture but I could see them! So not as clean as I initially thought! These bits are what Part 2 is meant to pick up and remove when it neutralises the acid but I gave a helping hand as I was surprised by just how much of it there was.

I then mixed up the Mayhems Part 2 pH neutraliser which as far as I can tell is basically a type of washing-up detergent to help suspend the particles in the fluid and flush them out as well as neutralise the acid.


5min in with Part 2 and this is the pH reading of 5.40


After 24 hours of circulation I was left with a pH of 7.10, nice and neutralised!


Now you have to clean out the rads to remove all of the Part 2, the instructions say to flush twice leaving 30min of circulation between goes.
I flushed a good 30 litres of water through the rads by putting the pump in a clean bucket of RO DI water and the drain tube into another. I then let it circulate for a bit and then flushed some more!
I had to flush each rad individually at least 5 times by filling up with a few hundred ml of RO DI and shaking like a mad man, it was the only way I could clean out all the fine black particles that the Part 2 didn't get. May be a little OCD but I wanted them as clean as possible.
I think the Part 2 would have worked better if I had used a stronger pump or maybe not all 4 rads in a row!

Finally no more bits or bubbles left from the Part 2 so I was happy to setup and fill the loop once more with the same bottled DI water from the pre cleaning test with readings of 004 ppm TDS and 5.50 pH and let it circulate again for 24 hours.

After 24 hours was up the final readings are 009 TDS and 7.80 pH


Now not being a scientist or anything I should have ran a control beaker because the pH and TDS of DI water can change just by being exposed to the atmosphere but I forgot to do that, I also was reusing the pump and tube from before so that could have caused a slight rise in TDS if they were slightly dirty.

Small warning, Do not use the Part 1 on your system, only outside of it to clean rads! Look what happens to nice new tube after only 2 hours:


To conclude the results:

Bottled DI water readings: 004 TDS 5.5 pH
24 Hour Circulation before using Mayhems Kit : 034 TDS 6.5 pH
24 Hour Circulation after using the Mayhems Kit: 009 TDS 7.8 pH

What the difference in pH means I don't really know, quite neutral either way.

If I was going to do it all over again I would use a 50 or 100 micron filter sock under the outlet tube during the Part 2 to help pick out the fine particles during that stage rather than just recirculating them through the loop and having to flush them out manually afterwards!

Anyway, I am very happy and pretty sure I have the cleanest radiators possible!
Quite a lot of work and a very comprehensive guide to your flushing. I can understand why you did it but I have to ask, is it really necessary? Is this something we should all be doing and will it have any real world affect on performance?

I'm a bit of a WC newbie so can you please explain the benefits of doing this please.

Also the black stuff you talk about, is it oxide layer coming off inside? Its not metallic is it? I suppose cleaning the oxide layer would increase heat transfer rates...

Impressive stuff though, the Total Dissolved Solids level is better than the Reverse Osmosis plant we have here on the ship, even our Tech Water is difficult to get below 30.
If you run a system for a year or so without first cleaning the rads, take your blocks apart and look at the little fins, mine always get covered in black bits which I assume are bits of flux from the manufacturing of the rads.

Also the pH change from picking up the crap in the rads can affect the colour of your fluids, I don't know the science behind that but if it helps keep my fluids nicer for longer than I am happy.

Do you have to clean them this well? I don't think so, I just wanted to!

I have two RO systems, one for car washing and another for drinking water/fish tank. The mains water here is in the high 400 TDS range so it doesn't make a nice cuppa and leaves crazy water spots on cars. I can get as low as 4 TDS just from pre filters and RO membranes but drinking that isn't nice so it then runs through a coconut shell carbon for taste (doesn't make it taste like coconuts :p), then I can also add a DI resin stage if I want 0 TDS to mix with buckets of marine salt for the fish tank.
On a ship I guess you are running it for desalination? Must be way more complex that my setup to get it close to drinkable!
Yeah our system here produces approx 100m3 per day fresh water from the sea and its slightly more complex. We have two units for production and a third unit which basically filters down production to achieve a lower TDS water for using in our various expansion tanks (engines etc).

We add chlorine and run through a rehardening filter before its sent to our storage tanks.

I will be breaking down Midas to switch to hardline, so I might give this a go to see just how bad it is, as I never really flushed mine that well. :D
Excellent review for people new to wc, really useful and I even understood some of it...

If you can carry on this this level of detail throughout the rest of your build, I may just feel confident to have a go myself!!

Thanks for all the extra time /effort it must be taking you to post your build in such detail.
This is brilliant! I love the reservoirs they look great in the case. Are you going to be using the usual tubing for the loop or are you going to be adventuring into acrylic??

looking good anyway :D Subbed
This is brilliant! I love the reservoirs they look great in the case. Are you going to be using the usual tubing for the loop or are you going to be adventuring into acrylic??

looking good anyway :D Subbed


Pretty sure I am going to use standard flexible tubing, I could be alone on this but I really am not a big fan of acrylic, I want to like it because it is the current in thing to be doing with watercooling but I just don't and it seems everyone is switching to it.
I would probably end up just bending it to get the nice sweeping curves of regular tube anyway.
I also don't know how big of a span you can do with acrylic before risking damage or leaks at the fittings, I need to get from the front to rear of the case diagonally to link up the rads, could be risky with say 30 inches of unsupported tube.

Maybe I will use it on a smaller LAN PC for some wow factor :p
Fair enough :D. Similar reason why I stuck with flexible was with it being the "new thing" I was concerned about leaks ect. I do like acrylic but Imo it can look worse if done wrong.

Don't know the ins and outs of acrylic either I think next time I upgrade I may use it. Such a hard choice and yeah. It is a big case xD that would need some crazy runs

Planning any paint Jobs :D. Dang this build has caught my eye .
nice choice on the DEMICIFLEX filters using them on my cm 690ii on the intake as well intakes on the fans on my 240mm radiator if i remove the filters i get zero change on idle temps or under load.

Build looks great how to do your pumps/res compare to say the xspc photon if you've used one before?
No painting planned that I haven't already done.

These are my first tube reservoirs and the only XSPC one I have used is the D5 Dual Bay Reservoir/Pump Combo which is good but the way it mounts does cause some minor vibration with the case chassis.

I wanted glass and these were the only ones I could find.
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