Project: Clear & Simple

I'm interested to hear how you get on with the PETG. I've never had any issues with acrylic but with the distinct lack of clear acrylic tubing in the size I need for my fittings I'm having to order direct from the maker anyway so I have either option now. I was put off the idea of PETG by a few things I've read but not seen first hand results yet.

I know what you mean. I read all sorts about water permeation and it reacting over time with UV rays. However it is the same substance as most drinks bottles and they're relatively robust. Personally I think a lot of stories about PETG are over exaggerating to be scaremongering people :)
My concern was the bulging and misshaping when bending. My builds never last long enough for me to worry about long term effects, I usually get bored and rip it apart within a year.
I have never used PETG but I can see why you would want to use it, trying to find clear acrylic is really difficult at the minute
My concern was the bulging and misshaping when bending. My builds never last long enough for me to worry about long term effects, I usually get bored and rip it apart within a year.
I heard about PETG misshaping when people bend it but I think that might be because it's being bent too fast. Anyway it'll be interesting to see how it compares to acrylic. :D

I have never used PETG but I can see why you would want to use it, trying to find clear acrylic is really difficult at the minute
I know, everywhere seems to be going out of stock so it's just easier to get PETG so I can continue again. Plus I prefer the Monsoon tube to Primochill (Probably from the same manufacturer I know) but Monsoon just seemed to bend better and it works better with the Monsoon kit :)
It looks like you're using the primochill revolver fittings, same as me. I didn't realise you couldn't send pm's on this forum. I'm keen to know where you're getting the monsoon PETG from if it's the same size tubing as I need, being 13/10mm? I was going to order straight from primochill in the states but then there's additional charges for postage and it was working out cheaper to just buy all new fittings and tubing from ek direct from their website.
It looks like you're using the primochill revolver fittings, same as me. I didn't realise you couldn't send pm's on this forum. I'm keen to know where you're getting the monsoon PETG from if it's the same size tubing as I need, being 13/10mm? I was going to order straight from primochill in the states but then there's additional charges for postage and it was working out cheaper to just buy all new fittings and tubing from ek direct from their website.

To send PMs you can use the trust button. :D
Any updates?

Yes but not the update I wanted.

Unfortunatley I have no idea what is going on with the tubing. The company which I ordered it from said it should be there in 7-10 days. I'm still waiting and on there site they have changed it to another 7-14 days to be in stock. Meanwhile I have messaged the customer service department of their site and I'm still yet to recieve a response after they went dark.

Anyway with the rant over I think I'll order acrylic tubing instead as I have confirmation of a company that stocks it whilst I pursue the other company for my money. :(

I must apologise for how long it is taking for the final updates on this build, it's very annoying. On the plus side OCUK have been prompt on my order for some EK ZMT tubing and the compression fittings to go with it. At least I have found a company to rely on for most items that I order. :)

Super Fast Edit Update: I have been refunded and I'm ordering the acrylic for super speedy delivery :D:D
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Today is a good day, my tubing has finally arrived, so long I have awaited this day. It is a shame it wasn't PETG but I simply couldn't wait any longer :D

So I set to work, but first I needed some caffeine, a milky coffee it is :)

I also fitted the EK ZMT soft tubing in the areas not visible when looking at the case. I was rather surprised with the thickness and quality of this tubing. It felt very solid and formed a snug fit over the compression fitting which I would have felt safe not tightening (I did anyway but still)

Only got two runs of hard tubing left as I'm going to redo one of the runs as I'm not quite happy with the bend being at an angle. :)

Well the coffee certainly did its job and I was up and working. I was determined to finish the tubing runs today and I did :D

As per usual the slightly complex tubing run was a bit of a pain but I persisted to make sure it looked perfect.

Also I re-did the GPU to resovoir run as I wasn't happy with the angle at which it entered the graphics card. Anyway it is done and I'm happy :)

After the tubing was fitted I began to check it was all in place so I connected the fill pipe and checked to see it was air tight. I had a minor scare before I realised I hadn't connected the fill pipe correctly which was the cause of the loop leaking air. So it is all ready for filling and checking for leaks tomorrow :eek:
Just put a gazilion of paper towels everywhere around the case. Especially cover the empty pci-e slots etc and PSU.
You will be fine, don't worry, just don't rush with it.
Just put a gazilion of paper towels everywhere around the case. Especially cover the empty pci-e slots etc and PSU.
You will be fine, don't worry, just don't rush with it.

Hehe, just stocked up on them. Theres around a dozen ready :D
As for rushing if I'm as slow as the rate acrylic tubing is restocked at I'll be done by next year (Seriously, it took ages :))
Nice work on the tubing man. Just be extra sure to make sure all the tubing is correctly seated in the fittings. I pushed mine in until I though they were good but once I turned the pump on I was getting leaks everywhere! You have to push them to the point you think they're gonna break nearly!
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