Project Cobra/Sharks mouth

Thanks for the support guys

A bit more activity and a few more photos.

I'm using the Skeleton mesh kit for this build. Antec have released this product in response to the comments that the open nature of the case makes it less than ideal if you have kids with prying fingers or inquisitive pets. From an asthetic point of view I think it actually looks good also.

However the mesh kit is designed to totaly encase the open areas of the case and as such needs a bit of trimming to suit my needs.

So out with the dremmel to cut of the two bits at the rear that would interfere with the cooler etc.


I've not gone the whole hog with re braiding all the PSU cables for this build as I intend to use the PSU for another project and as it is the black braiding suited this job just fine.

What I did want to do was tidy up the end of the 24 pin cable so as to hide the rainbow of smaller cables emerging from the braid. For this I used self amalgamating tape. Not as neat as heatshrink but does the job without having to take the connector apart



I now have the case together with the mesh kit installed. It fits in really nicely utilising the existing screws ans screw holes that hold the various sections of the case together.







Bit of a problem with the teeth as I mentioned a while back. I just can't get it to work either with spraying or some graphics I've bought.

I'm toying with the idea of some mil style lettering on the main side mesh panel, sprayed on in white using a mil type font. Probably something along the lines of "AH-1"

Have also toyed with the idea of something simple relating to BFBC2 or CODMW2

open to suggestions.
yeah thought about that but wanted something that perhaps took its influences from things like the Huey, Huey cobra, Vietnam, gunship, etc.

or maybe something relevant to a current shooter title.
Exactly that sort of thing.

Free hand painting is out due to the skill required (i'm no artist)

cutting and masking was the original plan, but proved far to complex as the multiple layers involved to get the coulours seerated was too much for even modelling grade masking tape.

the final option was the purchase of vinyl stickers, which I thought would be a goer but as the stickers were desidned to meet at an opening (intake on front of aircraft) the two halves did not match up at the front of the skelly cowling, even after a bit of judicious trimming.

I would still love to be able to incorperate this theme into the build, and am open to suggestions as to how, or what else to go for.



that's pretty much what I was aiming for but with the red for the tongue and gums etc.

not that easy outside of photoshop unfortunatly.

big problem with the stickers is that they kinda curve down towards the edges of the mouth, where as the skeleton cowling curves up.
All finished

I've decided I like it just how it is, sometimes you can go just a bit too far and all things considered I think the sharks mouth on the cowling or any of my ideas re other graphics might just ruin it.

many thanks to all who have followed this thread and supported me through the build.

This really is an easy and fun case to work with.









Many thanks for the positive feedback guys. Nice to see this case generate some interrest.

Deadman, The paint used is Humbrol.

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