I need to replace some of the multi-link fittings, as the low profile ones are leaking a little, and I'm concerned that the pressure will cause them to come looser, and maybe come off. (leak testing could have gone better!)
So I've ordered 8 of the ones with dual 'O' rings rather than the ones I have., hopefully I won't be as worried about them, and hopefully they won't leak
It's only on the parts where it leaves the pump then goes up the side of the res, and across to the blocks.
I did have a bit of excitement when I first started filling the CPU loop, the coolant started coming out of the radiator, and starting draining into the other reservoir... OOOOOOPS!!!!! Didn't take long to resolve that one, but still it was annoying, however I did also see the funny side...)
I didn't however see the funny side of it leaking!
I haven't tested the GPU loop yet, as I had to remove everything to sort out the leaks on the CPU loop.
I'll rebuild it later on this evening.
Drain taps are THE greatest thing EVER for doing a build like this, However I think I'm going to move the one on the GPU loop to the front of the case, so it's lower in the system.