Project: Cubit 3

lol, just saying that it looks nicer than the golden sample which has two of those fans :p no graphics cards have any orange on them :(
Because I was all set on the one in my sig and the only Test Bench I like wont fit my mb I don't think, its a shame about the Pico PSU too. Won't it worry you about the legnth for the PSU?

nope, i've seen other people's mods using even longer power cables! Mine won't be an issue.. might need an extender but that's about it. :)

All I will say from my experience is: Heatpipes ;)

I'd have the GPU fan pointing downwards, modify the front faceplate to fit a 120mm fan a la Silverstone Sugo for some cool air, and use a heatpipe based cooler for the CPU so you can leave plenty of air inside for the GPU.
IIRC the i5 is a 95W TDP chip, so something with a decent amount of surface area would be best (I was working with 35 W TDP and used laptop heatpipes, and a modified Shuttle cooler at one point)

As for the GPU, I mounted mine using rubber grommets from a Lian Li and it went some way to isolating the vibration from the fan which sounds bloody awful as it's an all aluminium case. Make sure you fit the case feet too, that makes a HELL of a lot of difference to sound!


Thanks Mr. Gimp :)

Your suggestions are definitely worth considering but i'm going to go for the 'easiest' route which means no modding to the front face plate but can still fit a fan to blow air over the cpu, mobo and gfx card. Going to stick with the gpu fan facing upwards as i don't want it fighting for air with the cpu (cpu fan will be blowing downwards).

Using an aftermarket cooler is something i won't rule out but i think the stock cooler will be sufficient... will defo monitor temps and noise and then re-assess accordingly :) Am planning on using quite a bit of rubber just for that reason: reduce vibrations, protect back pcb to gfx card and provide support.

Yeh, not stuck on the case feet yet... am thinking of some different ones but probably use the stock ones in the end.. have some time to decide :)
you do realise if the cooler is facing the top, either your connections will be facing the front of the case, or the pci-e connector will be on the wrong side
I hate the cooler on the golden sample,this one looks nicer:

You think so? I actually don't mind both but the GS seems to offer better cooling?

I'm not a fan of the fan (no pun intended). Plus its not orange :p

So you're saying that you'd like it if the fan blades were orange?? :P

lol, just saying that it looks nicer than the golden sample which has two of those fans :p no graphics cards have any orange on them :(

I think the Palit cards use orange fan blades :P They look really bad IMO :P
Sorry KiiYzOo, that's a pic of the front.. see, i keep confusing you! :P Please don't hate me :P

I was being lazy and just used ms paint and 'drew' the words on there :P
it's really the same as the one i posted but if you can imagine the piece of aluminium on the left (one coming from the top of the case)... is just on the right.. that's it! :P
Sorry guys, just been told about redundancy plans... doubt if i will have the time or the motivation to do any of this now. Closing thread.
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