Project : Elemental

Now of course this is a semi open case, but still, the inside of the case has hot GPU and CPU heat that come out. So only some cool air goes in, being used by the whole case, and part of that is being suck in by the PSU.

To answer this part.

There are no static areas of 'hot' air, as with 3 radiators on exhaust the air is constantly circulatling.

The whole 'cold' air coming in is a bit of a myth/misleading. You get ambient air coming in.

Air will always find a way into a case, air will always exhaust from a case - you cannot create a vacuum to control this.
Brizzles, I agree up to a certain point. With normal use, say firefox, wordperfect etc., any ambient air is good enough. But say you're playing a high resolution game, then it could get hot, and I hate to see those hot air go back to the PSU
Brizzles, I agree up to a certain point. With normal use, say firefox, wordperfect etc., any ambient air is good enough. But say you're playing a high resolution game, then it could get hot, and I hate to see those hot air go back to the PSU

the location of the PSU is really not going to make it over heat infact it's probably going to run cooler than most of our systems Given that it's going to be getting the ambient air from around it easier than a traditional case would allow (if it had a solid bottom and not perforated in someway ). Sure the room will get warmer and thus the psu will get warmer. Not exactly talking mordor here though more like a chicken korma.
Brizzles, for those who wants fan, we only need the filter at the Intake fan, right? Meaning at the front panel and at the bottom?

As the outflow fans, the ones who blows the hot air out, such as the top fans and the rear fan, obviously we don't put filter in it
Another update.

added some mesh backing


(the little white mark is a bit of fluff, thankfully not a scratch)

hihi, is this 1 big sheet of mesh? or a few small pieces?

If it's 1 big piece, where did you buy it from?

as I only find this as the closest:

but the plastic frame is useless to me
Brizzles, I bought one. Jonsbo USA, which is a franchise from Jonsbo, has a fall out from Jonsbo. As a result, JOnsbo USA has closed its door

and it's just sheer luck that I came across this information as I was commenting on another Jonsbo case, and the other day someone brought up that story.

So I contact the former franchise guy at Jonsbo USA, he has 1 left at US$300, and I bought it. I would have buy this regardless in chistmas, my only beef is, now that I bought this item in Aug., I'll think of something else to buy for myself in christmas :D
So I contact the former franchise guy at Jonsbo USA, he has 1 left at US$300, and I bought it. I would have buy this regardless in chistmas, my only beef is, now that I bought this item in Aug., I'll think of something else to buy for myself in christmas :D

Glad you finally tracked one down - Enjoy it :)
Brizzles, I bought one. Jonsbo USA, which is a franchise from Jonsbo, has a fall out from Jonsbo. As a result, JOnsbo USA has closed its door

and it's just sheer luck that I came across this information as I was commenting on another Jonsbo case, and the other day someone brought up that story.

So I contact the former franchise guy at Jonsbo USA, he has 1 left at US$300, and I bought it. I would have buy this regardless in chistmas, my only beef is, now that I bought this item in Aug., I'll think of something else to buy for myself in christmas :D

they have an EU distributor as well as a UK shop selling them. surprised you didnt get it there as saves Import tax
A couple of changes made.


Had a braiding afternoon ;




Brizzles, the original box comes with thin cables from the front USB box, such as speaker, USB 3.0 etc., and you replace them w/ braided cables.

How do you do that? I thought those cables like power on, HDD light, etc. are soldered on the front USB metal box, how can you disconnect them?

Also, I notice you don't have any photo on the cable management of the back side
Brizzles, the original box comes with thin cables from the front USB box, such as speaker, USB 3.0 etc., and you replace them w/ braided cables.

How do you do that?

Remove the ' red metal box/cover ' then thread the braiding up from the header end, cable tie the braiding to the cable ( it's hidden so doesn't need to be neat )
that's a lot of work of braiding. Thanks for the reply. I'm not going to go that far, it's too much time, I'll just leave the cables the way it is, loop them to the back but no braiding
Brizzles, I bought the same case over the holidays, I haven't start building it yet.

But just now, CES 2018 has some new toys, and I am kind of having 2nd thought, what do you think of this case vs. the Jonsbo MOD1:

thermaltake p90, and just release the P 90 Ti ver. (Titanium ver.)

a modified ver. w/ curved glass:

Titanium ver:
I am nearly completed the assembly of this case. I'll find a free JPG upload website to post some photos. One thing I am concern on this case is that the on/off button is metal. For anyone who look at any on/off button on any electronics, from TV, to Digital recorder, to stereo equipment, the on/off button is always plastic. Because w/ plastic, it can't transmit electricity, so if your body carries static electricity, it won't fry your circuit.

but w/ metal, it conducts electricity, and can fry the front USB circuitry
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