Project Ethos & Cube - Desk Awesomeness

I'd never get anything done using this computer I'd be too busy staring at it in wonderment. That dye you added looks the dogs.

You must have a good way to bleed the air, I'm trying to imagine you shaking this whole thing around and turning it upside down lol.

Honestly, it bleeds really well.
Few on and offs of the pumps, regulate the speed, on and off and its pretty good.
Run it for a few hours, on and off again.

Tapping on the rads and blocks and its all good.

And ye I did find myself sitting there just staring at the tubes with the lights off just watching those small bubbles in the top.
Reminds me of a spirit level :)
And ye I did find myself sitting there just staring at the tubes with the lights off just watching those small bubbles in the top.
Reminds me of a spirit level :)

Did someone say Bubbles?

It totally agree with you, and it was your build that made me just have to do it :)

And I dig your built too, stole some ideas ;)

We are part of a great community that help, share & create great ideas to help us all do what we love doing.
Not possible to steal anything from me apart from maybe my name :D
So 20/10/2015 I've done a whole refresh of just about everything :D

Basically what happened was my PSU died so at first I wasn't sure what it was.
I managed to get hold of some DDR4 from Corsair, and a new PSU.

So I decided to take the time to re-do some of the pipes and include a drainage port, as the one at the top was obviously too high up.

So got a new mobo (VIII Hero Z170) new cpu (i7 6700K) and new GPU's (2x Titan X's).

So its time to go to work and re-build!
I'm selling my baby.

Check Fleebay for
Amazing custom built solid wood Gaming and server desk - Overclock Award winner

If anyone is interested let me know or take a look.
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