Project Ethos & Cube - Desk Awesomeness

Cheers. I'm finding the continuity gets a bit lost with having to flick to dropbox, and it doesn't really do your efforts the justice that I think that they deserve. Sorry if that sounds critical or ungrateful..

Now. This veneering lark... (pootles off to Dropbox link.... )... :)

No seriously speak your mind with me :)
I'll try help out where I can.

Veneering is done on the edges that are cut.
As the wood is Oak Veneer. So where we cut, we put veneer on so that it looks like solid oak... (which it isnt, shhh)
I saw a video where a guy used Velcro pads to attach the SSDs to the PSU. You could do the same to the bottom of the desk. Don't know if it would be secure enough for spinning HDDs though...

Looking good so far, well done :)

Thats not too bad of an idea!
Will think of something.

Got mobo trays sorted but they will be 3 weeks away :( *boo*
I love what you've done so far - have you got any tips you've learnt from going from zero to hero veneering? It' be handy to understand what's involved before I even consider incorporating your inspirational wok into my own build... :)

Ye, use a file!
My mate the woodworker used to cut off the excess veneer but he read somewhere to use a file, at a almost level degree with the board face.
This will cut if off using the file.
You can see here:

Then just sand down the edges and bobs your uncle. Use about a 120 grit.

To get the veneer on, use an iron, you can see it in the background of some shots. Basically veneer ontop of the wood cut, iron it on (a few seconds as the glue needs to melt), and push it down with a off cut of wood to run in flat and stick it down hard. Take your time and do little sections at a time.
You can also use a piece of paper between the veneer and iron as it helps it to glide over the wood.
Also be prepared to wreck your wifes iron.. Mine isnt happy and I have to get her a new one.. Lol, its the least of my worries.
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Here you can see the cut we did to lower the top.

It fits a lot nicer now.
You can also see where we cut out the base to start the slant down into the top draw.
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Also ordered a BenQ XL2411T.
It arrived too :)

Trying to order sleeving but its hard as the shop isnt open for very long.
I also need to add a load to my shopping basket, but cant finish in time :( *boo*
HAHA yup.
Im doing this once and doing it properly.
Gonna splash out to make it pucker!

But going to wait for Haswell before doing a proper upgrade to my rig.
My Missus says I should call it Project "Rushmore" as in the mountain.
As well its huge compared to her :)

I was thinking Project "Ethos" dunno why but I like Ethos.

I might call the server "Cube" as that's what my server was named.
And could call the gaming one "Ethos"
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Ye you and me both :D
Gotta wait now for awhile, couple of weeks for wood and other bits.
Mobo trays are 3 weeks away too. So project is a bit on hold.
Handles and Rails arrived for my draws.
I have one extra now as we had to get rid of the top draws haha.

Rails and handle:

And handles:

Managed to order sleeving, so hopefully that is here soon.
Can get cracking on that while waiting for the desk to finish.
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Got my camera out when my new 3m Carbon came.
Thought it would make a nice backdrop for some shots.

3M Carbon:

Desk port hole:

Dominator Platinum 16gb

Ram shot:

BitFenix LED Strip:

All 8 strips:

Lamptron Fan Controller:

Enermax Cluster Fans:

Front panel SD & USB:

Something tied up in a beautiful case:

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I need a bit of help.
So I will be using 120mm fans, especially 2 for a Corsair H100i cooler.

2 things to keep in mind, the wood is 19mm thick, and the fans are 25mm thick.
What I was thinking is cutting a hole in the wood to fit the 2 fans in snug.
And then the cooler screws into it.

But I need some way to mount it to the desk.

What I was thinking is trying to get some 2mm thick aluminum cut out in the middle to fit the 120mm fans.
With little pop outs or rounded corners to screw the fan into.

I have done a really rough drawing in paint.

Basically the black is a aluminum cut out, that I will screw flat into the desk.
And then the fans into those corners, and through into a radiator.

But does anyone know where I can get something like this?
Motherboard standoffs arrived.
These will hold the perspex motherboard tray off the bottom of the desk by 15mm.


And some silicon rubber washers for most if not all my screws.
Should help dampen some sound and provide some nice cushions :)
So a nice packaged arrived today... :)



My first crimp ever!

Came out so much better than I ever thought it would.
Great tools make easy work :D

And ofc famous drawings...

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Sorry there hasn't been an update in awhile.
My mate is still busy with life so will continue when he is back down to earth.

I have also decided to forgo the Corsair all in one cooler and do a proper watercooling loops.
It kinda makes sense on this type of project.

Been looking at some awesome parts.
Will post a list once I'm fully decided.
So today I ordered a XSPC AX480 Rad.
I will integrate this into my loop but I needed it now so that I can make sizing adjustments to my desk to fit it nicely.

I also got a Bitspower Mesh Radguard 480 so that I can try mounting it nicely.

I will take proper pics when they arrive.
My box of goodies for this build is getting large.

Really have to start finishing off the desk.
Some beautiful toys turned up.
This is the start of my WC enthusiasm :)

The Packages

The Beat

So shiny!

Now I need to get one and finish the desk so I can get everything fitted.
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