Project Evolution

Planned tubing route

If you're going parallel on the GPU's you need:

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Not the entrance and exit on the same point in the card.

Just in case :)

Great build, I can't wait to see it finished!!
good clean lines Should look great.

thoughts on loop maintenance/ plans to drain the system ?

eta on the fittings ?

Thanks, There's not a lot of spare space for a drainage port so it will probably be a case of draining most of it through the top of the res, although I have been trying to work out a way of getting a useable drain valve in there.

No idea on the fittings, spoke to ocuk this morning and Monsoon haven't given them an estimate yet.
So I'm still waiting for the hardline fittings and bending kit from Monsoon, but I have received the fittings for the drain valve, so I went ahead and installed them.


The guys at OCUK tell me that the Monsoon stuff is due in anytime so I'm still hopeful that I'll be able to get the build completed (finally) by the end of next week.
Just with the fittings and the new sli bridge, no tubing yet.




Now with tubing...





Now I'll cheerfully admit its not the best tubing job in the world, but I don't think its bad for my first ever attempt at watercooling...

There would have been a further 3 runs but I suffered a catastrophic silicone insert failure (its now in 3 pieces and none of them are long enough) so I'm having to wait for the replacement to arrive tomorrow.
Final tubing pics have arrived.

The loop as it stands. Pics taken while flushing the system with DI water.


The run at the back of the system during the flush. This run was a royal pain to bend correctly.


And finally a shot of the loop with the final coolant in (I went for red aurora 2 because its pretty). Its just sitting in place for now until all the air is out and I'm 100% happy that the loop is leak free.


Once the loops all air/leak free I'll install the final hard drive from my current rig, install windows and get some glamour(ish) shots with the lighting running and the sides on.

Overclocking info and benchmarks will then follow as and when I have time to sort them out.
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