Project Evolution

Apologies for the further delay, had to rush my daughter into hospital with pneumonia over the weekend so further pics will appear once I have time to sort them out. Overclock details and benchmarks will probably appear at about the same time.

<edit>The loop ran happily without leaking for 12 hours and is pretty much free of air. Im quite happy with that...</edit>
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Hope your daughter recovers well...

I tried using the monsoon hardline only did two pipe one was leak free the other one cracked at both ends. I decided considering the value of my dual cpu sli rig not to risk using hardline. I'm not saying there collars are faulty, I probably overtightened them but for me it too much of a risk taker. There just isn't much play in the pipes if you align it even slightly off.
Sorry to hear about your daughter, that's gotta be tough.

Well, the pc is looking great tho, the aurora especially looks sweet. Very nice work.
OK then!
As promised some more pics of the (now) completed system. They may be a bit naff... I may have continued my habit of using my phone to take them. I don't really care, I'm too busy playing with my new toy...

First up, the pics:

Acouple of exterior shots (sorry about the flash).



Some close ups.






And a few shots with the side open.



And now, for my next trick... The overclock and benchmarking details!

I decided to leave the ram at xmp and I managed to get a respectable 3.7Ghz out of the cpu at 1.355v, I reckon I could have got 3.8 but I was pushing the voltage a bit too high to be comfortable during stability testing.

I also managed to coax an extra 230Mhz out of the gpus but I couldn't get them to budge on memory speed at all.







And now, some benchmarks:

Cinebench R15 (cpu & opengl)


Valley Benchmark




Firestrike Extreme


Firestrike Ultra


And Finally, just because I felt like it, a brief video lookaround of the finished system (assuming I can make youtube work).

These new boards look so sexy, but unfortunately this is not a reason for me to upgrade ;/ Especially with water cooling looks amazing. Outstanding build!
What could be the reason for consistently lower physics scores after OC?
Never done direct before/after comparisons before so that was one thing that surprised me.
These new boards look so sexy, but unfortunately this is not a reason for me to upgrade ;/ Especially with water cooling looks amazing. Outstanding build!

Thanks. Not bad for a first time watercooler I feel.

What could be the reason for consistently lower physics scores after OC?
Never done direct before/after comparisons before so that was one thing that surprised me.

No idea, last time I overclocked anything, I moved jumpers around on the mainboard, so this is relatively new territory to me.
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