Project:- F M J

2 Jan 2009
Lincolnshire coast
I managed to get my hands on a server case a little while back, and now that Project Modzart is well under way I thought i'd get things started on this one.

Many thanks to all who participated in the thread to choose a name for this Project, and special thanks to Biffa for coming up with the chosen title.

It was a very close run thing with many great suggestions, (all better than my own initial thoughts I hasten to add). So thanks again to all who helped out there.

The Case itself is made of 3-4mm steel and is very well built. And when I say very well build I mean you get the impression you could shoot at this thing and there would be very little damage.

The left hand side panel is lockable, with the right only removable once access is gained to the inside of the case.


The case has removable sides, a fully removable Mobo tray and ample cable management round the back. There is an HDD rack for 3 HDDs in the front, and room for 3 more in the base of the case.




The front of the case sports a heavy duty steel door, again lockable and pretty tough.


All internal stripped out and ready for work to start.


that case is butt ugly....looking forward to seeing how you make this into one of your superb build's mr dubs :)
that case is butt ugly....looking forward to seeing how you make this into one of your superb build's mr dubs :)

Yeah I specialise in Butt ugly.

I was drawn by it's build quality and potential. I've had cases with lockable doors before (SonataIII) but for the most part the doors are plastic so not really a dterant as such.
Man that cooling must have sucked big time look how small the fans are lol.

I hope your going to get project Modzart finished before you do this i'm looking forward to see the finished build of that.

Cant wait to see what you do with this one though i totaly agree its Butt Ugly.

It looks like you could do with a new tray for that barbecue may i suggest using this case.
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Fumanju! lol

case is a ugly beast, how big is it exactly? 800D territory? bigger? lol

Smaller than 800D, next time I pay it a visit i'll take some measurements

It looks like you could do with a new tray for that barbecue may i suggest using this case.

A guy could get mighty upset by a statement like that :)

Spoken like a Texan!!! Lol, I am very curious to see what you do with this G!!!

For once I've actually got a pretty firm idea of what I want to do here. Modzart however seems to just evlve as it makes it way along.
Well we knew it wouldn't be long before Mr Dremel paid a visit didn't we.


2 Jobs for Mr Dremel to do.

First cut the unnecessary bits of the Mobo tray so as to improve airflow.




Job done

And secondly cut a window in the side. Man this steel is tough, but job done regardless
Not when it has bullet proof glass in it it doesn't

Wish I could get some, but it's anon starter really. What I will be doing is making it look like armoured Glass

As any copper or thief will tell you,l ocks are there to keep honest people honest. If someone wants into your house or car all they have to do is smash their way in. same goes for a PC case with the added disadvantage that they can just carry it away, window or no window. although that said they wouldn't get far with this as it weighs a flipping tonne

On a more serious note, i've got my hole saw so will be adding fan holes to the front to aid it's severely lacking ventilation,and may put one in the roof also as no rear exhaust option.

should behere for weekend, fingers crossed for me, never used a hole saw before

As I always say. any modding activity that you complete with the same number of fingers as you started it with has to be considdered a success.
Both right, but it's 114mm holesaw. 114 is the size you need when working with a 120m fan.

It's a bank hiliday and Sunday is Modding day

That's if I can manage to ignore the Beer festival at the seaside town near me.
Ohh beer or modding now that is a tough call.

I always thought you should use a 117mm hole saw? I think I have been miss informed luckily not cut a hole in my case yet lol.
I think anything between 114 and 117 is fine, but 120 is too big for sure.

having used the 114 for the very first time today I can say I think it's a pretty good size.

Used the holesaw to cut some holes in the front panel for a pair of 120mm fans.

I'd only just finished using the saw to cut the acrylic for the Modzart build and can tell you that going thriough 3mm of stell is a lot harder than 3mm of acrylic.





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