Project Green Monsoon *sponsored*

8 Nov 2013
In the pub
This project has been brought to you by OCUK and Monsoon so a massive thank you to them for giving me this opportunity.

Disclaimer: This is a build from the perspective of a newbie and is intended for newbies. It is just a CPU loop (at the moment). I've never water cooled before so I will probably detail things that are both obvious as well as some common mistakes. A mix of backgrounds as some were taken when I received the goods, other were taken during the build.
There is a glaringly obvious one which I'm kicking myself for missing but it will be rectified when I next modify a couple of things (see below)

It was a dark and stormy night (I live in Wales, it always rains and its quite windy too) when Sir O'Neill (thats 2 L's) donned his Hat of Generosity (its a trilby if you were wondering) and made this thread.

This coincided with me thinking about trying my hand at water cooling. You can water cool your system for about £100 but I think for what you would get, an AIO would be a better option. Could I afford to spend more? Work bonuses help but it would be a stretch. I could stick with Air Cooling but a wise man once said "Get Wet or Go Home" and you should never ignore what wise men say.

3 week later and Sir O'Neill had chosen 3 people for sponsoring (looking forward to their builds). A couple of emails later and the next day I had this arrive

Obviously I got excited and opened it straight away and it was full of goodies and Haribo. Did I finish work straight away and rush home to admire everything behind a locked door? You bet I didn't, my manager wouldn't let me. So having my plans foiled in such a dastardly manner, I ate my jam sandwich and ordered all the other parts I needed which are in the next post (this one is just for the sponsored stuff)

1 x monsoon m2 reservoir d5 premium – chrome
2 x monsoon chain gun fitting 3/8" x 5/8" multi pack - green
2 x monsoon 16/10mm (od 5/8) rotary 45° - green
1 x monsoon premium g 1 / 4 temp plug - green

the reservoir

Chrome? Why not Green? Green has been out of stock for a while and I wanted to do this build for Easter (4 days off!!). The only Chrome you can see are the tiny switches on the front which turn the LED's on/off and change the colour.
The instructions were on printed A4 pages and very easy to follow. Red and Black O rings which were different thicknesses. I used Black as I'm a N00b as it has a larger tolerance in case you screw the pump cover on too tight (and wreck it).
Filling was done by removing either (or both) of the silver microbial plugs on top of the Reservoir.
To secure it in the drive bays, you use the provided Allen key (they supply 3 of differing sizes) with the small screws which screw into the provided rubber plugs which slot into the Res sides. I found the case mounting quite fiddly as the screws are small as is the Allen key needed. But it is secure so thats great.

Newbie Advice:
Attaching the fittings/tube to the reservoir is best done before you cut your tube as there isn't much room to get your hand in beside the pump case to tighten the fittings. I have average sized manly man hands and chain gun fittings so that helped.

Chain Gun Fittings

These look awesome. They feel fantastic too and were a pleasure to work with.

< The Haribo Scale :)

I highly recommend these to anyone thinking about using them. Fantastic build quality and had no problems at all with them. A bit more expensive than other compression fittings sure but well worth it. All were tightened without the use of tools and after 12 hours of leak leaks!!

45° Fittings

< More Haribo Scaling


These felt and looked great (I should say only 1 was sponsored as when Rich asked for my list I forgot to include the other one so I bought it).
A perfect fit into the waterblock. However, you can only get one in as there is no room to screw the other in too. That messed up my plans what with me being a n00b but you live and learn. I can put them on the radiator instead. See next post for details of my outstanding ability to work around problems.

Temperature Plug

I wanted an Green LCD display to sit inside the case but due to a lack of stock I opted for this and plugged it into my fan controller instead. I actually prefer this method as the fans on the rad are controlled from the same dial. Just writing this shows the temp as 24.5°C

Newbie Advice:
A 4 way fitting will allow you to monitor temps. 1 for the temp probe, 1 pipe in and 1 pipe out and the other can be used as a drain point. I've used a plug until I figure out what I need exactly.

Overall, very impressed with Monsoon. Admittedly I have nothing to compare them too unless you count the fittings we used to completely redo the central heating system and plumbing in the house.
When it comes to components, I stick to Gigabyte for motherboards and Nvidia for GPU's as they've always been good for me. I think I'll add Monsoon to that now (And EK as the block and pump are fantastic, see next post for that though)
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A list of other bits I threw into the case to make it work...

Motherboard - Gigabyte UD-3H BK

This board has everything I need and I can SLi in the future if I want to. One thing that caught my attention was the IO plate. Its black chrome (the one on the right) with a sponge layer. Never seen this before and although not very interesting and probably has no affect on anything, I thought it was nice. Isn't it nice?

CPU - Intel i7 4970k

No, I don't need it. It does not enrich my life any more than my old i5 4670k did. It does not make me a better person either. I have it because I could (although it is better at Folding).
Other than the stock 4ghz (4.4ghz boost) I have not oc'ed it yet. Hoping for a 4.8ghz, that would as nice as the IO plate or chain gun fittings.

RAM - Avexir Venom 8GB 2133Mhz

Surprised by the packaging on this one. Was expecting the standard plastic stuff but instead I got an what I can only say is some sort of presentation box. Anyway, its green and I like it the strobe effect (slow but bright)

GPU - GTX 970 Reference (Zotac)

Very similar to my Gigabyte GTX 780GHz. So why the swap?
Long story short, I got a B grade 280X for my missus' build but it refuses to run Skyrim on medium and she says Sims 4 goes all skewy. Time for an RMA but I need a card to replace it.
I like the reference designs and if I get a couple of games I was going to buy anyway then I may as well bite the bullet now.
It just beat my 780 on Firestrike and Heaven and is more up to date so I have this now. Makes sense to me. Will OC and WC eventually.

The WC Loop

Lampton FC6 Fan controller: 4 channels on this which is what I need. Jumpers for LED colour, 4 temp probes and fan extender cables. Easy to install.

Tubing: I got 2 metres of Primochill 16mm/10mm just in case. Turned out I needed it but better planning on my part would have just used a metre. Better to have too much than too little though.

< More Haribo scaling

Rad: Hardware Labs Black Ice SR1 240. A 240 Rad is all you need for a CPU only loop and this was in the clearance section. An error I made here was not checking the clearance height over the motherboard which means my fans are on a pull config. Will buy a thinner rad at some point (this can go in the front of the case when I add the GPU to the loop).
Notice in the 4th pic it looks like a fan gasket was stuck on and then removed but not very successfully? That was me being indecisive about its positioning.
Also, notice if you will, the lack of 45 degree fittings that I mentioned in the first post. Thats because I put the Reservoir instructions on top of them and forgot all about them and only found them when I had finished tidying up afterwards. I haven't stopped face-palming myself all day.
Fans: Corsair SP120. Wanted to put these on a push config. <another face palm>

< Important! But what could go wrong?

EK Supremacy EVO Waterblock: Very simple to install as long as you check the instructions first. I think it comes with socket 1366 fittings by default but they provide others in the box. A few screws (Allen key provided) opened up the block and I changed the jet plate and the other plastic insert (forgotten name).
Was going to go with the green version but may change the colour in the future.

EK D5 PWM pump - Slotted straight into the Monsoon Reservoir. Its currently on max speed as I've left it in the fan controller. Can just hear it (am 50 cms from case). Will move to CPU_FAN tomorrow.

Stock Intel Fan: Came with the processor. I can't stand these things with their stupid springy clips. Go Away!

Mayhems Silver Kill Coil - Drop in the Res, thats all. It prevents algae and stuff building up.
Mayhems Emerald Green Dye - I considered pre-mixed but wanted a darker green. This way I can control it. Current colour is still a bit too light so will add more during the re-fit.

Have I missed anything? Probably.

Now onto installation....
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The Build Log

Mostly pictures with comments

I hate this part, that final bit where the pins connect and you can't be 100% sure that you haven't bent a few...

The bottom 2 were a pain to attach to the backplate, but its secure. A small blob of thermal paste (Gelid came with the waterblock)

Waterblock on and the right way up (there is no right way really so I'll be turning this 180 degrees during the re-fit). Centre hole is the inlet, the left is the outlet.

First pipe secured.

Second pipe secured

Yep, thats on too. Note the lack of clearance for a fan.


Hour 1, No leaks to report

Hour 12, No leaks at all

Some colour added

Best I could do with my poor cable management skills

Side window on (its tinted to subdues the colours quite a bit)

Side window off


I have improvements to make such as turning the Waterblock, thinner radiator and adding the 45 degree fittings.
Could turn the rad and make the pipes shorter too.
Need CableMod to get them cable combs on here, thats about 4 weeks away though.

As far as my first attempt at a WC Loop goes, I'd do it again definitely. I've learned a lot and my next build may even involve acrylic (you should see the shapes we made to route the heating)
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Excited to see what you have done. Might be a few weeks before mine appears as easter weekend is DIY weekend. Just finished building a fence and now have 60 Litres of paint to use on the house then a bathroom to install LOL
Looking great so far Mark, nice shote as well of the kit and the all important monsoon fittings.

Looking forward to the build log and seeing how the final set-up looks and works.

You have to do the obligatory runs of Heaven/Handbrake/Furmark show your scores, howamazingly low your temps now you are under water and then overclock the nuts off both the CPU and GPU and run them tests again! :-D

Just kidding.

Looks great mate..... fire it up and enjoy!

You have to do the obligatory runs of Heaven/Handbrake/Furmark show your scores, how amazingly low your temps now you are under water and then overclock the nuts off both the CPU and GPU and run them tests again! :-D

Just kidding.

Looks great mate..... fire it up and enjoy!

Many a true word said in jest....

Heaven came back slightly higher than my 780 did as did Firestrike. Not much in it though.
Temps on the card are higher but I'm not sure anything can really compete with Gigabyte's Windforce fans other than water.
CPU temps when Folding are lower than air which is the main thing I was looking for as its the one thing that will load a CPU.

OCing can wait a few weeks, I'm vegging out this weekend
Makes me want to try watercooling more and more now. Always get a bad feeling if I ever even think about watercooling. The build looks great, tidy and green.
They were originally but decided they look better where you can see more of them. I paid for 'em, I'm gonna flaunt 'em ☺

Waiting for the cable combs to be released, should look better then
that looks brilliant. fittings really set the build off.

the reservoir looks loads better from your pictures than it does in the product images.
Nice work on your first loop.

If I was gonna criticise (and I am :p) I don't think the green fittings and green fluid work... I know a lot of people do it but personally I like black or nickel fittings...
Nice work on your first loop.

If I was gonna criticise (and I am :p) I don't think the green fittings and green fluid work... I know a lot of people do it but personally I like black or nickel fittings...

I would agree and disagree with this :)

I think as the Green on the Monsoon fittings is amazing, yes its not everyones tasted to have fittings/coolant the same colour.

I think The coolant is to transparent. A Green solid pastel colour in my opionin would make the build "pop" even more
that looks brilliant. fittings really set the build off.

the reservoir looks loads better from your pictures than it does in the product images.

All freelance photography work considered :D

The Res is great. No vibration to report (4 days intensive use) and highest temp so far is 30°c. Will let it do some folding later and see how that goes.

As for the colour matching, I could change the white LED'S for green then you wouldn't be able to tell. I did consider the pastel range but thought it would look terrible.
I did try for colour co-ordination so it's something to work on. I was more concerned with making sure it all worked.
Was terrified that it would leak and my house would explode.
Fittings are really top notch. Great fit in the tubing that if I were more reckless, I would be tempted to try without the chain gun part to prove a point.
An update now I've corrected my deliberate errors so I would have something else to do and an excuse to buy more parts.....

I've now added a slim Magicool 240 rad (clearance was an issue for a push config witht the old rad) to the top of the case (with Corsair SP's) and moved the Hardware Labs SR1 240 to the front (OCUK Silverstone FQ121WC fans). Swapped out the Alphenfohn for a BitFenix Spectre in the rear too as the green was a better match and turned the CPU Block upside down for better routing (sneaked in an extra 8gb RAM too the other week but don't tell the missus)

Idle temps now around 26 degrees (was 32), load (Witcher 3) is 50 degrees (was 60). Still no OC though, will get round to it eventually.

Remember those 45 degree fittings I forgot to fit? Well, they are now in. Plenty of fan clearance too


Some leak testing.

<No leaks...ever!

The front (nest of snakes and new rad placement)


Looks a bit neater now

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