Project: H2Orange

I registered over there and voted for you also, nice one you are streets ahead atm. :D

Good luck

It's getting closer now!!! I'm only 2 votes ahead. Hopefully I can do an update this weekend to try and get some more interest I'd be happy with first or second tbh, I just want the 8 fans, I'm not even that fussed about the psu.

Out of interest, what effect will the paint on the mobo have on the system long term?
Long term it shouldnt make any real difference. I guess it doesn't transfer heat as well as usual, but I'd imagine that if anything was to go wrong it would have happened already. I've been using it for a while now.
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an update!! wooohooo!

Well, with my computer being nominated for mod of the month over at bit-tech (vote for me here please!!! ) i thought id best actually do some modding!

A massive thanks to


for sponsoring the sleeving for this build! For those who dont know, E22 is in partnership with Lurto0 customs who sells teleios sleeving.

i wanted teleios sleeving.
there is no orange teleios sleeving.
lets mod some sleeving!!

So, this is half of the sleeving i was sent from E22.Biz i have more white too... i want this orange though..


This is where Stuart from came in. I emailed Stuart a few times as id seen somebody dye sleeving before, but every attempt i tried had failed.

Stuart is a expert in dyes and after a few emails, i rang him. He was very interested in what i was doing and actually told me that the stuff i was ordering was far beyond my needs and he turned down a £25+ order, in the end all i needed was this


and he actually supplied it to me for free as he was interested in whether it would work or not.

So, i got a pan of hot water and put it on the hob (notice the stains, this wasnt my first attempt lol)


Then added around half of the 25g bag of dye.


I gave it a stir (do you think i could be a hand model?) (Parvum, valkia, anderp.... no taking the mick -.- )


Grabbed the sleeving and started to put it in!



Try and get all the sleeving underwater, make sure you stir often and also turn it over as much as you can


after around 10 minutes


after around 20 minutes


after around 30 minutes


the colour the sleeveing is in the pan isnt the same as what you will get in the end, you MUST wash off the dye, this does take a lot of colour away from the sleeving, this is what i got in the end:


Some nicer shots:




So, once id done this i thought i best actually sleeve something...

24 pin:


8 pin:


6 pin pci-e to 2 6 pin pci-e


Group photo:


I have got 2 more of the pci-e sets obviously for my other 2 cards, but i didnt want to over crowd the photos lol.

Once again, a massive thanks to and also If you want sleeving or dye, please give either of them a visit!
Wow!! I've never seen anyone coat a motherboard it looks great. Those SSDs are beautiful I'd buy one from you just to frame it :D

I think I'm in love with this build :)
Those SSDz look amazing mate! I cannot believe how well that sleeving came out. That's a superb shade, pretty much perfect.
Well I never ! Wow dying the sleeve, never seen that before, its turned out great. Did you have to heat it up to simmer and maintain a certain heat? It looks like the liquid level dropped so was it boiling?
You'll need to put that on as a guide to the sticky. ;)
Wow!! I've never seen anyone coat a motherboard it looks great. Those SSDs are beautiful I'd buy one from you just to frame it :D

I think I'm in love with this build :)

Haha, thank you sir! one day maybe HyperX will make customisable SSDs?!

What did you use for the case, plasti or paint?

I got the case powder coated locally, it was a very reasonable price!

Those SSDz look amazing mate! I cannot believe how well that sleeving came out. That's a superb shade, pretty much perfect.

Thanks buddy, im pleased with the sleeving :D super pleased with the SSDs

Top job on the braid dye. Incoming Dave full custom colour range ;)

Colour matched to parvum cases?! :P

Looking sweet man, love that cabling.

Thank you :D

Well I never ! Wow dying the sleeve, never seen that before, its turned out great. Did you have to heat it up to simmer and maintain a certain heat? It looks like the liquid level dropped so was it boiling?
You'll need to put that on as a guide to the sticky. ;)

Yeah, put the dye in when it was around 60 degrees, bought it to a simmer and left it to simmer really. the water level did drop quite a bit, it would have been ok to top it up i reckon, but i wanted to see if the more i left it to drop, maybe the darker the colour went?

Dave, where can i pick up some cable combs? sell them, the ones i used are a new version that were sent to me by lutro0. Im not sure If or when these will be available to buy in the UK
Cheers bud. Do you braid cables going into the psu? I always wonder on builds like yours if its something that you feel is important? I often see people just using extension cables but i feel like i might want to braid everything in sight when i get started.
Yeah, i braid full PSUs sometimes, with this one though, my original cables dont actually reach, so i would have to use extensions anyway

In my other project Here the last pic is the start of my sleeving :)
Nice, i am considering it as psu cables are ugly as they come. But worried about braiding my superflow psu cables as im a noobie to it. Going to try watch lots of videos and await your guide ;)

Keep up the good work, inspiring me for my own build
Nice, i am considering it as psu cables are ugly as they come. But worried about braiding my superflow psu cables as im a noobie to it. Going to try watch lots of videos and await your guide ;)

Keep up the good work, inspiring me for my own build

in all honesty, for superflower PSU's i would use extensions, they are fantastic PSU's (i have 2) but they do have capacitors on the cables which make things a little bit more tricky.

This MOTM nomination has given me a kick up the backside and get things done which ive been saying ive been wanting to get finished for months. Today i started doing the LED's for the GPU's, CPU and RAM blocks.

Im only going to show the GPU ones as the RAM and CPU are still being made at the moment, i also dont want to spoil the final shots of this build as it really is starting to come together now!!

so, I got an LED and a resistor (the resistor im using is a ltitle lower than i need as i want it to be as bright as possible without actually blowing the LEDs, i will be adding 3 or 4 leds to this array. so this should be fine... hopefully.

im not the best solderer in the world, but this is how i do it: hold the LED and Resistor together with the croc clips, add a little bit of flux.


tin both the resistor and the LED (i couldnt really get a good photo of this as my hands were full lol, i tried to get some timed shots but my arms were in the way... BOOOO!

after, hold the solder iron with and solder next to the two tinned wires and just tap the the 2 wires and solder to form the completed joint.


after doing as many as i needed, i made sure all exposed wire was hidden under some small heatshrink. crimped the wires with some ATX pins and then put them in a 2 pin connector to make sure everything is as safe as possible.


I then put these into the XSPC blocks, the XSPC blocks have holes for 3mm LEDs, they can sometimes be a bit loose, so i will be using a dab of glue from my trustee glue gun to make sure these stay in place when in transit (i go to LANS etc, usually you wont really need to make sure they are so secure!)


Then i turned them on :



Im really happy with these!!!

A few thank yous now.

A massive thanks to Tealc (Tony) for supplying me with everything i needed to do these, all i actually needed to buy were the LEDs which i already had. it saved me buying a load of stuff. He also helped me to understand a way to power everything i will need easily! THANKS!!

Also a big thanks to Confused (Garry) for spending the day around my house yesterday! we got a lot of things done that id already done, but not properly, he re sprayed my reservoirs and pumps, he helped to get all 10 fans running properly and sorted out the cable management, we drained the loop, we mounted the SSDS (which look awesome) and just did a load of little bits that we needed doing. He also decided to smash my loop draining bowl by knocking the computer over on it ;) :P Cheers!!! haha
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