Sooooo after my last build using one of these, i really liked it. So after breaking one of the PCI slots on it after a bit of a mishap with a GPU i bought another one, and my old one can be used for something with less than 3GPU's in haha.
Om not going to go through what's in the box as i did it in the last build, and now its a bit of an old mobo, but heres a pic of all the goodies you get!
And of course, heres the motherboard in all its black and orange glory.
WAIT!?!! BLACK and orange?!?
Something will need to be done about this.
soooooo, Masking tape... yup.
Putting a new motherboard outside on a table? Why not?!
Hang on... usually after masking tape there comes....? Thats right, lets get the rattle can out!!
first light coat to just break me in
This is what it looked like after around 3-4 coats. I didnt want to do too many more as i dont want have too many issues with heat.
After taking the masking tape off:
and just some pictures of the overall finish!
and what it will look like with the blocks installed (they are just resting on at the moment)
This is probably the scariest mod ive done, i did check it posts after, and i dont seem to be having any problems.I will of course be keeping an eye on the temps once i kick it all in!