Project : HalfLife 2 - wavemaster

The chance that we might *^&lls up our cases is very little really to anyone who overclocks there system.

Lol, I remember the first overclock I took when it failed and it took me 10 minutes to hard reset the BIOS - scary stuff thinking your machine is dead because you wanted to make it run faster.

Everyone should mod and clock, makes PC's more fun and less boring :)
that is looking amazing, nice job.

the orange is so sweet, its the best orange ive ever seen in my life, its such a great colour, really bright and vibrant

NICE ONE Jakal91
Having too much material would simply mean you could keep going at that strange voodoo time of 2am when you think 'it might just work if I do this...'

I've been there....
Jakal91 said:
LED's well be white, with matching cold cathodes lighting up the HL2 window in the side of the case. I am also changing the HD activity light to white.

white led's are the new blue ;) :cool:
hmmm, in my experience white light dont look that good.
try shining a torch in ** PC... thats what it will look like.
id opt for a colour, amber, orange, yellow, whatever... but white ... naaaa

and eliot... dont be silly !, go in a corner and think abotu what youve just posted young man
Blue + Silver.
Red + Black.

How I operate, best combinations to my taste, but I only normally like LED's and maybe at a push a cathode!
Mark A said:
:eek: Blue will never be replaced my friend, blue + black = winrar.

Hmm i think red led's would look pretty good with that case.


blue LED's do look awsome.. but when you've seen them on hundreds of case's, keyboards, mice, monitors, optical drives and so on, they dont give the same wow factor, but when you see very bright white LED's on the optical drive etc they look different and pretty cool :cool:
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