What you need is some nice easy soft tube! ....is what I kept telling myself when I was cutting the glass tubes. Hey, on the bright side, yours don't break or give off a nice abrasive dust that you want to avoid breathing in when you cut them!

That CPU-GPU link is awkward. Too close in one dimension for either of those ports. A few suggestions
* Could you swap GPU ports and go in where you have the temp sensor? Direction of flow supposedly doesn't matter on some blocks.
* If you went for the first port you've shown, your 45's are too tall and it's never going to meet. You might strike lucky on some non-rotary 45's or even just one of them. Not as tall so might get you the line-up....but could also point in entirely the wrong direction. You've got two ports so two threads to play with so you're doubling the chance of one of them pointing in the right direction. You may also find that some fittings are 'clocked' differently - ie the thread starts in a different position so they'll end up pointing in different directions when tightened. Barrow also do a 1.5mm 'extension' or spacer. Essentially a washer with an O-ring in the back. Given the G1/4 pitch, that ought to (at least in theory) get you 44° CCW rotation of the fitting.
* Would a double or triple snake fitting work and not look too horible?
* Is there enough room to put 90° fittings on both ports and then your line-up is adjustable by adding height to one or both with small spacers/extensions.
* Are you in range of an offset fitting? Some go quite a distance now - EK do one up to 28mm offset
EK: 3, 7, 14, 21, 28mm
Alphacool: 8,16mm
Barrow: 14mm
You'll definitely get a tighter bend by bending the tube long (more leverage for a start) and then cutting the end back. Measure once, cut twice, swear many times

You could always anneal the tube with a blow torch (heat to a dull glow and then let cool naturally) as that will make it softer and 'bendable' without snapping. Copper will work-harden too so it'll get harder as you're bending. It may require re-annealing half-way if you're having that much trouble with it.
Last idea would be a block of acrylic/delrin, steel even - copper's too pricey and you don't want aluminium in your loop. Brass maybe? A square prism (square bar) with a hole most of the way down the middle, tapped G1/4 at one end for a stop-plug. Then a G1/4 hole tapped in the right place for straight m/m rotary fittings (if enough room!) to connect to your ports.