Project from the land of Pakistan:)

reminds me of the Tron, looks awesome. But that florescent tube is too bright!

Actually it came out a bit too bright in the pic. When you see it in person its not that bright.

How did you manage to get the tube so straight? :eek:
I find the tubing to be sagging.

Honestly speaking i was a bit surprised myself after i got the tubing on the fitting to see it so straight, and that too on my first attempt. Since it came out fine i just didnt touch it afterwards cuz i thought it might sag. But i think it has to do with the size as u saw in my previous white and blue build, i was using a smalled I/D tubing so maybe thats why it was all saggy....this time tubing is more you can say thicker so its less prone...i guess.

That looks awesome mate. Are there lights behind the circuit designs or is that just the light from the florescent tube on the other side?

Yes...theres a whole lot of smd led strips attached to the motherboard backplate that lights up the circuit starts from the motherboard area then runs all the way into the 5.25" bay drives.

And finally...thanks everyone for appreciating all the hard work me and my friend put into this (well most of the hard work was put in by him...but the ideas were mine:p)...i ran into a small hiccup after leak test, on my first boot the system wouldnt get any power which led me to think that something is shorting the motherboard....and after blowing up a spare psu and an hour and a half of troubleshooting, i finally found the culprit....which was one of the 8 pin extensioms connected to the gtx 690. I dont know how or why it just wasnt providing power to the today i finally tested the connections of each of the wires seperately and replaced the one that was dead...resleeved it and im happy to report that the system booted perfectly:) only the final touches are left....hopefully ill have some time to take this to my office and do a proper...good photoshoot with the system up n running:)
sorry guys couldnt get the photoshoot done as im extremely busy with work these days. plus its really hard to carry the whole pc to my office where i can take pictures and then bring it back with me home at night to use it. Nonetheless i took some pics today:)




im sorry about the finger prints visible in the first pic....the paint is literally a finger print magnet and having sweaty hands doesnt help either
Amazing work mate
first class job. from someone who has braided can I say your braiding skills are top class.
love the circuit board design also very nice
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