Project Inspired by iB

Which SSDs are you going for? The samsung drives would match nicely and are good drives too.

Still undecided mate, the sammy 840's are awesome but I'd still have to camo them in carbon because of the orange square.

I'm considering the ADATA 128GB drives because of their price/performance but will have to check out some reviews.
Yeah it's almost ready for painting now, just got to sand it down with 800 Grit to get rid out the 120 Grit scratches.

I use some metal filler called JB Weld, its excellent stuff but the consistency is quite runny, so if you wanted to fill bigger holes then you'd have to let it cure for about 30 minutes before applying it.
Any hole bigger than about 8mm in diameter and you'll really struggle to fill it with metal filler.
A case PSU hole is far to large to fill with metal filler, grab a small sheet of aluminium and cut it to the right size, but surely your case came with a blanking plate for the psu?

It may well have done - I've no idea where it will be though :( looks like I'll have that to add to my build :)
SSD enclosure Concept

Alright then, I don't want my SSD's hidden away and I also don't want them just placed on the floor of the case so my idea is to integrate them into the PSU cover, this way they'll be on show and the placement makes cable management a breeze.

Below is the enclosure that will be screwed into the PSU cover, it's a really simple design comprising of three pieces of acrylic.



The mounting holes in the enclosure will be tapped and the holes in the PSU cover will be countersunk to give a clean look.

I may carbon rap the SSD's so they fit in better with the colour scheme, or I may use smoked acrylic.

Are you using acrylic pipes to achieve this nice clean shape - otherwise, you may find that they sag and just look untidy.
I've looked at using solid pipes on my build as well but the problem I saw was getting everything lined up in straight lines which would mean having to find and source differant sized spacers.

Your doing a lot of work but have you considered getting a custom made power curcuit pcb to reduce cable clutter? I saw some guy xtermesystems use one to great effect on a lian li build, it looks intimadating for novices but really works well for cases which don't have kuch in the way of cable management holes.
I've looked at using solid pipes on my build as well but the problem I saw was getting everything lined up in straight lines which would mean having to find and source differant sized spacers.

Your doing a lot of work but have you considered getting a custom made power curcuit pcb to reduce cable clutter? I saw some guy xtermesystems use one to great effect on a lian li build, it looks intimadating for novices but really works well for cases which don't have kuch in the way of cable management holes.

Yeah I know that most of the tubing runs will be difficult and I am going to need a lot of angled fittings and spacers but I think the end result will be worth the effort and money, if everything was easy it would also be boring for me.

Can't say I've even heard of a custom PCB to reduce cable clutter, do you have a link?

I've looked at using solid pipes on my build as well but the problem I saw was getting everything lined up in straight lines which would mean having to find and source differant sized spacers.

Your doing a lot of work but have you considered getting a custom made power curcuit pcb to reduce cable clutter? I saw some guy xtermesystems use one to great effect on a lian li build, it looks intimadating for novices but really works well for cases which don't have kuch in the way of cable management holes.

Yeah - share!!!! This might be my answer!

Ooops. Apologies for the Hi-jack :) Back off to my own thread... ;)
Looking good, very nice concept. I may have to borrow inspiration for a future build ;)

Yeah I know that most of the tubing runs will be difficult and I am going to need a lot of angled fittings and spacers but I think the end result will be worth the effort and money, if everything was easy it would also be boring for me.

Can't say I've even heard of a custom PCB to reduce cable clutter, do you have a link?


Yeah - share!!!! This might be my answer!

Ooops. Apologies for the Hi-jack :) Back off to my own thread... ;)

I'll provide the link below but I should warn you the guy who built this PC is most likely built the custom PC to end all custom PC's and I don't say that lightly either. The guy is an electronics wizard and a lot of his idea's inspired me to do my first water cool build. See this thread .

This what he has done with the PSU.


This is the custom PCB he has made to reduce cable clutter


He then ends up with a short 24 pin wire coming out of the PSU to the PCB and the short wires going from the top of the PCB to the motherboard.


You can see all of his work here for some reason he stopped updating that thread. LINK
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WOW, that is absolutely crazy!

To advanced for me unfortunately but massive kudos to him! Looks outstanding :O

Maybe in prep for my next build I'll look into making custom PCBs but for now its wayyyy out of my league.

Thanks for sharing:)
Too complex for me too, but I wonder what sort of power you can push through a single track on a veroboard... That would certainly be a cable tidying/compacting feature...

Thanks for sharing the link - that is a truly inspirational build - one when completed would have gotten my nomination for MDPC...
Argh! what a nightmare the past week has been :( There was a pretty serious fault in the house electrical circuit which meant getting out an electrician and also meant ripping up the floor boards to try and find the fault, expensive and time consuming.

I wanted to get started on the SSD enclosures which meant using a dremel but with the electrics tripping every few minutes I couldn't progress much

Damn life for getting in the way of my modding progress.

Anyways I did manage to sleeve the 24 pin and I've started painting the case.

The stock 24 pin, this picture was taken so I had a reference for the pin layout.


Some of the thinner wires came straight out of the pin and left the pin still in the connector :( Nothing a drill and 2mm drill bit couldn't sort out though :D


a lot of high end PSU's now have double wires, meaning that two wires connect into one pin which makes them really differcult to sleeve and ugly, so to avoid the ugliness at the connector ends (where you'd see it) I cut the wires apart and soldered them back together in the middle of the wire, this part of the wire will be behind the motherboard tray out of sight.



A quick look at the 24 pin connected to the mobo, most of the 24 pin wont be visible as it'll go straight under the mobo and behind the mobo tray :)


I've been priming the case bits with etching primer....My ghetto 'washing line' to hang my case parts for painting using clamps and paracord.


I've decided to have the roof panel machine cut for a price of £25 rather than cut it myself as it's cheaper than a replacement panel and I know it'll look awesome. My design has been sent off :) I'm pretty excited! just hope I measured everything correctly...

Thanks for looking. :)
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Looks fantastic! Really makes me want to stop cheaping out by buying pre-braided extensions!!

What size cutting discs do dremmels take? If its something I stock at work I'll grab a few boxes for aspiring modders, will be more durable then the discs Dremmel are likely to send you ;)
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