I'm buying PC bits as and when I can, here's a small selection I received yesturday and today.
2 x 120GB Sandisk Extreme SSD's
The first HD7950
16GB (4 x 4GB) Samsung Green 1600Mhz DDR3
Arctic Cooling MX-4 for the GPU's
The first HD7950 I ordered was a HIS reference card, but unfortunately it has a green PCB and although the backplate covers most of it you can still see some of the PCB near the crossfire fingers. I'll be returning it under DSR.
The HIS card:
The MSI Card: (Brown PCB will have to do
A look at how the card looks with the backplate, I like it
This Samsung green RAM is TINY!:
I also bought a Antec PSU tester to make sure I didn't mess up the wire layout or soldering, all seems good
I've not just been shopping
I've also been painting, all the priming is done, I will need to sand everything before the gloss black goes on, it's going quite well so far
I've given my GTX480 to a friend as he was using a HD5450 so now I'm using the MSI HD7950. I couldn't resist a little overclocking
Turns out its pretty good, 1100Mhz with 1.060V Unigine Heaven stable, I'll continue testing tomorrow.
Thanks for looking