Project:- Liquid Skeleton

Cheers for the feed back guys and I appreciate your honesty.

I've decided to leave it as is and not to paint it. Having seen the mock up I did I was convinced it was just too much going on.

Still waiting on my fittings, won't be in untill end of month but plenty for me to do in the mean time.
Sorry for lack of activity, just waiting for my fittings to arrive at present.

Was originally going for clear tubing and yellow fluid but think the yellow might look like pee (anyone know a good strong yellow fluid?).

if not the above then Black tubing with Black dye, or possibly even clear fluid
(are the dyes really that bad for the health of the loop?)

Meanwhile a few night shots of the case.


Parts due to arrive in the next few days or so.

I've opted for 1/2 ID 3/4 OD compressions in black nickel finish from Phobya.



I'll also need to use a fair few 45 degree rotary fittings, fortunately Phobya also make these in the same rather nice Black Nickel finish.



Fill port to match


Also decided on Black Primochill tubing and Black dye. I'd originally planned on clear with yellow dye or yellow tubing. However I discovered neither were a viable option as yellow tubing doesn't seem to exist (well I can't find it) and yellow dye has potential of making it look like somebody has urinated in my cooling loop


Fluid wise I'm undecided between these 2. Any thoughts???



So fingers crossed the parts arrive early this week so can start the plumbing.

Have to admit to feeling both excited and terrified at the same time.
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your so crazy dubs i had no clue you were doing this because i was all wrapped up in bed with my skelly! lol Looks great so far i cant wait to see where you put the pump and resivior. I have been pondering the h20 skelly for a while and the only way i thought to do it, would to be making me hard drives and disk drives external. O and good choice on the rad color
Cheers VooDoo
loving your build also
the rad will be mounted via a bracket onto the mesh side panel with the pump mounted on top using a mounting plate and a bracket ive fabricated, with all the tubes passing behind the case and in through the back. that way i can still slide things in and out simply by unclipping the side mesh

love the new sig, not sure but it might be a smidge on the large side though as theres a line/pixel limit
will fix the sig, i think teal'c said the same thing. just busy with 12 hour days 7 days a week, dont worry i will make time for this thread though! ! ! as For the rad and Pump i think ^That a great idea
Thanks for being so patient while I waited for parts to arrive.

I'm delighted to say I am now the proud owner of some very nice Phobya 1/2 ID 3/4 OD compression fittings and some 45 degree rotarys. I also have a 90 degree rotary and a fillport and drain plug (although as yet no T piece).

Now I have my parts I should be able to crack on so do please keep an eye on the thread for updates over the weekend.

A few pictures of the goodies.









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Sorry for the lack of updates recently. I have encountered something of a problem and have had to find a solution.

Basically the clearance on the input of the res/pumptop I have is about 2-3mm to small for the Compression fittings.

Spent a fair bit of time trying to work out what to do (remember i'm new to watercooling) and have eventually settled on using a Phobya extension piece to provide stand off of the compression beyond the base plate.

Not a very good photo as it just looks "close" in reality you can't get the thread to engage in the restop.



Also now have my tubing, fluid and anti kink coils. Continuing the Black and yellow theme of the original build.




Absolutely itching to get on with this now, just need that extension and i'm off!!!
gone look like a constuction site :)

Yeah pretty much, but right from when I first got this case it just shouts "industrial" and "hazard" at me so the watercooling had to continue the theme. Kinda like the pompidou center in Paris where all the inside is on the outside.
Phobya extension arrived in the post this morning and has solved the clearance problem a treat. Cracking bit of kit it is too.




Still not much clearance between the two compressions but I think it should be fine.

A 180 degree assembly on the end of the rad to take the feed from the res/pump assembly which will be mounted via a bracket on top of the rad.

I'm going CPU - pump - in through top of rad, out through the bottom - CPU.

Going to be assembling the actual loop over the next few days, and as this is my first time I thought I'd ask if anyone has any pearls of wisdom for me. Things such as should I use PTFE tape and if so how much, should I leak test with distilled water before using the black coolant just in case I do have a major leak and need to drain in a hurry.

All advice gratefully received.

Meanwhile a few pics to give you an idea of how it's all going to go together

Using the phobya rad bracket and pump mounting plate attached via my custom bracket I've essentially fabricated a stand alone rad/pump/res unit.

Although quite robust this unit can then be attached to the side of the Skeleton mesh for added stability.






So next couple of days should hopefully see the tubing in and the braiding of the pump done. Then on to leak testing.
I must say you're doing an amazing job dubs, i hadn't expected anyone to try and watercool a skeleton before, so i think i'll be keeping an eye on this just to see how you manage, but so far. Looking great!
Many thanks for the feedback. I'm really enjoying this project, and it's nice to know you guys are too.

Bit more work today. Pump/res installed and the loop assembled.

Due to the nature of this case and the way I have set up the loop I can cut everything to length, set up outside the case and leak test, then all being well just attach the CPU block and a bit more in case leak testing and I'm off.

As you know I've been using all Phobya fittings, with a mix of Compressions and rotaries. I have to say I've been very impressed with them. quality and finish are excellent and they are easy to work with.

So a few pictures to tell the tale of where I'm at.

Decided to use PTFE tape. A real relaxing and cathartic experience, much like braiding cables (seriously, very relaxing). obviously did it up tight, this is just to show the PTFE



Rear of the Rad (this 180 degree assembly sort of reminds me of a scorpion tail)


The CPU block with Phobya 45 degree rotaries and compressions


Shiny Shiny


First tube goes on



And then the other 2


More Shiny Shiny.


Leak testing to follow!!!
Fantastic, loved the original Skelly build and this is just the icing on the cake.

Re the PTFE you don't need it with todays modern barbs and fittings, thats what teh orings are for, in fact it can cause cracks if you are screwing into acrylic or acetal. And there is even concerns that bits of it if they get into the loop or degrade into the loop will gunk up your blocks and pump.

If it was me, I'd get rid of it and do leak testing without.

Also think seriously about not bothering with the coloured coolant, just Distilled with a silver kill coil or some PTNuke will be far better. I know I never listened to anyone when they told me years ago not to do it but I wish I had.

YMMV and these suggestions are obviously just my concerns if it was my build. :)

But again, great concept and looks like the execution is as exacting and well considered as usual :cool:
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