Project log: A one for the missus ( More airbrushing / custom paint ! )

Heres soem mroe pics.
kinda beggining to see soem shape here and there.
would you believe theres 5 different shades / layers of light pink on there ! ( gettign white each time) and about another 3-4 shades before i hit pure white. THEN ill go all the way bacjk dpwn to a dark reddy black.



Thats lookin seriously good, i thought you were pretty good at airbushing after that Aurora, but looking at the work you are doing there you are at a stupidly high level. Its looking brilliant nice job.

Nice picture you are using aswell.

BTW like the colour change of the desk.
eXSBass said:
R B, you have a broken link there. Here it is if anyone is wondering what it is:

Thanks mate i noticed it before but forgot to change it :P

its a good change of mind dont you think ?
i could have continiued workign the fade more but half way through i realised the colours just didnt work at all.

thanks for the kind words guys.

my girlfrinds been reading this thread on another forums and has seeen the pic of the woman :( kinda wanted it to be a supprise
Whilst this and your other work isn't to my taste, I have a lot of respect for your talent, you have a lot more patience than I ever will, and your paint jobs are very professional, keep up the work.

Great to see more of this stuff in Case Central.
thanks a lot guys.

i hope yuo all rtealise its no where enar finished lol. ive never taken pics of my paitnigns in stages lie this before bcasue its ahrd for people to understand what stage they are at.
but hopefully if you look at all the pics of the girl then you will see the development through the painting.
theres still a long way to go yet but shouldnt take me londg
thanks a lot
Wow. That is some fantastic work there! I never even got to reply to your aurora build but you're very good at what you do :)

Just an idea, but what if the woman was wearing one of those university flat-caps and or a graduation gown? Perhaps even a scarf? :)

It'd be quite amusing if you sprayed your gf's face on to that somewhere. That would be very unique....

I look forward to your updates on this mate, best of luck.
aftershxck said:
am i correct in thinking you just look at that image and then use your own artistic skill to make a copy on the case? :)

Using the image as reference? I believe he does :)

Very nice work as usual, about as good as a pink case will ever look :p
Raikiri said:
Using the image as reference? I believe he does :)

Very nice work as usual, about as good as a pink case will ever look :p

Ah yes, but the question is - how well will it cool? :p
Nix said:
Ah yes, but the question is - how well will it cool? :p

Doesnt matter as long as it is quiet and stable (and overclocked of course) ;)

Max temp for nforce 4 is 90c, so I think my 40c passive is ok :p
hey guys. a little bit of progress today but need to chartge camera up.

for those who were asking. the image of tha lady is projected onto the case and very basic luines are drawn ( they must be basic of it just gets confusing ) then i sue the reference picture to get all of the highlights etc in the righ place. sometimes a bit tricky though !

its nto even worth thinking about drawing the image direct to the case for a few reasons.

1: Pencil lines !. guides would have to be drawn to draw the figure / detail in the first place and are very herd to cover

2: placement - a projector means i can fanny on with the placement of the design easily.

3: TIME !

so on with the picture:
First of all ill post the last picture from the previous stage to save you scrolling up and down ( so you can easily compare the stages)

this pic is taken from the first stage of 'low lighting' as i call it.
i tend to work from 50% ( mid tone) then go all the way up to 100% ( white) and then back from 50% to 10% ( Dark )
so this stage is about 40%

the arms are startign to take a bit of shape, although im gonna change one of them slightly.
btu this is the stages when the design comes to its own and really pops out :D


yaaaaaaaaaaay something else for me to obsess over ;)

looks amazing mate, I will be here making sure that you update us everyday ;) I will get onto msn soon mate... its been SO long since we last talked :)

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no batteries for my camer :@
ands im making quick prgress too.
ive roughed in the hair ( finaly decided to ahve it blowing backwards ! )
and it looks sweet
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