Project log: ''Make it up as i go along'' ( more airbushing)

22 Sep 2005
Hi Hi !
Ive got a Enermax CS-718 server case here thats been waiting for the custom treatment for soem time now.

after battoning down the hatches, and nailing the doors shut to keep all the women away form me after the release of my puictures in CPC, ive decided to go and get started on this case.

I DID have a grand plan for it which now ive relaised wont work on this particluar case. so instead im just gonna p[rime it up and make it up as i go along.
The beauty with airbbrushing is that the paint layers are so thin, that i can easly change the whole thing without breaking too much of a sweat.

pics will be posted soon.

Rick B
Mr Mister said:
HAHA!! :-p

It should have a hells angels theme. That would be cool :-D

hey they were vicious ! lol
it was like the linx advert... you know the one... on the beach
Laura wasnt too impressed !

anyway heres some pictures
i acctually started this one last nigth btu only got around to posting today lol







lol you can still see the evidence of lauras PC on my bench
orderoftheflame said:
is the orange mark sprayed on (looks like the moon behind clouds)

or just a reflection.

If it's delibrate, looks ace. If not.. i hardly noticed it :o

it's a reflection altough im not entrily sure what its a reflection of !!
this is gonna be green realisticv fire with soem jkind of image ghosted in, im thingking a big ol skull or soem kind of reaper maybe.

what ever it is each side will need somethign on it. so ill just make it up as i go i suppose !
there wont be that many in progress shots of the flames, that about your lot really! but i suppose i can post progress of anythign else.
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33L said:
always a pleasure to see another custom spray job from you mate! cant wait to see what it comes out as!

neither can i lol
gonna get started on it again as soon as all of these songs are transfered to my zen lol... gotta have some fresh tunes to paint with :)



Just toying with some ideas, nothign set in concrete yet.

i cant put too much onto these side pannles as they will be overlapped with flames.
but this is just to give me an idea, the hand ofcourse sucks !! but sdotn worry about that lol.
heres the final outlines i paint onto,


first few rough blocks of paint


dome definition. not really happy with it sso far so need s soem more tinkering. the paint is taking to the surface very nicly so theres a lot of headroom for error.


i took the jaw out for now cause it was pap. need to look at the photos and fugure it out. once youve stared at the same pices fo paintwork for houirs its very easay to make silly mistakes and overlook them !!

spent another couple hours tonigth before i set off to the land of nod.

the skull and blade shaft is startign to take more shape, and ive roughed in the lower jaw area,

so far, so good ! im just getting itchy fingers cos i cant wait to paint these green flames ><

Signing out il tomorrow
Rick B


the hand isnt going well at all im afraid ! lol
i always have issues with hands:P
gonna print the pics out and draw onto them to get the right shape.

for now ive blacked the hand out and roughed the staff in

jaw still aint done either lol
i dont tend to concentrate on one hpart at a time to be honest, i like to move around the whole piece starting things rather than finishing them :)

dwarf said:
How long does this kind of thing take you?!

Looks very impressive!

if you look at the times of the posts with pictures that will give you a good idea.

i tend to take photos and post them straight away.
but so far ive worked cant find my note pad :)

about 8 - 10 hours so far - i know that sounds a lot but its amazing how long this stuff takes !!

more pics FT\/\/ ?

something strange here... my guns havnt been graced with this colour for quite some time !!



started to pucht eh skull back a little by choppign half of it off


the hand is startignt o take a better shape now ! more shading needed.


Edit: lol just spotted summit that really looks naff... youl see from the next pics what ive done lol
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rkb442 said:

ahh you use a little gun. how much do they cost? or are they realy expasive.

edit lol
i replied because you used the wrong picture ><

new reply:

thats what i use to do all of the artwork with.
yes theyre very expensive !!
that one cost me about £170 + an airline
i have other brushes that cost over £300 but lets not go there lol !
ontop of that you need a preoppercompressor and reg / watertrap. those are Really expensive :O

then theres the paints lol my last bill for a small re stock was 200 ex VAT

stop editing your post lol im gettign confused about what question your asking ><
theres 2 guns there... an airbrush and a minijet... which one is in question :S ?
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Wolf11 said:
Looking cool :) I look forward to seeing progress.

I am now in my 2nd month of airbrushing and bumbling along ok lol...what paint do you use for Abing ?

cool ! its a steep learning curve but not impossible !
be sure to post results if you decide to mod a case.
i use Mipa and House of kolor
little bit more progress,
im happy with the eye on the right, sop im gonna make the one on the left look the same.

the skeleton hand is slowwwwly getting there !!






also, you may have noticed that ive fixxed the top left hand side of the hood. as i mentioned before
right e o

heres some more pics.
the reaper is very nearly complete !

ive added some loose threads, and started to finish the eyes... ive left the hand a little 'abstract' lol looks good in RL

ive been putting the blade off for a while, but tis time to do it !
cant really do much yest as theyre still a lot of wet paint on there !



airbrush art is SO hard to photopraph in an unfinished state, so ive left the flash off these pictures for now.

this is about 15 hours in.
LOL at Mr. Scruff !!
all his albums are on napster... i dont knwo whether thats a good thing or a bad thing tbh !

my camera has just conked out, so until i can find soem batteries i have no more pics !!
ive just finished the shaft of the scythe though. all the stringie bits etc.

:mad: @ cameras :(
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