Project : LV-426 an Alien inspired build ( a Jonsbo MOD5 build )

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol

The MOD5 from Jonsbo.


Total marmite case, so if you are looking for effecient airflow and understated - the door is over there.

'Project' is a bit grand for this, it'll be a simple build log giving a closer look at this case for the curious.

My last project was also a Jonsbo, the MOD1, which is linked in my sig. I tend to go for the more unusual cases in my modding history over the years.

As with all my projects, i have an idea in my head, but nothing on paper, so i'll just see where it ends up.

We'll start with the obligatory ' pile of bits '


All tucked away in the cupboard waiting for the 7800X3D, i'll be moving the psu and RTX3080 over from the other case.

I'm getting too old for water-cooling now, so this will be a simple air-cooled build
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First thing i wanted to do was change the colour, didn't want the black version and wasn't sold on silver, so i picked a colour somewhere in the middle.


Vinyl wrap, the lazy mans painting.

Test piece :

Original silver


Never used wrap before, so a little rough in places, but far better than anything i could have done with paint.

And a little more from this afternoon:


I plan to wrap the inner 'frame' in matte black

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11/04/23 - Little bit more done.

Had some Phanteks Halo aluminium frames from a build ages back that i found in my parts bin ( it's literally a bin ), and bought some suitable mesh from eBay.


Fits the theme/colour pretty well.

Back side of case wrapped now also.

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Small update 21/4/23

Mostly little details, but things that were bugging me.

Sprayed the liitle Deepcool logo inserts from the original teal/bluey colour to silver on the CPU cooler:


Changed the memory sticks Z from red to black:

And changed all the red detail lines on the mobo to black :

( Ignore the bright pink STRIX heatsink, that will not be used, as i have a WDSN850X with black heatsink going there. )

All small things, but it keeps the mobo area all in 'theme' - Black,Grey+Silver.


Still plenty left to do, so thanks for looking in.
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Like the case design. Where does the PSU go? - At the bottom near the front, or in that white box at the top (or is that just padding/packaging)?
PSU goes in the base area, kinda central. And yes, that white box is packaging i forgot to remove.
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Latest pic reminded me of Metal Gear REX from the MGS game. Funky lookin stuff. I too saw this earlier on in the week and thought "Thats mad cool but surely nobody will buy it" :D
Nice work dude.

I tell you what, it's absolutely incredible how good 3M 2080 vinyl is compared to all of the crap flooding the market. I had gotten to the point where I literally wanted to stop using it, as it was not holding and etc. Got some proper 3M and now I won't use anything else.
Small Update

Change of plan, the air cooler has gone. It just took up so much room, and didn't look right to me with the vertical gfx card.

AIO time, EK Nucleus 240mm ( push/pull config with the Arctic P12 PWM PST fans i've used throughout the case )


Snagged a bargain RTX4070 new for £375 from eBay, and the colour is a perfect match for the build.

and started on a small display screen for the case side


still a mountain of fan/rgb cable spaghetti to route and sort yet.

Thanks for looking in.
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Looking good! Where did you pick up the aluminium cable routing clamp doohickeys?


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Looking good! Where did you pick up the aluminium cable routing clamp doohickeys?

AliExpress - they are for sparkplug leads / oil pipes etc. AN4 size is a good fit for 8 sleeved cables.

I thought they looked a little different form the usual. Going for a futuristic / machiney type look.
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