Project : LV-426 an Alien inspired build ( a Jonsbo MOD5 build )

Thank you all, wasn't sure about it at first but the idea came to me so i ran with it.

The problem is size - this stuff is the smallest i could find at 6mm diameter, so shower hosing would have been far too big, and yes would have preferred black metal hosing but then its a question of sourcing it etc., this stuff is £4 for 2metres from Amazon - so nice and easy to obtain.

Finished the fan cables and hub earlier ( matt black vinyl on the plastic hub so it blends in more ) ;



All 12 fans hidden away.

RGB next which will be a pain.
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Update time.

I said earlier i had plans for the cpu back, so here it is.


( ^^ rough placement of some case decals in background, still playing with those ^^)


Test placement only, so its a little wonky :D

( RGB hub is work in progress , but will get similar treatment to the fan hub )

and it will actually let any heat out

More to come and thanks for looking in.
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I'm currently bogged down with 4 projects all based around the In Win 900 series so my brain is all about super clean lines and minimal fuss. This madness is the polar opposite and I'm loving every second of it.

Superb job, such a shame bit tech closed its doors otherwise I'd suggest putting this in for Mod Of The Month. I'd definitely get it on for monthly awards though.
WOW! this really is beautiful!

The attention to detail on the cabling and layout is just perfect! loving the screen and the artwork is just the icing on the cake :)

the 4080 suits is perfectly as a GPU design, didn't realise the lighting on the Phoenix was that cool :)
The 2 8pin EPS/Mobo cables were looking out of place, so they have joined the conduit party !!


Roughish placement at the moment ( I'm still getting the RGB hub/cables sorted in my head before tackling that. )

And after much deliberation on where they would go, i felt brave and added some of the case markings.


Photo makes them stand out more than in real light, they are a little more subtle in natural light.
As i dont have a vinyl printing/cutting machine, they are all derived from 2 words i had printed for me MOD5 ( the case ) and BRIZZLES ( my forum name ) and i hand trimmed the letters to look kinda random ( and it is actually a real font called HEIKO ).

RGB hub next - I promise :D
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Nice job on the EPS cables. I was going to ask if they were getting replaced, but you've clearly answered my question before it was asked!
And its update time once again.

Back is finished, bar a couple of stray wires and some final tidying.





And then i put a glass panel over it and it gets put against a wall where you can't see any of this side !! :D

Thank for all the comments.
Beautiful and such a high level of detail but there is one black cable (approx 9 oclock) running over what looks like the 24 pin cables, could you route it underneath to hide it ?
A few more details added as i near the end.


That had to go ^^

So i traded in my RTX4080 for an HX-7290.Q


Piece of vinyl to cover the GeForce part


And my Seasonic psu is apparently made by Vulkan Industries now


Added some black hose clamps to the AIO tubes, breaks up the legths of grey running across the board and ties it into the theme imo.



Started work on the cables hanging out the back, i have an idea in mind.

Thank for all the comments, much appreciated.
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