Project : Monolith

Man of Honour
16 Mar 2005
Clevedon , Bristol




Welcome to my next build :)

The case is the impressive looking Lian Li PC-X1000 Full-Tower Case.

Early days yet, the case has been ordered and down for powdercoating in a few weeks.

This build will revolve around a simple colour scheme of black with red accents.


Asus Maximus II mobo ;

GSkill Trident Ram;

A Q9650 chip

An ATi 58** - TBA.

Lian Li PC-X1000 Full-Tower Case - Black‏ - With Matt black powdercoated insides.

Matt Black Bitspower fittings with red tubing

LUND Aluminium Reservoir - Anodised Red

A CNC window cut that features a combination of Dark tint and a Red tint acrylic.


The idea is to get the acrylic ' flush' with the case panel - As oppose to mounting an acrylic sheet behind the side panel.

This will give it a smoother look.

Changing the front slightly.

Replacing the bezel with the 3.5" insert thing, with a simple nameplate bezel;


The red is red tint acrylic that will be backlit.

Will post some pics when the powdercoating is done.


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Back again :D

First pictorial update :)

Out the box;


Gives you and idea of how tall she is. This is the 'window panel'.


Bottom section at the front. This is where a 'fat' 120mm radiator will be cooling the CPU and Northbridge;


Front part, where the 2 other 140mm fans sit ;


The 2 x 140mm fans are easily removed, and easily modded for a 280mm radiator if i need it ;


Few randoms :)

The backplate/pci holding device, this will be anodised red as part of the colour scheme ;


The 'flat packed' version ! ;


And a few leftover screws etc......


So she's all ready for the insides to be powdercoated matt black.

I've started the braiding process, and managed to source some nice parts for the build in the last few weeks.

More piccies to follow, shortly :D


:) You did a nice restoration & large improvement on purple rain, nice case to be working on here subscribed :).
The window would be easy to do with a dremel and a bit of time cleaning it up as apposed to cnc though, but would need a router to make the window flush with the metal so with that in mind yeah, cnc is a better idea :D should look very nice :cool:.

I'd love to do my own annodising but it just seems too dangerous/hazardous, it'll add a nice touch on this :).

How are you anodising? Always fancied it, but not sure hpw to start!

I'm up against time on this build, so the panel cutting , and anodising, is being done by a pro.

Is this what the 140mm fans & compression fitting are for? ;)

Yep, you've been a great help. mate :)

Barring disasters, this is going to Campus Party Europe in Madrid - Mid. April

( would have been rude to turn down a free trip ;) ).


Thanks guys :)

Update time :D

Starting braiding.

It seems that, including Purple Rain, i've spent most of the last 6 months braiding cables !

Anyway, a couple of pics of the 24pin ATX power cable.



Close-up, shows the colour in more detail :

Onto the fans.

Phobya Nano-G 14 Silent Waterproof 1000rpm

Very lucky to pick up 3 of these on a members market, they were the exact ones i was going to use in this build.


^ Note, they are waterproof. I guess Phobya have seen my leak testing methods !



The colour is perfect, a darkish red.

Just need 2 more for the build.
:) You're going too, I got invited to campus party europe as well but I'm not all that outgoing so had to think about it, still not gave my definate answer yet & know I need to asap, I guess if I was outgoing enough for events like that I wouldn't have got into modding & be buying cases like most people & probably be married with kids lol :D.

Shame, because I know I'd have met many talented modders from all over europe & learned some new things & maybe even have some fun in the process as well as a little break from english weather :cool:.

First time i've been to any sort of event like this, i'm not exactly a social animal either. Try it, its a break if nothing else :)

Drop me a pm if you decide to go :)
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, much appreciated :)

Another small update :)

The case is now in my grubby little hands :D

Black powder coated inners should be standard imo, especially when you have paid £250+ for the case.

Lian Li take note !! You do it on the other TYR range cases, why not this one ?

Anyway, some pics ;




Most of the bolts and fixings are also silver, so out with the spray can.

Easiest way for spraying bolts etc, is to thread them through a piece of corrugated cardboard. This keeps them upright and makes the job a whole lot easier to handle and move.

Here's the first batch;


For the watercooling loop - CPU and Northbridge, i'll be using a Feser single 120 radiator coupled with a Scythe UltraKaze 38mm fan.



Keeping the black and red theme going, i've gone for black Bitspower fittings;


And to tie in with the colour, i had the hold down plate of my Apogee XT powdercoated black;

A couple of fans installed for effect;


And the rather splendid Lund reservoir ( again ! ) ;



Got 2 weeks to go for the deadline, so i've got a little bit of work to do :D

Heres the pre- CNC drawing of the window for the case panel.


Back soon, and thanks for dropping by :)


Small update.

The gods have been against me :(

Fitted the watercooling, only to have to strip it all out again as the motherboard wouldn't post.

Traced the problem to a short somewhere, so with isolated standoffs it works inside the case.

Problem is, no time to re-order tubing ang get it ready for Campusparty europe next week.

Reluctantly i've fitted temporary air cooling for the time being, i'll redo the loop when it returns from Madrid.

In the end the window could not be made to fit flush with the side panel, so another disappointment.

I've had to fit a standard tinted acrylic window instead.

It looks OK, so not the end of the world.

And the door has recieved some marks on its way to me, not happy with that, picture 3 shows them :mad:

Heres a couple of quick pics just before it gets boxed up and sent off to Spain.




To do ;

Refit watercooling loop

Sort out the lighting ( the red is again a temporary thing - time was against me )

Thanks for popping by.

Hope the next update is a little more positive.


The chip you mentioned is easily rectified using the methods you have mentioned - that chip will be covered.

The marks are on the window side panel.

They look like smudges/grease prints ( 2 below the window and 3 above it ) but are actually ' blemishes' of some sort which won't wash off. Annoying on a £250+ case.

Madrid should be fun anyway, take my mind off modding for a while, though i'm tempted to take my watercooling stuff with me and install it whilst i'm there.

Taking my graphics card in my suitcase, so with the aluminium resevoir and a bottle of fluid, if it gets X-rayed, they'll clear the airport - circuitboard + aluminium tube and some strange liquid = bomb scare :eek:
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