Project : Monolith

For the watercooling loop - CPU and Northbridge, i'll be using a Feser single 120 radiator coupled with a Scythe UltraKaze 38mm fan.



Keeping the black and red theme going, i've gone for black Bitspower fittings;


And to tie in with the colour, i had the hold down plate of my Apogee XT powdercoated black;

A couple of fans installed for effect;


And the rather splendid Lund reservoir ( again ! ) ;



Got 2 weeks to go for the deadline, so i've got a little bit of work to do :D

Heres the pre- CNC drawing of the window for the case panel.


Back soon, and thanks for dropping by :)


will a single 120 rad effectively cool the cpu? never mind the northbridge as well?

I've done the maths, and yes :)

Its a fat 120 rad and a very effective fan with good static pressure ideal for radiaitors.

I can get my Q9650 to 4ghz on air wth pretty good temps, so will have no probs with the cooling.
I've done the maths, and yes :)

Its a fat 120 rad and a very effective fan with good static pressure ideal for radiaitors.

I can get my Q9650 to 4ghz on air wth pretty good temps, so will have no probs with the cooling.

nice :)
what fans are you using and how noisy will they be?

loving the build so far :) will look sweet once you are finished
Looking very good, the black internals really help, the only thing i dont like about my Lian Li A70F is the bare aluminium interior, may send it off to get powder coated black, still have my old akasa eclipse for backup just in case.
oh my oh my, this build log certainly is a treat.

The Lian Li full tower is unbelievably gorgeous, well certainly will be afterwards :P
Very nice, red looks really good.

Very interested in the lighting will be watching how you do it, would like to put similar in my case.
Started the installation :)

Only to find that i'm short of 1 fitting, so yes i know the tubing is missing ;)

Just over a week left to finish it !






Back in a while..........


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