project n00b

heya guys another update and more of a advice post. i have managed to get the plastics for the case finished. i am fairly happy with the finished look but at the same time.... its just way 2 big now its in my room. should i cut my losses and get a more practical case for my room that can still house all the watercooling i need? or keep it? i do like the look but its just not practial. what are your oppinions? cheers guys

that paint work is excellent! really like this build, ive done similar with my raystorm GPU block!

Thankyou mate I'm very happy with the way the case has turned out and blue and white are my 2 favourite colours which is why my eyes are glues to your parvum build :D. I'm heading up to Overclockers on Saturday to pick up some parts for my build and also a system I'm going to be building for a friend... A parvum haha he wants green and black or white and green so I'm going to look at a splinter cell style feel to the case. Quite nervous tho as it will be my second build and I'm still new to it all hehe.
Thankyou mate I'm very happy with the way the case has turned out and blue and white are my 2 favourite colours which is why my eyes are glues to your parvum build :D. I'm heading up to Overclockers on Saturday to pick up some parts for my build and also a system I'm going to be building for a friend... A parvum haha he wants green and black or white and green so I'm going to look at a splinter cell style feel to the case. Quite nervous tho as it will be my second build and I'm still new to it all hehe.

haha, nice im going to be helping on a green and black parvum build too! can ya trust message me where you got that paint work done please?

i too might be in OCUK headquarters saturday, i need a few bits and bobs but not sure which day il be going up yet :/
ok so ive had a long hard think and after starting a parvum build for a mate of mine.... im going to bite the bullet and also swap to one ... have to change the mobo but it will be worth it. such a nice case and will suit my set up a lot more. i will be posting a project log of my mates build and then i will continue with my own :D
Project me suckered in. Was expecting a right gash of a build but this is turning out to be great.....i'm hooked, brilliant so far. :)
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