Heh so I lied, sorry wasn't the last update.
So leak testing shots and some videos!
First leak testing with pure distilled, also helps blow out any bits of crud left anywhere and helps identify any difficult air traps that I'm going to have to work on later.
Some videos, first a video of the airlocks being chased around the tubing, took ages to get them all out
Eventually was left with a few bigger bubbles working their way out as I tipped the case around.
So after the successful leak test (which did show up a slight leak around the pump, fixed with a few turns of the screws) then its in with the fluid I'm going to use.
This is Nanoxia Hyperzero ReadyFluid - Clear Protect, its clear which I like, and its anti corrosion and anti algae properties should be put to the test nicely in this situation
Its white from all the bubbles, and it made a load of froth, but eventually it all settled down.
I'll put some finished shots up soon, but currently its overclocked 25%, so pretty much 2.3Ghz out of 1.8Ghz chips and stable just bumping the volts from 0.9 to 1.0375V