Project Nostromo

I think the guys who are running 1600 memory are able to reach higher base clock speeds up to around 260 but I am only aware of one other guy with the same CPU chips as mine that has done that. But buying 16 sticks of high speed memory with tighter timings for that extra boost in speed is a big expense and I am well pleased with what I was able to achieve with the memory I had :)

So not its not a limitation of the board, but CPU wise they have limits to how high you can push the volts and those limits are hard coded into the chips, so with mine 1.050V is the highest they will go, but I'm running the overclock at one step lower 1.0375V so there is a little headroom left on the CPUs probably.
Biffa, you awesome person of awesomeness (I don't want anything I swear!) but... where are those pictures..? ;) This has been sitting in my sub box and my bookmarks for some time haha :p

It looks amazing though. Would love to own hardware like this. Oh the things I could do with it. :rolleyes:
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