Project: Obsidiswap

looking good, to get round the res not being straight, you could use these they work well as i have mine mounted with these.
It isn't really worth it. The res only hangs ever so slightly angled. Thanks for the link though :)

Just to let you guys know, I have the system filled with no leaks and am running it pump only overnight to help with bleeding. Will update pics tomorrow if I get time :D
Another update:

So, after lots of cutting I sorted the tubing and prepared it for a leak test

Filling. I had no leaks :D

System powered off after an overnight leak test. I tell you what the radiator literally took ages to bleed! It was a right pain.

And with the side panel on

I will get some final pics up with night shots later this week/early next week and try and get some overclocking done in the next week. I did a quick prime 95 test and I have managed to knock 10 degrees off my CPU and 15 degrees off my GPU from my last rad. I am very happy :)
Wow!! Loving the white tubing... may be worth looking more at lighting options as imo that makes all the difference in a build like this... keep it light colours, looks tidier!! :) Maybe even white light and blue :)

Loving the white tubing too!! Would've gone that way myself, but I like to be able to see air locks etc...

EDIT: Wise choice with silver coil plus distilled too, learned from your last experience I see!!
nice job m8ty. looks really good.

what temps are you getting now?
46.9 degrees on the CPU and 45 degrees on the GPU with prime95 blend and furmark running at the same time. I should also add that is with the GPU and CPU both overclocked. It is a big improvement over the 57 degrees CPU and 54.5 GPU I was getting before :) I will try to get some overclocking done in the next week and get some results then :D

Quick update:

I noticed there was horrible interference when using the front panel headphone jack so I emailed corsair and they are going to send me another. Many people have said they have done the same but received the USB3 upgrade panel so *fingers crossed* :)

I haven't had time as yet to do any more overclocking or take any nice "final" pics but I did manage to do some testing to see how much my temps have improved.

In all of the tests I fired up p95 blend test and furmark. I recorded the temps after around 30 mins.

Just remember all of the "before" results were using a black ice stealth 280 rad with Noiseblocker PK-3s. The black ice rad had a much higher fin density so would benefit more from faster fans than my XSPC rad would. However, I run my fans at 50% almost all of the time so the 50% fans results were the ones I cared about.

Test 1 - All fans (including case fans) at 50%



Test 2 - All fans (including case fans) at 100%



Overall I am really happy with the results. It has given me quite a bit more headroom for overclocking which is nice :)

What has really surprised me though is that my mobo temps have dropped by up to 9 degrees in some instances from when it was in my Lancool K62. Considering airflow in an 800D is supposed to be awful, I am very happy and surprised by this :D

I will try to get some final photos done some time later this week and possibly some overclocking :)
Very nice indeed. Though it does look like it's about to tear your imac in half and violently copulate with the remains :D.
Small update:

So after starting up my PC I put in my headphones and noticed some horrendous interference through the front panel audio jack. I emailed corsair about this and without hesitation they sent me a replacement. Little did I know until it arrived that they sent me the USB3 upgrade panel for free. Big thumbs up for corsair support!
This looks really nice :D

Thanks mate :)

Anyway, some good and bad news.

Well, as I was installing the USB3 front panel kit I somehow managed to break my Creative X-Fi XtremeGamer card :(. Anyway, I did some looking round the forums and managed to get an ASUS Xonar D2 thanks to Jokester.



I love the way it lights up at the back :)
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