Project: Plan D

I thought posting pictures was good!!! but as no one has replied i will have to myself..

Currently on order

38mm yate loon fans for the RAD
120mm RAD which might not fit in the rear fan position.

Already i have spent more than i wanted to, im considering get tin a Phobya pump and selling my Matx as a complete case with WC.

I have ordered 2 45 degree compressor fittings for the heatkiller as the ones i have dont fit side by side.

Has anyone got the Phobia high end pump (only £35) my budget cant stretch to a D5???
nice build, good to see brackets for the HK was it a 775 block?

hopefully they will support sandybridge or is that wishful thinking...
Off to a promising start sayso.

No experience of Phobya pumps but have used quite a few other Phobya products.
nice build, good to see brackets for the HK was it a 775 block?

Nope it was an I7 block, i dont know why they all dont ship with the multiblock (apart from it looking ugly)

Coming along nicely mate, are you going to keep the internal parts silver still or going to fully stealth it out?

I haven't got the money to sort out the internals, i could spray it myself but i think it would just end up being a mess.

Project is taking a bit of a rest at the moment as im starting a new job tomorrow, also im bidding on a 120 RAD and waiting for some bits to arrive.

Will hopefully get a day over the xmas break to get stuck in.
Planned front with Res and Scythe fan bay (using be quiet fans)


where did you get that Scythe fan bay from ?
Some people are just too good at modding.

You're one of them!

Sorry to hear about budget, always a pain isnt it? :p

Build looks good so far :)
Some people are just too good at modding.

You're one of them!

Sorry to hear about budget, always a pain isnt it? :p

Build looks good so far :)

hehe thanks but that just isnt true, i just like building computers and i would consider myself a builder not a modder i just haven't got the skills or tools to do a proper job.

As for money i have another £100 of kit arriving tomorrow..then its just the 6950 block to buy :)
Love these type cases, planning to do something similar myself with the upside down version, not decided on the cooling yet though!
hehe thanks but that just isnt true, i just like building computers and i would consider myself a builder not a modder i just haven't got the skills or tools to do a proper job.

Untrue :D, I started off doing basic cuts & mods like this & what you are doing you are doing well, I just didn't share my early stuff on a forum ;).
A few bits arrived today :

Phobya Pump and sponge stuff.
some more fixings
10 litres of mayhems ultra pure and a silver coil :)
i also had a 120 Feser come in the post aswell

oh and some *whisper* pre braided nzxt extension cables (dont tell anyone :))

i think i might just crack on and leave enough tubing crossing over the gfx card so it will be a simple case of cut and refit, leaving the rest of the loop getting a itchy trigger finger.
Well made a start yesterday had a few problems but first some shoddy pics..

Pulling old build apart, im putting a system in there for a friend.


Leak testing.



Now it was at this stage i had a a dumass i had plumbed in the pump the wrong way round so had to swap it.

Wired ready to test.


all up and running....


Final testing


Problems!! i have already mentioned the pump but i have 2 other problems, the front panel inserts (you know what i mean the blanks!!) will not fit where the hard drive hot swap it fitted so i have a 2 x hole in the front, the other problem will be easy for solve but i ran out of time, i cant get the back panel to close due to the amount of cables im trying to hide.

Still to do:
NB is getting toasty so some sort of direct fan needed.
Front cover metal plate to get cut and mount, i might aswell get something custom made.
Replacing side window with darkish colour.
Some sort of lighting (any suggestions welcome).
A photography course of some kind so i can take some decent photos when ive finished.

Ive got to say im impressed at the Primochill ghost compression fittings no leaks, easy to fit and above all cheap.
The Phobya pump (when plumbed in correctly is quiet and is pushing the water around nicely, its seems quite powerfull.
The RADs are not even getting a work out, im able to keep all fans on minimum making the rig silentish apart from the 6950.
Well have sorted one problem today the NB cooling i bought a spotcool antec fan and connected to my fan controller has dropped the NB temps by 30C under load im currently Priming at the moment CPU is sitting at 37C so about 10C cooler than my old case.

Have swapped the push/pull fans from the 120 RAD and im just using a 2200 Yate loon Pulling and have seen no difference.




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