Project: Plasma Cannon

So I was thinking about this today, and the way you have the Pelt set up. Are you not concerned the pelt could lower the temperature of the pipes too much and cause condensation?
So I was thinking about this today, and the way you have the Pelt set up. Are you not concerned the pelt could lower the temperature of the pipes too much and cause condensation?

I don't think the components get hot enough to cause steam to be formed and condense.

Still looks to be an epic build. Awesome work with the bottle opener as well:D
Thanks for all the support guys ;)

So I was thinking about this today, and the way you have the Pelt set up. Are you not concerned the pelt could lower the temperature of the pipes too much and cause condensation?

Good point I am going to have a peltier controller connected that will maintain a set temperature but turning off and on the peltier and varying the voltage going into it. Hopefull that wont allow the water to cool so low that it will develop condensation within the case. Though around the base of the water blocks I am planning to put some closed cell foam to help reduce the chances even more (green marks in sketch). ;)

Excuse my crude drawing :p

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Got some good stuff to show you guys today this project is starting to slowly turn into a computer but first beer anyone? Still makes me smile and works really well too :D. Im drinking this while I type this log :p cheers


So you seen in the last post I showed you where I plan to have the motherboard this time I need to make a motherboard tray. I searched high and low for a tray that I liked but unfortunately didn’t manage to find one so came up with a plan to make one . the technical parts of a tray can be very difficult its not just a bunch of holes in a sheet of material there’s IO ports to worry about and expansion bays that have to be exactly the right size or it won’t fit. So first step cut a piece of material and mark the stand-off points this time I’m using a sheet of 3mm clear frosted Perspex. The corner chuck is taken off to allow room for the lower fan.


If you have had any dealing with pc cases or motherboard you will have so many of these you’re in danger of becoming a hoarder!... so I got a handful of theses and picked out a suitable amount all at the same height.


I ran a few test runs on this material to find a suitable drill size and method of fixing without cracking the plastic. Decided to use a 2.5mm bit but also heat the stand-off with a blow torch (sorry lost the photo) not too hot so it instantly melts the plastic but just enough so when screwed in the heat vastly reduces the chance of cracking or splitting.


All in place (may add the extra middle one if needed) originally i was going to have a mATX board but now I'm planning to go for a full AXT Board but its very tight for room!


Next stage was to make the IO port bay and the expansion slot area so I found this old case I had and decided to use the back plate on it.


Time to drill out those Rivets.


Now you’re all expecting me to take a dermal to this... nope now i have freed the back panel from the case I can easily fit it on my scroll saw.


Its a dream to cut it flys through this really thin aluminium and a very clean cut. Far better then I would have been able to achieve with a mini rotary tool!



I was worried about losing a lot of the strength with this part but it was surprisingly strong



Next stage was to cut a slot in the tray to allow for the slot in expansion cards. Simple 5mm end mill use with plenty of room but fins in the back plate will give the support and this slot is a bit of extra room so no pressure is put on the motherboard tray.




A Test Fit... (This is an old motherboard but is the same size as the one I intend to buy)






Now as I’m using an ATX motherboard I’m going to have to modify the case to allow for the extra gap between graphics cards that most motherboards at the time of this build have.

So a little trim down on the back Panel to allow for the Space you can see the gap I have let for the first graphics card (double space) then a blank the another single with is going the be a double card so may have to modify the back plate on the card also! With such a big case its going to be tight for room inside.




As graphics card are so big and this extra gap I have to take a chuck out of the side panel. Marked out and cut out to allow for up to 12 inch 2nd card



I also had to take a chunk out of the side panel to allow for extra power cables and water cooling pipes


So back to the motherboard cut 3 spacers out so for the bolts holding the tray in place so the tray doesn’t flex.


Now in place and bolted down





Added the test motherboard, a old graphics card and a audio card to represent the position of the 2nd graphics card.



As you may see the board is at a slight angle this is intentional so that the 2nd graphics card has a little extra room


A few little extras in this log removed the lower res as finally the hole saw size that I needed (120mm) arrived and was able to cut this out




Old fan fitted and then back on with the aqua computer aquatube Res. Now you can see the reason for the spaces to allow the hot airflow to escape the case from the lower fan


You may recall the card reader and usb bay from a very early post now its back again! The rear card reader and UBS ports bay need to be done so I removed the rear support beam trimmed the top off as this was a bit over the top and span riveted the bay casing onto the support.


On the back I hammered the back of the snap rivets to give as soon as possible area so I wouldn’t have to fill down one of the lower panels.


Brass Plate fitted and looking not too bad :D



One final thing for this build to get the blue ray play fitted. A lot of builds these days don’t bother with cd/dvd/bluray dives, I have to admit I rarely use mine myself but I have the room in the case and may as well use it ;D

So first step was to cut out some spaces to raise the drive so the bay is flush with the opening.


Next fitted the 4 bolts holding the drive in place it’s nice to find a way that has fixing holes underneath the drive so I don’t have to drill another bunch of holes in the side of the case. Not every drive has theses lucky me





I think I should replace that blue ray cover to a brass plate. its a little out of place even though its nice what do you guys think?

Hope you enjoyed it guys’ cya next time
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This is looking seriously awesome man, nice one :D

The brass plate sounds cool.

By the time this is finished, the hernia cannon may be a more suitable name! :p It already looks really heavy.
First of all, Samaus, I would like to thank you very much.
You have inspired me to set up a proper workshop myself.
I will be getting a workbench and some proper tools next week :)

And about your project, it's simply fantastic.
I love it ( I Like Warhammer as well :D ).

Good luck and looking forward to see it finished :)
Wow... i think this is the most ambitious build i have ever seen, and one of the most awesome designs, i came in thinking it might be a PC with overkill on lighting.

this is truly next level! keep it up. :)
Thanks Guys :D

Yeah, brass plate for sure!

The brass plate sounds cool.

that's settled then I will replace it with a engraved brass plate :cool:

By the time this is finished, the hernia cannon may be a more suitable name! It already looks really heavy.

haha it is get really heavy now. I actually got a nice wooden desk/side cabinet for it to stand on but I'm going to have to strengthen it to prevent it from warping over time due to the weight :p.

I really want to tell you guys what I'm planning to do with the weight of this project but I have to have to wait till the end before I can :rolleyes:

i came in thinking it might be a PC with overkill on lighting.

You haven't seen the lighting system I am using yet. I'm really looking forward to it and hope it will blow some minds :D just hole on 3-4 more build posts and should be easily into that stage.

First of all, Samaus, I would like to thank you very much.
You have inspired me to set up a proper workshop myself.
I will be getting a workbench and some proper tools next week

Excellent! If I was to recommend anything it would be a scroll saw and a pillar drill far more accurate then a hand drill.

spend a little extra on good drill bits and saw blades I went for cheep blades at first and now I would never go back.
Implosiveturnip, let me give you little advice.
Train your imagination.
Whenever you get an idea - DRAW IT !
Finally you will draw something worthy of praise and maybe create another dream case :-)
Drawing is best way to train you creativity ( I think I could fill a book with my pictures of PC parts, lol )
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