Project: Plasma Cannon

Holy ****ing **** its amazing! I have followed this along the way but seeing it there up and running its amazing you deserve all the praise you get for this major props mate.

Edit sorry for the cursing : )
When I saw your first post, back when you were starting the project, I thought to myself, "this is just going to be another over ambitious project by somebody who has no actual understanding for manufacture and design." I couldn't have been more wrong, and i'm glad i kept up with it along the way. Im sure you have minor tasks to finish off but i must give my congratulations now anyway. So congratulations! Well done, and i hope to see it at some exhibitions maybe? :p

Make sure the image hosting doesn't go down, i never want these images to disappear :)
It's just incredible. The GPU backplate is the coolest thing I've ever seen!

The time and effort that you've put into it is just awe inspiring!
Hi All

Thanks for the kind responses really glad you're enjoying the build. Yes I hope to take it to some exhibitions :D

One of the last items to do was the blueray drive plate but I'm a little undecided on the design. So what do you think? from the top down design number 1 , 2, or 3

Looks fantastic. Definitely not one I'll forget any time soon! With regards to the BDD plate, I really like 1, followed by the understatement of 2, and 3 I feel detracts from the overall attention to detail because it feels too branded. It speaks for itself without needing its name on it.
Looks fantastic. Definitely not one I'll forget any time soon! With regards to the BDD plate, I really like 1, followed by the understatement of 2, and 3 I feel detracts from the overall attention to detail because it feels too branded. It speaks for itself without needing its name on it.

I'd go with this too, 1 and then 2.
Id say go with 1 for sure, its subtle and interesting. 2 is a little plain in comparison to the rest of the pc and 3, i would say, detracts from the quality of the rest of it :) It doesnt really need a name tag and i dont really like the font.
Wow, just wow! So many stand out pieces but I really love that GPU back plate. The way the logo is kind of ghosted into it looks amazing!
utterly bonkers!

what an amazing build and looking epic...really look forward to seeing the final pictures.

Plate 2 btw.
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