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i think zorgar has gone to a little extreme in his post. have you actually got a psu on order? i may seem to come off as an asshat but im trying to get you to spend the funds in key areas so it will not need to be spent later.

i wasted a lot of money on my pc before getting it how it is now
there is some good advice from other users in this thread. if it was me, i would take note, and sort the power supply out etc, as I have had a cheap pus fail in the past and it took a lot of my set up with it.

for the sake of some ££ now, could save you a lot of ££££££ in the long run
Ok, so now i dont know what im doing, I sleeved the power supply becouse i didnt want to see different colours, you would know this if you read my other thread of when i got the machine, secondly, you are completly wrong about the pump, i have already tested it and it goes in through the reservoir and out the top, you doubt that i can fix anything, you dont even know me! just becouse of a couple of pictures you think you can judge me, I already know that i have to get a new PSU and graphics card, but yet people keep on saying the same thing, seriously, might aswell call yourself a sheep if you are going to say what another has said, once again the amazing people of overclockers have done it again, I came here to simple show a project that was under way, no one knows what I have planned, what im going to buy, what im going to do, As for "you clearly have to get that pc destroyed" what the hell is that...., totally pathetic, If you dont like what you see then dont comment and go somewhere else, simple, there are plenty of other threads on this forum, also i love the comment of "take it outside and burn it"...... And that would get me where exactly, machinless, great idea...

That PSU will destroy your PC. It is cheaply made so when it packs in, it will surge and destroy your amazing 5ghz CPU.

I wouldn't use that PSU on an i3 while stock, never mind an i5 2500k.

So, when it does go BOOM, it will destroy your PC and maybe even take more with it!

That PSU isn't 650w, you will be lucky to get 400w from it.

Those PSU's might look good and be very cheap but the price of a new CPU, Motherboard, Hard-Drive, GPU or RAM will then tell you. Simply put, you have bought a load of rubbish.

So please stop. NOW. Go on the OCUK website and ORDER A NEW PSU.

I'm just trying to help you, not flame you.

At the end of the day, Im trying to save you Money.
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Trying to help by making unnecessary and OTT comments? Many people do cable sleeving it's purely aesthetics only
he has been suggested to buy a psu many times now. and has been given suggestions on what to buy

i think everyone should leave him be now, i think he is getting a new psu soon, though id of done it first but he has said he is getting one.

best just leave it at that

Ok, i think i know what im going to get, for the PSU I think i might get the OCZ ZX850w, due to the fact that it is fully modular - this means that i can get white cables for it and also it is a very good make.
For the graphics card, I dont know yet, people have given some good examples, I want somthing that can be easily water cooled and also is very good for performance.
If watercooling your GPU make sure you get a reference PCB to ensure your water block fits.

Saves a few £££ also as no fancy aircooling is required as you will be stripping this from the GPU in any case ;)
Ok, i think i know what im going to get, for the PSU I think i might get the OCZ ZX850w, due to the fact that it is fully modular - this means that i can get white cables for it and also it is a very good make.
For the graphics card, I dont know yet, people have given some good examples, I want somthing that can be easily water cooled and also is very good for performance.

OCZ a very good make? Maybe a few years ago, but I personally wouldn't go anywhere near OCZ now.

This would be a better alternative. It is also fully modular.

1 x Seasonic X-Series 850w '80 Plus Gold' Modular Power Supply £139.98
Total : £150.48 (includes shipping : £8.75).

Not sure what you mean with the white cables? If you want sleeved cables you do it yourself, use extensions or buy a Corsair PSU and a Corsair sleeved cable kit.

As for graphics card, the 7970/7950 seem to be the best price/performance at the moment. You'll also want to buy a reference card as the water blocks for these are more available than say the 7970 Lightning block which is hard to find now.
might i suggest the seasonic x850 instead?

i have one myself, its the same price but made by the gods of psu's.
also the fan on it doesnt spin at all until under heavy load meaning that it is silent pretty much all the time. when under heavy load you cant hear the fan anyway

beaten to it haha
Ok then, I have looked at the seasonic PSUs before, they are also really good, I also found out that you can use the corsair cable kits with them, so that would save time instead of braiding, I will look into it, as for the graphics card, i might buy one of OVUK's ready made cards, I might go for one of these - ready made
Have you experimented with different layout options for your radiators?
By the looks of it you could fit the 240 rad in the top and maybe the 120 in the bottom of the case?
Monstermoshi, I have been placing the radiators in different places, im going to keep the 240 at the front becouse it does not fit anywhere else in the case, due to the two 120mm EK fans the radiator hits the RAM, so i cannot have the 240 on the roof of the case, as for the 120mm radiator, i have put it at the back of the case as suggested, I have to have the ports at the top becouse when i turned the radiator 180 degrees the ports hit the top of the graphics card slots in the back of the case, I will try and get some pictures, I have also replaced the top 240mm fan with two 120mm fans, i think that the single large fan was not producing enough air flow.
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